Thursday, August 14, 2008


I see where 'Times Online' has an article saying that eating lots of fruits and vegetables does not boost chances of beating breast cancer . Who ever said that lots of fruit and vegetables heals cancer? Then I for one would have been healed long ago . Fruit and especially green vegetables helps prevent disease as it keeps your body alkaline so having more of that in your diet helps prevent these diseases from taking hold but lots of things are in play here, genes, fruits without pesticide, stress, and on and on.

I also came across another article asking that same question I ask all the time.....and he obviously thinks like i do so here is some of it.....

"How come we hear so little about the ill effects of these junk fast food ? Yeah I know, they told you to avoid fried food. But how come most people don't pay attention?
Here is why... the trillions of dollars worth food industry employs some of the most brilliant minds to study consumer psychology and what makes you buy. The advertisements, celebrity endorsements, discounts, movies that feature a particular product etc are all designed to make you do one thing: Buy their burgers/chicken/ whatever else. Believe me when I say this, these food companies and their marketing people know about hypnosis and compounding and neuro linguistic programming. They know how to show you the same advert over and over and over again to program it inside of your brain. So the next time you feel hungry in a shopping mall, you aren't going to go to the little shop selling fresh fruits and juices, you are going to go join the queue at McDonald's. It just makes "perfect sense" at the time doesn't it? Who wants a banana anyway?
Here is a little scarier side to this all...
The simplest rule of marketing is this: Find more buyers, sell them more products, make them buy more often.
Got that?
More buyers, more products, more often!
Good. Now lets play a game: pretend that you are a board member of a large pharmaceutical company. When it is time to allocate funds for research and development, following the rules of marketing, for which area would you allocate more funds? Drugs that you need to take once and it cures you forever? Or drugs that you need to regularly take to keep you healthy ? THINK!
Here is the answer: Over 80% of all medical research worldwide is done on maintenance drugs (drugs that treat the symptom of a disease rather than cure the disease itself).
Interesting isn't it?
Now any chance you are beginning to get a hunch about who else benefits from this massive bombardment of marketing messages of the food industry? I guess I'll leave it to you to figure out." - Shafin de Zane CHT,MH,MNLP.

Recently on the' Today show' they had east meets west on medicine and the western doctors were all saying the eastern herbs and acupuncture etc. have not been proven to help diseases, but there is a woman in SAN FRANCISCO who had ovarian cancer saying that after she cut her cancer out and had her chemotherapy she immediately started her eastern herbs, her meditation and her tai chi plus changed her way of eating etc. to heal mind body and soul. She said her doctors kept saying they were curing the cancer no one said they wanted to heal her body. 11 years later she is fine and fabulous. Isn`t she proving that something is working and east (alternative) can meet west (surgery and chemicals) successfully?
In other words focus on mind body and soul after surgery .......
Why do doctors knock things they don`t understand when they know they only deal with symptoms and not root cause ?
Is it going to change anytime soon ?
I think not ,as most people tell me IF A DOCTOR SAYS IT, I BELIEVE IT!
And the doctors not telling u to eat bananas they telling u to take the medication ....RIGHT?
As Shafin said .....THINK !

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