Thursday, August 28, 2008

'We are powerful beyond measure'

Samia Yusuf Omar from Somalia.... brings the story home of how much we need to do for what we would call the underprivileged of this world....She came to run in the Olympics and that she did in her baggy t-shirt and tights, she also had a compatriot in the 5000 metres....dead last also............ Two people were sent to the Olympics, 2 people who want to run but came last in their events because they have no where to train and no nutrition.
Jamaica could send contingents as large as the USA if we could tap into all those diving for spare change at RICK`S CAFE in NEGRIL, and running from police and gunmen in the inner cities. Are they our next generation of hurdlers ?
The ones we see performing at the Olympics are the ones that got lucky, they went through the school system. How many do we have that have never gone near a school that could be the next Asafa Powell or Usain Bolt?......How many countries are in a similar position ?
In our great moment of celebration and gold medals lets think of Somalia and all those there who if the country hadn`t been ravaged by war would have taken back even one bronze or would have been in the field and not arrived a minute after the race is finished...........
Then we have the Caribbean celebrating, our win is their win . In the market in Barbados a friend told me that they were talking about a Barbadian girl who came to train in Jamaica but left and went home because she said the training was too hard......everyone in the market was cussing and saying if she thought she went to party and not to train ?
We all want the gold but how many are prepared to sacrifice for it. If we heard Usain and Asafa`s training schedule a lot of us couldn`t take it, yet we want the money and the glory.
Can we realize that this dream can live on indefinitely ? We have several young people ready to go.......... And others being born as i write this. As said in that quote always credited to Nelson Mandela but really belongs to Marianne Williamson,
" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure ".....We are!

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