As I`ve gotten older, I`ve become acutely aware that what we plant we certainly do reap and I ask my young friends to be ever so careful as they go about making their choices in life, always choose to plant good seeds no matter how self-sacrificial the choice may seem to you at the time, leave whatever the problem is to the universe.......the Father always knows better than you how to deal with it, as if we do plant evil, when it comes back sometimes it's a bitter pill to swallow, and I don`t know if it's because time is flying by faster than ever but it seems that what we sow comes back to us in record time these days.....I like to say it comes back by Concord!
My youngest son ( the raw food chef) did a wellness show on the weekend and he had a ball and was a great hit giving out his cards and talking about his chips and cookies. Well after the show he advised me that so and so (big name in health food here in Jamaica) told him that he was too kind and that he must not be so kind as he will be used and discarded.
I said "Why would he say that?"
He said "Because I was giving people recipes and telling them how I make my things and how to eat what's good for them.....and he said I musn`t do that I must charge for it."
Of course you know I told him "Continue being a giver as it is only in giving will it be returned to you blessed."
I don`t think anybody he was talking to had dehydrators at home, I don`t think anybody was rushing off to make walnut balls as 'live food' is so preparation-intensive that all the people asking were just thrilled to be talking to a 19 year old that obviously has a passion for what he is doing and is good at if he helped one person eat better he achieved something !
A question I want to ask though is why do so many people in the wellness industry look so unkempt? Not because you are focusing on what you put inside your body mean that you should ignore the outside - after all aren't good grooming habits a part of good health?.....Apart from Peter , looking at many of the people at this fair did not make you feel to eat healthily ..... shouldn`t we glow so we can lead people to health ?
A quick warning to all the young people that love COKE, as in COCA COLA.......Just want to inform you that COKE ZERO is being pulled off the shelves by the Venezuelan Government due to the fact that they say its unhealthy for their citizens...hear that Jamaica!
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