Monday, May 12, 2008


I went to my first CANCER SOCIETY function yesterday evening. "Relay for life" is June 14th and it's their big fund raising event. This group has been working tirelessly for years to stamp out cancer and support all of us that are going through the fight.............I have taken my time in writing this blog as i in no way want this to be taken in the wrong way as they are the greatest group of volunteers, without them a lot of cancer patients would not have survived. This group of volunteers never say die, but the vibe i got was that this organization needs to go to the next level....... Cancer is not a mystery anymore and although we know genes play a big part, food also plays a major role .
When i left hospital in 2006 i was told i could eat anything i wanted......That is not true as i have come to realize and prove.
Most of us at the function although survivors , need to keep on surviving. At least 3 people that i met there are like me , multiple survivors .......We are in remission, not cured......So we need to be put on the right path and not live believing that we can eat anything we like once our immune systems are compromised. I was therefore feeling very uncomfortable when i realized what was being served ......... I have learnt the hard way that sugared fruit drinks is a NO NO, and stuffed fried chicken wings, fried fish and JERK PORK....... IS DEFINITELY NOT THE WAY TO GO. All around me i heard guests saying how hard it is to eat right so shouldn`t there be reinforcement from the Cancer Society that since food is a part of our problem at the very least, we should eat properly at their functions......Just wondering?
No one knows more than me how hard it is.......but slipping once in a while when we are eating right is certainly better than eating wrong all the time and every now and then eating right.
Now that we know more , i think all of us that have done the work and are reaping the rewards need to chip in and help spread the message ....

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