Wednesday, May 21, 2008


THE QUESTION ASKED....WHAT DO U DO WHEN 5 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE LOST THEIR HOMES?........Question asked by a journalist reporting on the earthquake in story showed men in a field with bricks building temporary homes. There is your answer sir......they are not waiting or using trailers 6 mths to a year after the event they have started building one week later.....
In fact have New Orleans thousands gotten homes yet if they weren`t able to build them for themselves? I know Oprah and Brad Pitt built some but has the government built any yet? Trying to remember?????

Saw Randy Pausch making every moment count giving the commencement speech at Carnegie it!
He now looks frail, seems weaker .......In fact listening to him i think his time is coming up, going in and out of hospital is always a sure sign......Anyway Randy is showing how to die with your boots on.....Through his rasping he said his tumours had started growing back because he can`t have chemo etc. anymore as he had kidney and heart failure due to the treatment.......I wonder what caused his heart and kidney to fail? Could it be all those chemicals going into his body ? Just thinking.........
I went on a website recently that says to the T what i feel about cancer and the treatment of cancer, PLEASE READ

A FRIEND OF MINE JUST E-MAILED ME TO SAY A FRIEND HAS DIED .....AND HOW AWFUL IT WAS. How awful can it be to lie down in your bed and die after suffering for 2 years? Isn`t that a relief? That's not awful !
Why do we associate death with that word awful. If they didn`t hold u up and shoot u or slit your throat,and u didn`t meet an accident where your parts are splattered across the road...... THERE IS nothing awful about it....In fact death should be looked on as a transition to someplace wonderful , we might have a better time where we are going than hanging around here with a body that left us some time ago !
Has anybody noticed how many people are making the 100 like they making 70........Please care what you have so u don`t lose it and can use it at 120 which is obviously soon to be the new 70 !

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