Sunday, May 25, 2008


What a preckeh with Prime Minister Golding and his comments on gays .......I see someone wrote in the gleaner asking how is he going to know them as they usually are not" holding hands walking down the street." I need to tell him some are married men with children so he wouldn`t know if he has any in his cabinet or not......
This sort of thinking is why so many gays are still closeted, and unless he checks certain areas late at night he will never know who is who. He might be very surprised to see who is picking up the young boys off the streets in their luxury cars before going home to wifey........
Then on top of Mr. Golding the eccentric Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has told all gays to leave the country or be beheaded........Have Mercy!
Are we back to the days of the barbarians? It is truly frightening and all this is going to do is drive gays deeper underground and cause more suicides among young people.
Yesterday I was in an argument with a friend who thought George Michael appearing on American Idol was the worst thing that ever happened as why would they have this "men" on the show...excuse me? He was sensational on the show, and what does singing have to do with who he sleeps with? The ignorance comes out all sides........If we don`t understand something why hate?
What happened to our men in this country that built up this hate in them? Especially, since most men u talk to, put 2 women getting it on as their #1 sexual fantasy. Why the double standard? I just don`t understand it...Why would i want to hurt u because u sleep with the same sex. What does that have to do with me?
A lot of the young people get their homophobia directly from their music. The "boom boom bye bye" craze is still alive and well here in Jamaica.
A gay person's life is already difficult....... Just imagine pretending to be something u r not all your life. Most of them couldn`t be anything else no matter how hard they try.
Let's not judge and let's pray that NO one will be beheaded as, what a choice to make .......YOUR COUNTRY OR YOUR LIFE...........

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