Friday, May 30, 2008


Lord Chesterfield

I have found in life that we tend to hold on to things we KNOW need to CHANGE. Why are we so scared of that word? CHANGE.
Spiritually we would say when u release whatever u r holding on to, all good things happen but as a friend of mine said to me yesterday "we say God take it but after we give it to him we still trying to help him behind the scenes "
How true is that?
We claim we have released it to a higher power yet we don`t, we know we haven`t, we feel it, but we pretend we have and carry on wondering aloud why is nothing happening.
Releasing something gives us the most freeing feeling, u will actually feel light, try it. Just release an issue u r struggling with say "Father u take this , this is bigger than me"
And really let it go don`t give it another thought and if it flickers in your mind just say to yourself i've already placed this in the father's hands i am not taking it on.....
It will be dealt with. Problem is how it will be dealt with might not be what u wanted but trust me it will be dealt with in the right way whether u agree with it or not.
Have faith, lighten your load, see only good and u will be surprised how easy life gets.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


What a preckeh with Prime Minister Golding and his comments on gays .......I see someone wrote in the gleaner asking how is he going to know them as they usually are not" holding hands walking down the street." I need to tell him some are married men with children so he wouldn`t know if he has any in his cabinet or not......
This sort of thinking is why so many gays are still closeted, and unless he checks certain areas late at night he will never know who is who. He might be very surprised to see who is picking up the young boys off the streets in their luxury cars before going home to wifey........
Then on top of Mr. Golding the eccentric Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has told all gays to leave the country or be beheaded........Have Mercy!
Are we back to the days of the barbarians? It is truly frightening and all this is going to do is drive gays deeper underground and cause more suicides among young people.
Yesterday I was in an argument with a friend who thought George Michael appearing on American Idol was the worst thing that ever happened as why would they have this "men" on the show...excuse me? He was sensational on the show, and what does singing have to do with who he sleeps with? The ignorance comes out all sides........If we don`t understand something why hate?
What happened to our men in this country that built up this hate in them? Especially, since most men u talk to, put 2 women getting it on as their #1 sexual fantasy. Why the double standard? I just don`t understand it...Why would i want to hurt u because u sleep with the same sex. What does that have to do with me?
A lot of the young people get their homophobia directly from their music. The "boom boom bye bye" craze is still alive and well here in Jamaica.
A gay person's life is already difficult....... Just imagine pretending to be something u r not all your life. Most of them couldn`t be anything else no matter how hard they try.
Let's not judge and let's pray that NO one will be beheaded as, what a choice to make .......YOUR COUNTRY OR YOUR LIFE...........

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Tell me something is it only me who remember Bin Laden saying he is going to bring America to financial ruin.....and is it a coincidence that he comes from Saudi Arabia?
Just wondering?
Does anybody realize what a long , hot, summer this is going to be ? They have already started demonstrating in France.
I love the fact that BRAZIL, RUSSIA, INDIA and CHINA have decided to go off on their own, they are saying no one can tell them that their people can`t eat better food or can`t get richer so the heads of these countries met in Russia last week.
Good for them.
The most oil reserves are in Iran. Small wonder Bush has been sniffing at them like a dog in heat.........We don`t need McCain as President as if we continue these policies America will be totally isolated.......And that makes us in Jamaica what? We all know if America sneezes we 'catch cold'.............We really need a calm voice in America right now.
Talking to Hamas , Ahmadinejad and Castro are the best ideas i have heard in a long time. Even the little high-heeled North Korean President needs to be spoken to. We can`t reach anywhere with everybody going their separate ways and not talking........
We are all different cultures and we need to learn more about each other instead of this stand-off that's currently ruining the world.
All actions have long term effects. Who would have thought that the idiot Bush would still be in Iraq going into 6 years.....And i`m sorry no one can tell me that America isn`t broke because of that war, that would put any country into recession!
My European friends are not even sorry for me and my high gas prices as they been paying shocking prices for years Spain - $6:78 per gallon , Germany- $8:36, Netherlands -$9:39 just 3 to give u an idea of what they face daily.
We have nothing to complain about , we are so spoilt. We need to get rid of our American ways and start conserving, that's what we need to do.
No wonder France is on fire this morning they can`t take a gas hike. If America is heading to $5 what are they heading to $12?
By the way i hope all of u know that when Bush went to beg the King of Saudi Arabia to ease him up, their gas was 64 CENTS per gallon.
It's 45 CENTS per gallon this morning in Saudi Arabia.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


THE QUESTION ASKED....WHAT DO U DO WHEN 5 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE LOST THEIR HOMES?........Question asked by a journalist reporting on the earthquake in story showed men in a field with bricks building temporary homes. There is your answer sir......they are not waiting or using trailers 6 mths to a year after the event they have started building one week later.....
In fact have New Orleans thousands gotten homes yet if they weren`t able to build them for themselves? I know Oprah and Brad Pitt built some but has the government built any yet? Trying to remember?????

Saw Randy Pausch making every moment count giving the commencement speech at Carnegie it!
He now looks frail, seems weaker .......In fact listening to him i think his time is coming up, going in and out of hospital is always a sure sign......Anyway Randy is showing how to die with your boots on.....Through his rasping he said his tumours had started growing back because he can`t have chemo etc. anymore as he had kidney and heart failure due to the treatment.......I wonder what caused his heart and kidney to fail? Could it be all those chemicals going into his body ? Just thinking.........
I went on a website recently that says to the T what i feel about cancer and the treatment of cancer, PLEASE READ

A FRIEND OF MINE JUST E-MAILED ME TO SAY A FRIEND HAS DIED .....AND HOW AWFUL IT WAS. How awful can it be to lie down in your bed and die after suffering for 2 years? Isn`t that a relief? That's not awful !
Why do we associate death with that word awful. If they didn`t hold u up and shoot u or slit your throat,and u didn`t meet an accident where your parts are splattered across the road...... THERE IS nothing awful about it....In fact death should be looked on as a transition to someplace wonderful , we might have a better time where we are going than hanging around here with a body that left us some time ago !
Has anybody noticed how many people are making the 100 like they making 70........Please care what you have so u don`t lose it and can use it at 120 which is obviously soon to be the new 70 !

Saturday, May 17, 2008


The pain is palpable, 900 children buried alive at one school in China. All the schools have tumbled. Why would anybody, children especially deserve to die like that? Can u imagine knocking or calling out as the days pass, Is it not unimaginable ?
U send your children to school, u expect them to come home......u go to work, u expect to go home at the end of the day..........u expect to have dinner together and discuss your day as a family . Nothing prepares you to sit at the school gate and wait for your child to be dug out 5 days after an earthquake, or dig him or her out yourself....AND THEN TO LEARN THE SCHOOL WAS NOT BUILT PROPERLY.....
How often have u heard 'in the middle of life we are in death'. China is experiencing that now........THE OLYMPICS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. Who could have imagined they would experience this tragedy right before.
Think about it and be prepared. A gentleman told me the other day that we must always be prepared as when his wife was 38,they went to their bed and at 5am he woke and saw her gasping for breath, he said to her lets go to the hospital, she got up , put her clothes on ,walked to the car and by the time they reached the hospital 20 mins away they pronounced her dead on arrival.....They had 4 children.
He was not prepared.
All those tornadoes that we are seeing weekly in the united states, shouldn`t they learn by now that their houses need to be built with steel? Building your house out of dry wall is not being prepared......
Another saying i have always heard "we see today, we don`t see tomorrow ".........I think that's one thing we cancer patients KNOW FOR we take nothing for granted, we enjoy, we forgive, we laugh, we cry, we love, we live.
We KNOW that in the midst of life we are in death, we KNOW we might not see tomorrow,so we give thanks as we learn the lesson 'out of every evil cometh good'.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Today i was hearing a story about someone whose father died and left him a working farm. His little brother started fighting him for it so he let him have it instead of fighting .....Usually i would agree with the person telling me that he had taken the high road....... Now i completely disagree - why? I went through it ...
IF your father dies and leaves you a business there is a reason for it. He obviously saw something in you and felt you would continue this business that he had spent his life building.
It is not the high road to give in to someone who u know cannot manage,all they will do is run it into the ground as want all lose all. It's better u hold on to what's yours continue to work it,so everyone will be better off in the long run......
I was an adoption so i felt that my mother had all right to her husband's business.After my father died,her brothers persuaded her that she was getting older and Ken`s head must have 'been knocked' why he left me his business and everything that went along with it.They told her she had no guarantee that i would be there for her ,they felt i would take the money and run,so.....
I sat back and did nothing when i found out that she had signed my name and sold the business for little and nothing, because i told myself i was an adoption therefore not entitled.....wrong move!
The person who they thought would have run out on her mother ended up looking after her, having her live with me till she died at 83, and did so on far less than i would have had if i had kept my fathers business going.
Always trust the process.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I understand that that some of u want to know about my cleanse, how it went?
Well it went very well...........the roughest part was the 24 hour fast ...... Only water.
As i told u i fasted from Saturday 6pm and ended Sunday 6pm.....By 3pm sunday i was ready to eat my shoes...i could barely hold out, at 10 to 6 i started eating my mangoes (u have to break the fast with fruits) and i was great after that....I am a fruit goddess so it was an easy cleanse for me..... After 5 days though it dawned on me that since i had no colon my little intestines should be clean, so i got in touch with the people who had organized the cleanse and they said 5 days was enough for me........
On Monday i had such a headache ,which is something i don`t have ...I said, girl u have toxins coming out......AND PROCEEDED TO ENJOY MY CLEANSE......
Because i try to eat only fruit and vegetables , it was easier for me than most as when i logged onto the website that they had so that we could support each other during the cleanse , people were literally going crazy was too funny...... on the other hand u had people who are raw foodists making smoothies with 8 bananas......whats that? banana cream?????
U also had to exercise if u wanted to lose weight ,if u wanted to heal u lie in your bed and took it easy,i mildly exercised, push ups, squats ,situps on my ball and stretches with my band, and when i say mild i mean mild 10 push ups 10 sit ups 10 squats etc. some mornings after the 10 push ups it was 5 of everything else with just some stretches, and i lost 4 lbs in 5 days suppose i was exercising ?
The most important thing i learnt is that i need to know proper food combining.....Fruit and vegetables musn`t be eaten together as one is a builder and one is a cleanser guess which is which? So i`m now having something new to learn with my food scientist.....I knew that u mustn`t eat fruit after food u must eat it before due to the fact that it digests quicker so it will ferment behind the food,i now have to learn what goes with what,and why?
Maybe i should go to school and learn the science of food......?

Monday, May 12, 2008


I went to my first CANCER SOCIETY function yesterday evening. "Relay for life" is June 14th and it's their big fund raising event. This group has been working tirelessly for years to stamp out cancer and support all of us that are going through the fight.............I have taken my time in writing this blog as i in no way want this to be taken in the wrong way as they are the greatest group of volunteers, without them a lot of cancer patients would not have survived. This group of volunteers never say die, but the vibe i got was that this organization needs to go to the next level....... Cancer is not a mystery anymore and although we know genes play a big part, food also plays a major role .
When i left hospital in 2006 i was told i could eat anything i wanted......That is not true as i have come to realize and prove.
Most of us at the function although survivors , need to keep on surviving. At least 3 people that i met there are like me , multiple survivors .......We are in remission, not cured......So we need to be put on the right path and not live believing that we can eat anything we like once our immune systems are compromised. I was therefore feeling very uncomfortable when i realized what was being served ......... I have learnt the hard way that sugared fruit drinks is a NO NO, and stuffed fried chicken wings, fried fish and JERK PORK....... IS DEFINITELY NOT THE WAY TO GO. All around me i heard guests saying how hard it is to eat right so shouldn`t there be reinforcement from the Cancer Society that since food is a part of our problem at the very least, we should eat properly at their functions......Just wondering?
No one knows more than me how hard it is.......but slipping once in a while when we are eating right is certainly better than eating wrong all the time and every now and then eating right.
Now that we know more , i think all of us that have done the work and are reaping the rewards need to chip in and help spread the message ....

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The 10 day cleanse

I have been having a real bad time with stomach soreness and feeling sluggish and now i`m into my cleanse i have a rash on my face, so i`m paying dearly for my tastebuds enjoyment or was it enjoyable?
The cleanse is actually quite enjoyable as i eat fruit and vegetables all day and anything that allows me to eat 3 east indian mangoes a day and not gain weight u know i love.
Well i fasted from 6pm saturday to 6pm sunday, by yesterday i had major headaches but since going to the bathroom i can`t tell u how clean i feel....It can only get better lots of water, fruit and vegetables, no nuts, no avocados etc. for 10 days. Let's see how it goes.
This cleanse has also taught me that one can eat fruit all day and not feel hungry, u just have to eat enough.
Some of the raw food teachers say u have to eat 11 lbs of fruit and vegetable per day to get the proper nutrients.
Did i feel as if i was missing anything when i messed up? Tell the truth no. I`m sorry i didn`t eat the ox-tail though:)
I also was way over craving food that i used to eat ,so it was pure idleness, good company, therefore joining in the fun when i am the one with the compromised immune system and they are very healthy.
I feel so good and look so good when i eat live food and trust me the way my raw chef son (who by the way has turned a star ) does it , see Peter Principle , it is certainly not boring so why did i slide ? I think now that i can really see the difference between how i react to processed food vs natural food,........ Maybe i won`t slip again , but, if i do, i`m not going to beat myself up. Life is too short. Yes i made a mistake, tough, lets find the solution and move on.........
One of the solutions.......I finally bought the book RAW SECRETS by Frederic Patraude, SO I`M SERIOUS THIS TIME ....No tempting fate!
I have to say to ECKHART TOLLE I was in the present through EVERY bad meal..therefore i thoroughly enjoyed myself........

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Eating what's good for u has to be the most difficult thing in the world, especially when the world is geared for u to eat foods that make you unhealthy so the drug companies can then "pill" u to death.
I had the pleasure of my stepsons and their wives coming to visit for a week. What a lesson in discipline that was........OX- TAIL, JERK PORK , JERK SAUSAGE, FISH AT HELLSHIRE MY MOUTH WATERED ALL MY TASTE BUDS WENT INTO OVERDRIVE AND I SUCCUMBED
Fish at hellshire meant i then went next to lobster with all kinds of grease running all over it (God knows what) ........I have always asked why do we eat what we KNOW will kill us?????
The answer is IT'S SO SWEET that's why.....
Watching one of my 'sons' eat his oxtail and leaving the bones i wanted to grab it out of his plate .....I didn`t, but that was very difficult..........
The lesson learnt is that raw food has really cleansed and healed me as i am now so sick I KNOW I`LL NEVER WALK THIS WAY AGAIN............
I am going on a 10 day cleanse and next time anybody comes I will not be so weak as it really was not worth it. It's much nicer to feel good. I have a headache, i feel sluggish, i feel bloated and my stomach is sore..........
When i eat my live food i feel light, i have energy and no aches and pains of any sort..........
I need to feel that again - 10 days to go.....I don`t think it will be that bad as 2 days bad can`t have set me that far back or has it?
I listened to that well known raw food guy Roger Haeske this morning on a teleconference say that people feel they can`t socialize and enjoy eating in restaurants if they don`t succumb and we must put our mind on other things instead of the smells and look of the food....
For example enjoy the company and have some stimulating conversation.....Didn`t i always say THE MIND IS EVERYTHING.