You might not remember this, but back in 1971, President Richard M. Nixon officially 'declared war on cancer' when he signed into law the National Cancer Act.
His mission was to — once and for all — find a cure for this deadly disease.
Well, here we are, nearly forty years later. And unfortunately, the scientific community is really no closer to a cure than they were when President Nixon put his pen to paper and signed that bill into law.
And notice that any way legislators can block alternative medicine they do. My holistic practitioner told me in 2006 when my last bout with cancer was raging and I was trying to decide what to do "cancer isn`t a myth anymore" I believe they know just what to do but its not profitable for them to do it.
Here's the facts of where we are today . . .
According to the United States National Cancer Institute, in the U.S. alone:
* More than 1.2 million Americans develop cancer every year
* A new cancer is diagnosed every 30 seconds
* One in two men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime
* One in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime
* Roughly 8,000 children will be diagnosed with cancer this year
* Cancer is the #1 cause of death in children between the ages of 1 and 14
* Over 565,000 Americans die from cancer every year
* Cancer could easily become the leading cause of death by the year 2010
I was absolutely astounded when I read those statistics.I thought they said that they were finally controlling cancer and things like breast cancer was well under way to being controlled ?
What's happened in the last 37 years that over half a million people still die from cancer every single year ?
You can help prevent this statistic from growing by limiting the amount of high-fructose corn syrup or other sweeteners in your diet, especially your children's diets. OTHER THINGS TO DO ARE:
Limit processed foods.
Avoid foods that contain added sugar.
Choose fresh fruit rather than fruit juice or fruit-flavored drinks. Even 100 percent fruit juice has a high concentration of sugar.
Go Raw.
Go Vegan.
Don't get your nourishment out of a box.
Don't get your fix out of a bag.
Don't expect healthy food from a drive-thru window.
Do not drink soda.
Don't allow sweetened beverages to replace healthy milk, especially for children.
Prevent don`t repent!
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