Findings from a new study suggest that the deaths of one million men and perhaps half a million women could be prevented over the course of a decade just by eating less red and processed meats, according to estimates prepared by Dr. Barry Popkin, who wrote an editorial accompanying the study that followed more than 500,000 individuals between the ages of 50 to 71 over a 10 year period.
A recent NY Times article reports "To prevent premature deaths related to red and processed meats, Dr. Popkin suggested in an interview that people should eat a hamburger only once or twice a week instead of every day, a small steak once a week instead of every other day, and a hot dog every month and a half instead of once a week". I THINK ALL OF THE RED MEAT EATING SHOULD BE ONCE A MONTH AS A TREAT, AND PROCESSED MEATS NEVER because if you try and eat properly for the whole month your taste buds will start changing.
The NY Times article also states "In place of red meat, non-vegetarians might consider poultry and fish. In the study, the largest consumers of “white” meat from poultry and fish had a slight survival advantage. Likewise, those who ate the most fruits and vegetables also tended to live longer".
People tell me all the while they don`t know what to eat while chomping on white flour crackers for "gas" and drinking their sugar loaded sodas.....if you are doing this in 2009 GOD HELP YOU......The "gas" comes from your digestive system not being able to digest your food because of what you`ve been putting in it.I did a blog on digestive enzymes - we all need them and if we are not making enough we need to supplement. White flour crackers can`t help.....and you didn`t get "gas" because you're hungry or "didn`t have hot tea this morning".
A member of my staff when asked why her skin was breaking out so severely told me "I guess it's the soda,"- Wow!
It makes you want to give up really.......but I'm plodding on - here are some things you should try and have in your diet according to information from AOL health.
Mushrooms - my raw food people don`t want us eating fungi but it seems to be very good for your immune system and I always say everything in moderation enjoy
Flaxseed oil - flaxseed is one of the only plant sources of omega3 but the flaxseed themselves have the added benefit of fiber. The Natural Cancer Institute says they also have preventative cancer properties .
Figs - 6 dried figs have 774 mg. of potassium
Lychee - they have very high polyphenols(they work actively in our bodies to prevent disease)
Papaya - has antioxidants which are cancer-fighting food components and the enzyme papain that helps us digest proteins.
Kale - my favourite, it has the highest antioxidant rating of any vegetable and is ridiculously low in calories...... another cancer fighter because of a substance called indoles and it's loaded with bone-building vitamin K.
Sardines - another of my favourites... It's the best kept secret in the world ....I remember a holistic practitioner telling me years ago that it's the most complete food ....I don`t know how true that is but sardines with garlic, onions and pepper thrown over brown rice cooked with millet can`t be beat.It's a cheap, easily available source of protein and rich in omega 3.
Blueberries - this is a superfood - no joke about it, it has anti-aging and cholesterol lowering properties.
Green Tea is a superstar beverage, fights against cancer and aids weight loss.
Apples -loaded with pectin.Red Delicious has the most antioxidant value,it also has nutrients that helps support strong and healthy bones.
Coconut oil - it has the healthy saturated fat called MCT medium chain trigllyecerides.It also contains lauric acid, a natural antiviral.
Guava -those of us in Jamaica will be happy to know this has 5 times the vitamin C of oranges in addition to daily fiber benefits.
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