There is no "THE Economy" only "YOUR Economy"......just like the swine flu, please make sure you arm yourself with information on Your Economy and don`t get it all from Wolf Blizter and Anderson Cooper......
We are not ALL going to drown in debt..nobody in their right mind should have bought a house without paying down something. How can that work? Common sense should have told them that..We women can`t have 3 sizes of clothes with tags still on them hanging in our closets waiting on our weight to magically disappear.Credit cards weren`t made for that,and I`m sorry its obscene for one pair of shoes to cost US$750...a Hermes Berkin bag cost US$5000 and there is a waiting list for it.I know we get what we pay for and in my day cheap was made in Brazil,now it's made in is cheap ....but expensive does not have to mean ridiculous!
This world needed to realign a long time ago. How can there be people who have 3 and 4 homes fully staffed, a boat and a plane, carrying Hermes bags in every colour driving Bentley's`s and Maserati's`s while right in the Great USA people starve and live without running water and not by choice!
It has never made sense to me...I watch Warren Buffet driving his older model car, living in the same house he has always lived in for years, and Wolfe remarking on it as if it's so strange.... why? Because many people with quarter of Buffet's money certainly live very different from him.
You can`t take it with you! I have always thought money was to make you comfortable while you help others..seems as if I was wrong!
I have sat and watched while people get caught up in the drama of life so they end up pleading poverty....all these 'get rich quick' schemes have made a lot of people who thought they would never have to work again, have to be going out now looking work and not finding any.....age, baby, age, this is a youth run boomers your boom is over!
I think that all this seeking of money and worry over the economy is because we think money will make us happy.
Eckart Tolle says " Don`t seek happiness.If you seek it, you wont find it, because seeking is the antithesis of happiness. Happiness is ever elusive, but freedom from unhappiness is attainable now, by facing what is, rather than making up stories about it."
We just have to face life head on,we can`t run away from it,being depressed because the bank is coming for the house - this makes no sense. Live in the now and do something about it ...Our deepest unhappiness comes from our perception of what's happening so don`t listen to all the "bad news"the only news is your news,and it's always good,because you have the power to make it so.
Eckart also says "The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it....Instead of making up stories,stay with the facts.For example,"I`m ruined" is a story.It limits you and prevents you from taking effective action."I have 50 cents in my bank account" is a fact....facing facts is always empowering."
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