I just finished watching Farrah`s Story and one thing hasn`t left my mind, while undergoing therapy and being sick as a dog, throwing up.... what is on her bedside table? Yes u guessed it...... a can of coke.......
Not to mention all the pie cooking at christmas,i shudder to think of the sugar!
I heard her ask about alternative treatments but I wondered as I watched if while she was having these treatments in Germany, if she had changed her diet, thrown away the coke, went totally on raw food, would she have had a vein left? Can any one get chemo for 3 years and survive? When they had lasered her tumours would the one by her anus have kept growing back if they had controlled what she ate so she made healthy cells instead of growing back cancerous cells?
So many questions.........so little time......Cheerios was just asked to change their labels on their packaging as the picture of the heart on their boxes suggests it's good for our heart when it's no such thing.
Please read this article by Melinda Beck that I recently came across on what's really in a lot of 'healthy' foods as when some us try and think we are eating healthily, she explains that "it's easy to be fooled by our assumptions and the ways that food manufacturers play on them " .....it's a sad sad world..........
1 comment:
My thoughts EXACTLY NEVER once in that whole "story" did she eat or talk about eating anything good for her.. so sad, if she had not treated herself with all the meds at the beginning and changed her diet, in my opinion, she would be doing much better today.
glad I am not the only one, it was so hard to watch that suffering, knowing that there is another way.
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