Thursday, September 10, 2009


What does it mean when your holistic practitioner tells you you are toxic?
What do you do ? What are the causes ? Sometimes no matter how hard we try the world is working against us......
Here is an article by Dr.Mercola on 9 Hidden Toxins Lurking in Your Food and my comments on the matter.
Your grocery store is plentifully stocked with wolves in sheep’s clothing. Here are some tips to help you steer clear of hidden toxins that masquerade as safe products. My comment - READ YOUR LABELS!
1. Stay away from processed meats like bacon, hot dogs, and sausage. Sodium nitrate can also cause the formation of nitrosamines in your system, which can lead to cancer.....My comment - AND GREASY SKIN.........TOO MUCH OIL ANYWHERE NOT A GOOD THING! SALTFISH IS A BIG NO NO TOO...REMEMBER ITS CURED!
2. Reduce the amount of canned food you consume. Cans are commonly lined with bisphenol-A, an organic compound that may be associated with diabetes and heart disease.My comment - OH WELL THERE GOES SARDINES. A FAVOURITE FOOD!
3. Skip the diet soda and artificial sweeteners. Prolonged exposure to aspartame, a neurotoxic chemical additive in these products, can lead to nerve cell damage, dizziness, and headaches.My comment - I DEFINITELY REMEMBER WHEN SWEET AND LOW AND EQUAL CAME ON THE SCENE WE WEREN`T OBESE TILL THEN!
4. Opt for organic chicken. The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy discovered traces of arsenic in non-organic chickens. Exposure to this dangerous chemical can lead to cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Another study also found numerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria in conventional poultry.My comment - PLUS YOU HAVE TO MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO HORMONES
5. Avoid manufactured snacks. Hydrogenated oils are used to lengthen the shelf life of products like crackers and cookies, but they are also associated with diabetes and heart disease. Snack foods are also generally loaded with salt, corn syrup and other unhealthy ingredients.My comment - LIKE MSG!
6. Stay away from artificially-colored foods like candy, maraschino cherries, and gelatin. Mice and rats exposed to blue 1 and 2, red 3 and yellow 6 suffered from brain, adrenal gland, thyroid, and kidney tumors.My comment - IF IT STAINS YOUR TONGUE AND YOUR HANDS IMAGINE WHAT IT'S DOING TO YOUR INSIDES.
7. Always buy organic produce. Lingering pesticides can lead to nervous and reproductive system damage, not to mention cancer.My comment - SOAK, SOAK, SOAK!
8. Avoid Teflon cookware. The Teflon used to create nonstick surfaces can release noxious gases when exposed to high temperatures, which puts you at risk for a large variety of diseases, many of which are not even well documented at this time.My comment - YES SPEND THE MONEY FOR THE COPPER !
9. Never microwave food in plastic bowls, containers, or dishes. Exposure to heat causes the bisphenol-A found in plastics to break down and potentially contaminate your food. My comment - YOU MUST KNOW THIS BY NOW,YOU HAVE CERTAINLY HEARD IT ENOUGH......BETTER YET DON`T BOTHER WITH THE like me eat nothing hot or cold! I can hear your reaction trust me it's not that bad......after lining up on Red Hills Road for 45 minutes to buy ice in 1988 after Hurricane Gilbert ,I promised myself that would never happen to me again where I go crazy for something cold to drink........Now I can`t drink cold,don`t like it!
Of course these are not the only things that cause toxicity...a lot of us are so stressed that we are toxic although eating all the right things.....we just need to stop and smell the roses sometimes, especially those of us with compromised immune systems.YES I`M TALKING TO MYSELF!


Anonymous said...

How are you going with the book? Don't let some like me do it for you. Continue to be a blessing.

Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Wow you have so much helpful info on this site tell me: you said soak the fruits and vegies, but soak them in what.

PAT WRIGHT said...

Thanks for the comments - re soaking fruits and vegetables use 2drops peroxide in 8 ozs water for a larger bowl use more drops

Anonymous said...

Hi i am really happy that i found this site and that you are talking from experience seeing that you are living prove that cancer can be faught.

Anonymous said...

I have been so out of it since i got two pap result with ascus/benign then metaplastic cells. i am on the microbiatic diet. for 4 months please help me
-do you think this diet will work
-if on the raw food what do i eat really?
i really need your help,please

PAT WRIGHT said...

can u email me at so i can answer your questions one on one but yes a raw food diet will help.

Anonymous said...

I usually don’t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful …