Friday, September 25, 2009


A close friend asked me to help him by posting on my blog how a busy person can eat properly all day as he needs to eat well for his health issues .....another friend wants to start eating more raw food daily,so here goes.......
First of all let me say we are all in this together as why we have health issues in the first place normally starts because of how we eat....our digestive system controls every thing.
The most important thing to own in your kitchen is a Vita-mix or a Blendtec.....these are blenders that chew up fruits and vegetables, skin and all in a flash, BUT YOU HAVE TO USE THEM !!! MOST OF US BUY THESE BLENDERS AND NEVER USE THEM! From morning till night your blender should be going and the greener the juice the better for you...If you can`t juice except on weekends buy a green supplement like 'Greensbest' and mix it with water just put the correct amount of scoops in a bottle of water and shake it up and drink it...another friend who was having hot flashes, I gave her mine which I use when I`m travelling, and sure enough she has reported less heat and this is a person who don't like "taste bad " things so when you see that she didn't have a problem with the taste - anyone can drink it!! But that is the lazy way out - make your blender work with smoothies - fruit in the morning to green vegetables at night and you will see the difference in your health. Those of you with the sweet tooth - you need to pull that tooth - but till then use cane juice to sweeten.
The internet is alive with recipes for smoothies, juices and "live" food plus you can go to the green goddesses website Victoria Boutenko and buy her recipe book. Her "Green for life" is a Bible in the industry and the other 2 that were of great help when I was starting out in raw food were LIVING CUISINE by Renee Loux Underkoffler and The RAW GOURMET by Nomi Shannon.....
Remember nobody is asking you to go 100% raw but we need to eat 80% raw to see a difference.........You just put more raw in each meal instead of cooking the greens eat them raw, the spinach, the kale, the mustard greens, good old callaloo and please note, iceberg lettuce is not green it's white, you need romaine lettuce......instead of frying the plantains eat them raw ,there is a great recipe in the recipe section of this blog. Water, water,water, just look at your urine if it's dark yellow your urine is concentrated it should be light, light, yellow or clear......yogurt is a dairy product with sugar, so don`t tell me how healthy that is making you. Don`t tell me you are drinking green tea which is loaded with antioxidants etc. and you are putting milk and sugar in it worse condensed milk.....that travel cup that you take to work with you or use in the car fill it with any tea green, guinea hen weed, rosemary, pau de arco, licorice......tons to choose from.
The pork has to go - your meat has to be lean and the less of it the better for you..... let it be a treat once in a while. Same with chicken and try and know where your fish comes from. Raw food people would kill me to tell you that you can eat fish but I think all things in moderation as some of the unhealthiest people I know are vegetarians.
Never met a raw foodist with cancer though coming to think about it....anyway the most important part of eating healthy is DISCIPLINE....
Start today with cutting out white sugar, white rice, white flour and cow's milk.....sugar should be brown but really none at all as CANCER FOLLOWS SUGAR (remember you going to pull that sweet tooth) but start slowly and eliminate something each day or each week..... take it slowly, we have been eating badly for years, it's a change of lifestyle it doesn`t happen overnight.
Rice must be brown at all times put millet in it and make it perfect, you don`t need any form of flour - milk must be rice or thing is to soak your nuts and make your own "milk".
Immediately you will have cut out some of the major mucus foods so those of you with sinus problems will see a difference. Remove the bread and butter this morning and see, after a few days when you wake up in the morning your eyes won`t have much goo in them and your nostrils and chest - all that phlegm you hear some of us coughing up in the morning - will clear up. Sinus draining, is directly from how much mucus foods that we have in our diets........
Asthma patients need to stop eating mucus foods immediately!
I don`t like seeing them with any form of bread or pasta......I get nervous, but this is where the discipline comes in because as we feel better we are right back where we started. A lot of people tell me they don`t eat sugar or rice but they eat cakes and dumplings right? And watch them with the toast and butter in the mornings........
I rest my case!

1 comment:

Kristen's Raw said...

Vita-Mix = Awesome
Green Smoothies = Awesome
Boutenko Goddess = Aweome

I'm off to make my green smoothie now... it'll have water, cilantro, spinach, orange, and banana. Yummers!
