Friday, September 18, 2009


Took a quick trip, son`s birthday, so I took my granddaughter et al to "Lion King" tell you the truth her father enjoyed it just as much at his ripe old age as he kept referring to his comic books telling me all excitedly who is who so I just enjoyed them and went on as if I hadn`t seen it before......a great time was had by all this trip, and my younger son had a great time linking up with his idol- his brother!
Observations on this trip besides how badly my son and granddaughter eats, and the fact that it's showing all over him ,stomach not good at all and she as usual can`t poo.......too much mac and cheese, bagels and no vegetables will do that to you...... Observations that sat with me seriously were of the 2 restaurants we attended. If I doubted that we are what we eat, it was vividly brought home to me......One of the restaurants was a popular steak house in New Jersey... yes me in a steak house...funny, I could have used a prime rib but how sick would that have made me? Anyway as I looked around me it was amazing how sick the people looked all who not walking with walkers were barely moving and everybody looked tubby and chubby including the waitresses my younger son informed me, as he noted it as well.....and the young people left half of their food..... Well I eat once at your choice you eat next at my choice which was 'Pure Food and Wine' NYC. What a different energy !The people looked healthy both waiters, hostesses and patrons..they seemed alert and alive no walking sticks here! Wonderful experience and my eldest piped up that he would eat like that all the time, he just can`t fix it. I don`t see him fixing the other way either it's called take out! So why not take out health why take home disease?

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