Monday, February 18, 2008


What a time to be misbehaving when my tests are scheduled ......blood work and sigmoidoscopy.....I should have been toeing the line to make sure all is well instead i had the roughest came down for a week so i had a wonderful "Naiyah time"..she now knows her grandma and calls her to help her when mommy and papa not giving her her way and she associates grandma with fruit which is as it should be. We spend our mornings eating fruit.............
well long story short,my son is a carnivore with me kicking and screaming all the way, but although going with them to the jerk pork stands i did not succumb but i was still off my schedule due to the up and in lots of greens though.......There is a virus going through Jamaica , every other person has the flu.
Yep no test. Sick as a dog. I notice though it didn`t hit me like it hit my son . He had fever of 102 degrees......I have yet to succumb to that.
Of course i tell him every time i talk to him that it's the pork................
I tell him his immune system was lowered because of the pig so the flu came in. He`s too sick to take me on, and ask me what's my excuse ......
My immune system is already compromised so this is not good for me....and i have been misbehaving and not taking my glyco properly so if u can`t hear u feel!
As i go through life ,the importance of proper nutrition is proved to me every day.2 years ago i would take some flu medicine to get through the seven days. Today i realised i have not even an aspirin in my house.........we`ll see.
My younger son is making my green juice for me right now, let's see if i can fight this with green juice evenings and fruit juice mornings...........
New day feeling 80% , i guess green juice does work a little manna c glyco works too..........
not well enough to do my tests but feeling much better. I will be going full speed ahead with proper eating and taking my supplements before Tuesday.....stay tuned.

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