Thursday, June 12, 2008


There are 2 schools of thought, one is call cancer by it's name and get over it, another says don`t name it or u will claim it............I think that's rubbish as long as while u are naming it , u r not claiming it and feeling sorry for yourself...... U know some of us love the attention illness brings whether we admit to it or not.
When i was setting up this blog several of my friends said i shouldn`t name it 'Cancer Survivor' as cancer is not me and i am not the cancer..........words..... that's all that is, just as how the words cancer survivor are just that words..........If i did not name it with cancer in the title i would not get the people i need to reach as that is what people are looking for now in this technological, as they plod their path to wellness. So when i say cancer survivor they know exactly who and what i am and tune in to read just how i`m doing my surviving and just maybe they can take a leaf out of my book and survive too..... Randy Pausch is showing us how to die with our boots on, he is still calling it cancer. I even notice that i get more hits depending on what the title of my blog is on any given day.....This link picks up this and another link picks up that. After all this is 2008 and the world IS a global village.
Maybe i should be like P.Diddy and talk instead of write on my blog, but i just love to write.
I know some of us think that giving it a name enables it and maybe that's why we are in an epidemic right now. We are in an epidemic right now because we eat too much processed food simple as that. We used to eat butter then they told us to eat margarine then when we all changed to margarine they told us that margarine is plastic and can`t come out of our system so we must go back to butter.......we were drinking milk that the milk man brought with the cream on top delivered fresh every morning then they said no, drink pasteurized now they telling us we must drink 'raw milk' what is that? Isn't that the same old milk we used to drink ? Then the sugar -we thought we were too nice to have brown sugar so we went to refined white sugar then they said no go to brown sugar then they said no, sugar is making us fat so u are to have Sweet and Low and Equal and even better the new boy on the block the panic......Aspartame is in them all and now they tell us its going to kill us. Laughable, but not funny.........people the easiest thing is, no bodder wid di sugar - cancer follows sugar - if u eating ripe fruit u getting enough sweet.
The best thing to do, read labels and when the word is too long and u can`t pronounce it, put it back on the shelf.
Shop in the market instead of the supermarket.
Soak all fruit and vegetables in water and 2 drops of peroxide or salt to get off the pesticide and insecticides.
Better yet grow your own food ,even if u live in an apt., a window box will yield vegetables if u give them love and care. Many a tomato came from a window box garden.
Another tip, lay off the Kentucky fry, the Starbucks coffee,the Campbells soup.... They taste so good because they have in too much MSG.
Maybe one day my blog will be 'how i survived' or 'survival of the fittest' but right now 'cancersurvivor' is fine with me as that's exactly what i am.

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