Friday, June 20, 2008

Cindy McCain vs Michele Obama

Cindy McCain
Cindy McCain is at it again - she was on GMA back with the same old "I am proud of my country" story. Now i have to take this personally , how come every newscast is on poor Michele Obama for nothing ? Absolutely nothing as it's obvious what she meant when she said she is proud of her country.....and not a peep about this drug addict Cindy McCain who is so petty that she takes recipes off the net and passes them off as her own and steals drugs (painkillers) from charities read more about the flawed Cindy . Isn`t that far worse than what Michele has done ? I have to feel its because Michele is black as it makes no sense to me why this coverage is so one sided.
Then i want you to read this article about the wife John McCain callously left for Cindy and tell me honestly if this is the man u want in the White House....compassion gave way to passion obviously.

Michele Obama
I thought Michele looked sensational on the View, her hair, makeup, clothes were spot on...She did wonderfully too and there went the Fox plant Elizabeth straight to Fox with negatives..Joy Behar on Larry King saying only positives and Elizabeth on Fox doing only negatives....
Why is everybody writing about the Michele Obama makeover ....Where did the Obama camp say they were making her over? Everyone wants to make her a negative influence because she is a strong black woman, so to show all her sides to the public has to be a makeover right? Well she doesn`t need a makeover,she is fine just as she is.
Guess what?
It's ordained - so fly high or fly low its PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA
GET USED TO IT..........


nickiemou said...

Amen sister. The reality is that alot of people cant handle the truth and so that is why they react the way they do to what Michelle as a fabulous, strong, supoortive and honest woman has said. We have spent the entire time listening to the talking heads about who is qualified and who is capable to move America out of the direction it is heading and what happens? the woman who celebrates the fact that change is not only possible it is here gets beat up over the one who steals something as simple as recipes, has serious issues, you have to have those to steal drugs from a charity,. My question to the naysayers and the ones who beat up the fabulous Michelle Obama is what cause will Cindy Mccain have the credibility to champion as First Lady, what lesson will she teach the younger generation what is she going to set up a Cindy Mccain prescription drug rehab centre? she needs to spend this time to give herself a makeover, so there is not doubt that there is a makeover needed but from where i stand it is not required for Michelle Obama. She can learn a thing or two from Michelle, if you are honest with yourself and the people around you you can deal with whatever challenges you face instead of turning to stealing drugs from charity to dull any pain you might have. Honesty really is a great policy and so leave Michelle alone cause if many people in America were honest she would not be the only one, black, white or brown,who is really proud of their country at this time. Be honest, Be honest.

jane doe said...

Talk about makeover - today they have "Saint" Cindy all over the TV visiting Cambodia to help children with cleft-palates get a smile - worthy cause - yes - but I am very suspicious of this visit taking place now in such a public way with TV cameras following her every move - all unnecessary as she could help these children without even getting out of bed by writing them a big check from he Hersey fortune - what's all the media coverage about ? self-serving if you ask me

hk said...

I see you are still involved in everything!!you would not be you otherwise.please get in touch.

PAT WRIGHT said...

please get in touch as i have no contact info for u