Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tim Russert's goodbye

I have to comment on that lovely service yesterday for Tim Russert.
I hope the NBC people will move on now....IT'S HARD BUT HUSH!
The double rainbows at the end of the memorial service said it all ...the skies cried, it also rained to wash away the pain and the rainbows came for everyone to know its alright, this too shall pass.
What an absolutely fabulous job that couple did on their child Luke, and he is very normal as we hear the story of the sheriff giving Tim the fake ID Luke had made to get into bars shortly after arriving on campus..... It was wonderful to see his wife coping as best she could. She greeted everybody at the wake along with Luke shaking every hand sometimes holding up friends who had come to give them support..... Then yesterday taking a deep breath as the casket came out of the hearse she proceeded to put her best foot forward. Luke, so eloquent in his eulogy, looking so much like his father complete with the unruly hair.
As friends spoke one by one, i was about to get worried wanting to know if Bruce Spingsteen wasn`t going to perform, then it happened...........
Maria Shriver has aged, is it too many sudden deaths ? That must take it's toll.
The playing of 'Somewhere over the rainbow' from Tim's Ipod as everyone filed out to see the double rainbows made it even more special. (Photo taken after memorial on cellphone camera by Colleen King MSNBC).
Wonderful remembrance. LOVE ALWAYS WINS OUT EVERYTIME.

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