Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Heart disease?

Why is it that u eat pastry every day of life and i eat it once a year and yet i get cancer and u don`t?
Why is it that a virus, say chicken pox comes around and u catch it and i don`t although sleeping with u nightly..........
Is it genes? what is it?
My close friend's mother who is also my part-time mother, eats horribly and although always complaining of pain somewhere is sharp as a tack at age 82.
Take Tim Russert they have been telling us all morning about the plaque on the wall of his heart, and how it tore off and then there is a scab that is left on the wall of the artery which grows and grows till it blocks the artery and that's it!
Well i love the fact that they say drugs and exercise after the heart disease has taken hold (he had just started taking cholesterol medication and walking on the treadmill) is like covering a crack in the wall with paint. It doesn`t work!
U have to lay the foundation.
Didn`t i say he died so we might live.
All the programmes had it on this morning but my favourite doctor, Dr. Oz who was on everybody`s favourite morning show GOOD MORNING AMERICA ( it just won the Emmy second year in a row) said that we need to watch our waist size -that apple shape, is a sign that a disaster is waiting to happen .....He said we just have to come off the junk . Okay Dr. Oz what about my part-time mother ? She eats pastry non-stop and apple doesn`t begin to describe her shape. Large apple maybe, more like a barrel of apples according to her daughter.
Tim`s favourite foods seemed to have gotten his waist size out of hand and this morning on 'Morning Joe ' Mike Barnacle was talking about how badly they ate using the fact that they were Irish Americans as an excuse and saying how much they loved hotdogs, hamburgers and beer. Mike Barnacle is neither Tim Russert's shape or size, and as best friends sounds like they hung out a lot eating and doing the same things.
This is why people think they can get away with this bad eating, we see people doing it and we think they are having a great quality of life...check the heartburn in the nights, listen to the belching ,the bloat, check their digestive problems, popping a pill to soothe their stomach. My part-time mother would have a far better quality of life if she ate better, she wouldn`t be in constant pain, not all of us will be as lucky as her to eat badly and stay alive pain or not...looks like any game can play.
If this isn`t a wake up call nothing will be. Looks like some of us won`t be having quantity no matter how good or bad the quality, so let's go for quality. Let's face it the man was only 58 years old.
In this day and age that's a youngster.

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