Saturday, December 29, 2007


2008 should be a year of affirmations......I find that we really are what we put out into the universe,so if we put out positives that is what will come back to us.........We need to take accountability for every aspect of our life and find out who we really are..........
If we use affirmations with the intention to be more accountable we are in the most powerful position to allow change to occur and thats what we need.....CHANGE!
I have a list of affirmations for the new year...courtesy of Carol Tuttle. A fabulous energy healing teacher, who wrote the book REMEMBER WHOLENESS.Every one should read that book at least once.
Here r the daily affirmations she suggests for next year with my comments.

I am ready,willing and able to look,see,and tell the truth.........."speak the truth and speak it ever,cost it what it may"still holds this and every year.

I am ready willing and able to assume responsibility for my life now........stop making excuses.

I love and accept myself.....too many of us don`t even like ourselves .......if u don`t love yourself, how can anyone love u?when we really love ourselves, everything in our life works.

I trust the choices i make......because u would have thought them through before u made them.

I trust that others have their own answers for their life.......remember u cannot choose a life for anybody ,not your children, not your spouse everybody has to do it for themselves.

I choose to live and I accept love, help and healing.........just reinforcing what is so difficult to do.

I am worthy of having what i want ,my needs matter.......u r just as important as every member of your family,do not sacrifice yourself.

I do my best and my best is good enough........remember I can only come from my level of consciousness,so I don`t need to beat up my self when things don`t go right.

These affirmations address the core issues that most people struggle with at the deepest level of their being.Putting a daily focus on these truths will shift your core vibration which allows greater shifts in your life,bringing the change that u desire to take place.
Remember most of our negatives r only a thought ,and a thought can be changed!


Anonymous said...

You Continue to Bless Us with Your Enriching Words of Hope and Praise for a Life of Joy & Thanks Giving

Anonymous said...

Love is the only meaningly flow and that i have learn from you.

Anything you don't learn from you will repeat.

I am whole,perfect,strong,
and happy.

Because of your courage
i am all this