Saturday, December 8, 2007


One of my holistic practitioners was asking me this morning what is it going to take for people to take their GLYCONUTRIENTS as it should be taken so one can see the results. Why do people not have faith? why when they start bloating,(if ur immune system is compromised, u bloat till u r healed) they stop?why r doctors telling people dying of cancer that they can still eat pork?why is it that we don`t go with our gut feelings? why if somebody tells us to go to mexico and detox we jump on it instead of getting the junk out now while we r healthy and can take detoxing.We need to know that when we have one foot in the grave thats the worst thing we r to do!
I spoke to a father of a young man with liver lung and colon cancer who has been on chemo from last year and he has now been given 2 months to live and he still hesitates to put his son on it.............what does he have to lose????why not take a chance......nothing beats a trial but a try......But his son would have to believe, not him,and if he father is negative hard for the son to be positive, and most of us when we get the news we done dead already.we like the drama as we get more attention than ever we not even conscious that we buying into the "soon dead" theory.
I like to believe that the reason i`m alive is because i have no doctor advising me every step of the way......I have an oncologist but she listens to me,and I have my husband,who thinks like me quality instead of quantity........i guess because i live with one i know doctors have fears just like us and didn`t learn anything about holistic medicine and live food..they learnt to prescribe when presented with symptoms but how many of them look for the root cause of the symptom..and if they even find out what do they know about live food and energy fields?A lot of them now know belief kill and belief cure but why when chemo not helping do they persist???????
All the people i know who died with their glyco by their bedside had doctors telling them no,don`t take it.................I am home because I am just not feeling 100%....I have been running up and down so hard that i haven`t been eating or taking my supplements on time and in the proper doses.....sometimes life just takes over and u feel too good so u overdo ........ and the father has to pull u up.
A friend said to me this morning "if i did half of what u did i would be dying with tiredness.why u think u musn`t be tired?"well i`m in my bed for 2 days.............I admit i`m tired...........this is the time of they year when all 3 hotels come alive The winter season not only starts on the 15th but christmas is here........
There r award functions and christmas make sure u r alive u attend them all....Is it in the back of your mind that next year u might not be here? u bet your sweet dollar it is .......2 schools of thought everyday or take it easy and either way u might not make it.I`ll go with the first one......
tomorrow the fun begins..............
looks like i will have to take my glyco on time now, won`t I? .........Read Dr.Ben Carson's testimony

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