Wednesday, December 26, 2007


So now we turn to the new year..and immediately our thoughts turn to new year's resolutions..aren`t we tired of doing that? every year we make them and by mid january we forget them.
"we r going to start excercising"..... we go and pay for our gym membership and by the end of the month we have started going once per week saying we can`t find the time, by feb. the money has been wasted.
"we r going to start eating properly" ......"we r going on a diet".......and on and on. All a waste of time...This year do it constructively....make a list of goals u would like to achieve,take out your list in june and see what u have achieved, if u have achieved nothing its time to speed up, but usually just the act of writing it down sends a committment to the universe.......... NOT," I`M GOING ON A DIET". THAT NEVER WORKS..TRY "I`M GOING TO CUT OUT EVERYTHING WHITE THIS YEAR",WHITE FLOUR,WHITE SUGAR, WHITE RICE, AND CHANGE EVERYTHING WHITE TO GREEN...... GREEN JUICE INSTEAD OF SODA WHICH HAS WHITE SUGAR...GREEN VEGETABLES INSTEAD OF WHITE RICE AND FLOUR.I GUARANTEE THAT BY JUNE U WOULD HAVE LOST A FEW POUNDS .
U will then feel encouraged and would have been well under way to losing your sweet tooth as remember cutting out white sugar will cut out cheesecake in fact all forms of cake and putting green vegetables like pak choi and spinach etc will let rice,unless brown, and potatoes take a break,so your body will start to shrink.... not only only that but those of u with diabetes and high blood pressure will certainly be feeling better as those r two conditions that can be treated successfully with food.
Next thing u r going to do for the new year is tell people they have been important in your life.Too many of us have people who we treasure from is an example...... stop doing this. Its very important to let people know what they have done for u,and what they mean to u.
I thank God daily for those of u who never fail to tell me how important i have been in ur lives.I think that's because u feel i`m on borrowed time and u wouldn`t want me to die without letting me know BUT IT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO ME......TREAT EVERYBODY WHO HAS BEEN IMPORTANT TO U AS IF THEY R ON BORROWED TIME.
Last year when I got sick I got an e-mail from a young man who told me how important i was to him as i showed confidence in him by allowing him to drive me around when his parents wouldn`t allow him to touch their car (he omitted to say how he had run the car with me in it, into a wall) but anyway I didn`t even remember that, so it brought back all kind of humorous memories,and made me realize how little things make their mark.

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