Sunday, September 28, 2008


Well all the talking heads have had their say and getting ready for Thursday's debate.....I notice although they said they think both Obama and McCain did well in the debate no one was as upset as my little group during the debate when Obama kept saying 'I agree with John' we were all fit to be tied and it wasn`t until the debate was over and he rushed from behind his podium with his arm outstretched and said 'good job John ' did I realize that's just who he is.....The measure of the man is that he really is as nice as he seems to be and he really does not want to fight with anybody-by the way he,his wife and their two girls would make great role models for America at this time,no matter what the complexion!
His calm exterior really goes to his core, but as some of the talking heads have said instead of it making him look weak it made him look as if he really wanted to be bipartisan....
After Lehrer told them to talk to each other , u noticed Obama spoke directly to McCain while McCain looked down at his notes or at Lehrer....I guess u can`t teach an old dog new tricks.
Then speaking of old dogs am I the only one noticing what the 42nd President has become ? Is this really my boy who I have loved for years and was on his side no matter what anybody was saying about him ? COULDN`T BE!
How can one be so petty?
He was just on MEET THE PRESS saying how he doesn`t really know Barack and talking about how long he has known McCain who is a hero ....while his wife is campaigning for Barack this man is all about bigging up McCain ! Is it that he fears the REAL
1st black president will eclipse him as he knows that Barack is just as smart or maybe even smarter than he is ?
Come on now ! You must can be bigger than that Mr. William Jefferson Clinton !! Check out this hilarious skit from SNL last night
I know u are still fuming that this "little upstart" messed up YOUR bid to be in the White House again but be magnanimous about it.......

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Imagine Spike Lee smiling and saying history in the making. Wasn`t Spike always said to be an angry young man ?
He`s older and not so angry now.
He`s anxiously looking forward to history being made in November so he smiles. He also got to see a black man in a presidential debate, he must have smiled all night.
Earlier in the day Regis and Kelly interviewed Richard Gere.....interview over he jumps off his chair and with coffee in one hand starts flailing his other arm in the air over his head shouting OBAMA at the top of his lungs.
U could see the shock on the faces of Regis and Kelly.........But that's what this election is causing. Strange actions from regular people. As all celebrities are regular people.......I can never understand people treating other people as something special when all they did was make a movie ...MANDELA IS A SPECIAL PERSON, someone to hold in high esteem. RICHARD GERE is just like u and me, he acts, I do hair........All of us are good at something when last did we check ?
So what did u think about the debate? This one i wasn`t excited about. PALIN/BIDEN....I CAN`T WAIT!
All the hoopla about McCain not coming i didn`t take on as MISSISSIPPI would have been the last place for him not to show up as that's the old south...'manners maketh the man ' . Don`t let them issue an invitation to u and u don`t show up........they wouldn`t have taken kindly to that at all.
We all know that Obama stutters as u see him thinking as he talks when u ask him a question........but I thought he held his own as debating is not his strong suit.
Good jokes snuck in "i have a bracelet too' was one, the other which i don`t think was intended as a joke but came across as one was when McCain said that his pick for vice president 'was a good maverick too'.
Number one insult was Obama reminding McCain about him singing a song about bombing IRAN.
The differences were stark after Lehrer kept pressing McCain on whether he would make any major changes to his priorities as a result of the financial bailout and McCain finally responded saying that he would have a spending freeze on everything but defense, veteran affairs and entitlement programs. Obama came back quickly with " the problem with a spending freeze is you're using a hatchet where you need a scalpel ".
McCain keeps saying there are going to be more wars, every time he talks that's all u hear and see from his demeanor, and that's what i get more than anything else,
McCain + presidency = WAR,WAR and more WAR!
And war is not what America needs at this time as China is here - tainted milk and all!

Friday, September 26, 2008


America has gone berserk....the President seems to be losing his mind..he looks pale and not even speech writers are helping. On AC 360 last night one of the guests said Bush is a functioning MORON.... another guest said that during Bush's speech yesterday "no one was home" everyone is finally realizing what thinking people knew all along because no one has been home for 8 years. America has gotten what they deserve for voting in a MORON....It always catches up with u one way or another. U cannot steal an election and don`t pay the piper.....What do u know about bad karma Mr. Bush ? U thought u had gotten away didn`t you ?
A friend says as she watches TV she sees the "rightwing scam unraveling" and "the hand of GOD" at work....She says she hopes God doesn`t come down "too hard on America" as Jamaicans have their families there too ......
For years America has been building up their bad karma......the treatment of people in the aftermath of Katrina alone, when that goes out into the universe do we really think someone is not going to pay for it ? Do we really believe because they were black , payback not coming BIG TIME..........
We can pretend that life goes on as usual but IT DOES NOT ! And all the news coverage of Britney shaving her head and showing her crotch won`t change that. Even Paris Hilton has decided to show she has sense..Now is not the time to be stupid.....America for too long has concentrated on crap. How can a whole country be focused on the comings and goings of trailer park trash ?
The reality series of BRITNEY and KEVIN and then WHITNEY and BOBBY....come on ? Lest we forget, how about ANNA NICOLE ?
How many of u watched the Oprah show where she went to Mississippi and found people who didn`t have running water . YES America! not Jamaica!
We in Jamaica were amazed when one of America's 'IT GIRLS' Jessica Simpson, thought CHICKEN OF THE SEA (TUNA) WAS REALLY CHICKEN....No wonder Nick ran for his life......Americans thought she was so cute and funny, so they made her a multi- millionaire by buying her hairpieces and shoes. What is cute about a moron?
Sam Harris says it perfectly in his article in Newsweek on Sept 20th...America has a love affair with mediocrity .....We in Jamaica do too.... We all need to check ourselves and our value systems .
The Palin/ Katie Couric interview (good for u Katie, ratings at last!) exposed what we always suspected about Palin , she actually makes Portia sound like a rocket scientist ............Palin is a moron but crass with it so she`s worse.....We all know now why they locked her away from reporters and maybe they should have left it that way and not let her out and let us speculate that she`s a fool but now we all KNOW that she is indeed a fool......
This meltdown that McCain has stopped his campaign claiming he needs to take charge of - as Obama says - shouldn`t a President be able to multitask ? Couldn`t Palin and Biden carry on campaigning for them if they seriously needed to leave the campaign trail to attend to urgent matters in the Senate ?
Then there are the people in foreclosure asking how come they got no help ? The bailout is almost the amount spent on the Iraq war so far.....People , America is in such deep DOODO.....Jamaica are u noticing that over-priced houses find the right price one day ? Our over-inflated market with those J$40 million 2 bedrooms no matter where they are located has to stop.....Remember when America sneezes we catch cold...We are a paradise now in comparison...Take the lessons..........No one needs to stand in long lines to migrate to America anymore. Stay and build your own country!
This morning the news said that 40 ministers of religion will be endorsing McCain from the pulpit this Sunday......They will be going against the law as if u do not pay taxes u cannot play politics......desperate times need desperate measures i guess.... McCain trying to get help whereever he can.
I hope we all know that if no debate takes place tonight then they will have to do it the night chosen for the vice presidential debate, therefore there will be no time for the vice presidential few free evenings are left between now and the elections. They are going all out in their fight to win by any means possible and to keep Palin from debating Biden, but i don`t think i`m the only one watching........
America u have a choice now between a CLASS ACT, a man who is calm and level- headed in a crisis, and a man that panics at the drop of a hat and who chose a running mate who thinks that if 'PUTIN rears his head ' SHE WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE HER GUN AND SHOOT HIM.....
Those who won`t vote for Obama because he`s black .......Look at it this way, his skin tone is why he`s so handsome.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Portia/Palin connection

Jamaica now has a party that should be in power for another 18 years...We have no opposition party. The PNP is now behaving like the JLP in the nineties. Our Sarah Palin has won party leader again and as she said with much gusto and her special flair for mispronunciation 'I have SHUTTERED the glass ceiling' which turns out to be the truth as no other woman in the PNP will be able to even see the glass ceiling while she's party leader...........That says it all........The word is "SHATTERED" Portia and that ceiling was shattered long ago.....Now pay attention to what is happening in the world and stop the hysterics. The challenge to your leadership has nothing to do with where u are coming from......lots of grass roots people turn leaders but they do their homework.
Hugging and kissing are not leadership skills. Yes you are compassionate but you cannot go hugging and kissing yourself throughout Europe and the rest of the world ask George Bush...
PNP, i want to tell u popularity doesn`t give u skills to govern......and saying Portia has a PHD (Portia Has Delegates) does not mean she can lead a country.
Lets not continue to feed people with this story of the masses being suppressed by the upper classes , unschooled and unskilled grass roots people cannot rise up out of their situation and govern themselves.....we all need brighter than us to lead us and teach us. That's how we better ourselves . That's what takes us out of the ghetto. As Bob Marley said we need to liberate ourselves from mental slavery .
Meanwhile the real Sarah Palin continues to astonish well-thinking Americans with her own limited grasp of the English Language as reported in this extract from an article in the Washington Post "Palin has an odd tendency to use the same word twice in a sentence, as in, “The people of American realize that inherently all political power is inherent in the people,” or, about John McCain, “He can surpass the partisanship that must be surpassed to deal with an issue like this.” Or, combining word repetition with another Palin verbal tic, word dropping, this about the economic meltdown: “Well, you know, first Fannie and Freddie, different because quasi-government agencies there where government had to step in because the adverse impact all across our nation, especially with homeowners, is just too impacting.”


Tuesday, September 23, 2008


As i watch BBC stomach is in Ethiopian man just said he has to leave to go and look work for food and if he finds work so he can buy food he will come back if he doesn`t he won`t come back so his children will just die of hunger.....This is 2008, people are sitting all over the world with millions in banks(that are failing by the day)........some are living in 40,000 sq. ft. houses maybe a husband, wife and 2 children. They have at least 3 cars outside, and here is a man that can`t feed his 2 little children and saying that a bag of grain is too expensive when in other parts of the world they are eating so much it's killing them..........
But that's Africa.
Come back to the USA, there is a man with his little children being kicked from motel to motel because he has nowhere to stay .....Why ?
They are evacuees from the storm in Texas...........nowhere to gone...What's his complexion?..Black . I`m not saying white people have not been displaced by the hurricane but they showed the black family. I HAVE NEWS FOR THEM, BLACK OR WHITE, AMERICA IS NOW A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY! Lots more of this to come.
In the programme they showed a woman in Wales that they gave cash to , to prevent her children from starving and the announcer wondered aloud why it can`t happen in Africa?
Let me answer u sir........THEY ARE BLACK.....THEY ARE EXPENDABLE....WHETHER THEY ARE IN AFRICA OR AMERICA.......NO ONE CARES....Now that America is a third world country will things change?
Katrina people have not yet returned to normal , Texas has now joined them.
America is falling apart state by state........have they built back those bridges that came toppling down?
No things are not changing anytime soon.
Maybe all that money being wasted on ads for the Presidential campaign could go to do other things....what do u think?

Saturday, September 20, 2008


INVESTMENT BANKER is now a dirty word at all the fancy super-expensive condos in Manhattan ABC`S 20/20 informs us. How long was that going to take to happen?They have all turned out to be thieves.........
It should have happened long ago. How many banks needed to fold for people to realize that a lot of chicanery was going on. The guys at the top rake in millions of dollars in bonuses live in the fanciest houses possible ,sorry , ESTATES, and when the banks fold the people that have their little money in them are out of their retirement money some are even out of their day to day money, and these big boys continue on same way.....Some even get golden handshakes...There is no other word for it except robbery....THEN we have those huge sponsorships e.g. AIG sponsored football gear to the tune of 112 million dollars.
All these stadiums with these bank names, built for billions of dollars....All these sports stars, who earn these ridiculous sums...It's a reality check and the world will be better off for it.
When i think about Olint here in Jamaica and the way they were shut down aren`t these banks that are being bailed out legal and failing just the same ? In fact Olint wasn`t failing they were still paying up to when no bank would take their cheques anymore - Smells to high heaven - but as i don`t understand it i will just continue watching. Remember when we used to say....'U are in a worst state than CHINA' well now u can say 'You are in a worst state than AMERICA'
Isn`t it unbelievable ?
So if China and Japan bails out the USA what does that mean ? All this bailing out etc. that's happening is nothing but movement of paper....It doesn`t put any real cash on the table...The war chest continues to drain America.
8 years of Bush has really brought America to its knees. America has no money, so their bridges and healthcare etc. are in shambles and countries like ours are in jeopardy for if the USA sneezes Jamaica catches a cold...... The lesson is DUNCE PEOPLE MUST NOT LEAD COUNTRIES........U hear me Sarah Palin ? It's not only the money debacle, global warming has to be put squarely at Mr. Bush`s feet as he ignored it all these years. Hopefully we will live through this hurricane season, but Jamaica right now is suffering severe damage from flooding and landslides and there is no hurricane.......What are the countries in the north going to suffer through this year ? Can u imagine the snowstorms ?
Somebody told me today that she feels America is suffering from bad karma going as far back as the American Indians and the way that they were treated on their own land.
If that's true there is lots more to come.....
The bottom-line is - NOW more than ever America needs A LEADER!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Heels climb while stocks plunge

Have u seen the shoes of today ? They are gorgeous, problem is- the heels average 4 1/2 inches high........check out the latest shoes on the streets of New York ....very well and good but to someone who has been wearing flat shoes for the past 15 years, not good news. .
I bought one of these terrors to wear to one of my 'daughters' wedding earlier this year. Well the joke is i understand when i walked up the aisle some of my girls were taking bets as to who would get the shoe and making sure i wore their size.....They were correct, that was the first and last time i wore them. One of them is the proud owner now. They cost me a pretty penny and cost my feet serious pain....When i sat at the reception they came off and never went on again.
So the lesson here, admire from afar.

Please i beg u don`t get caught up in America`s meltdown.....We knew it was bound to happen so don`t get depressed over it......Remember only u have the power to upset and depress u.....No situation can do that to u. It's all in how we react to the news, our perception and attitude........LET NO ONE RAIN ON YOUR PARADE.
Cuba has had the worst hurricane season in decades they report 5 billion dollars in damage, many crops wiped out and all new exciting things that had been promised by President Raul Castro,not possible now.....Look at them. Cleaning up, not begging anybody anything, getting on with the job at hand............Having discipline must be the greatest attribute in the world.
Haiti has nothing ,the people look lost and vacant.They didn`t have anything to start with and now they have even less.......U see the pictures of people just sitting looking - seeing but not seeing.......
Why doesn`t Haiti ever get help? For nothing at all does the first world ever come through for them? We r not only talking about these 4 hurricane/storms that hit them recently i`m talking about long ago, how come nobody ever charges in to help them ?
Is it because they have a largely black population ?

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Don`t even get me started about Tim Russert ....missing him is putting it me i feel your pain LanaB who commented on my last blog.
Today especially MEET THE PRESS had no meat I have to watch FACE THE NATION and even then my Sundays are lacking substance......We were so looking forward to him telling us what's happening with the race......Now there is no one......Can u just see him gunning to interview Palin ?
Luke Russert just got a job at NBC and trust me they need to give him MEET THE PRESS soon.......
It's not only there that Tim Russert is missed. MSNBC is falling apart ,am i the only one noticing it ?
Even the demeanor of the anchors have changed....
Then are u noticing that lady Babs is not so happy with Ms. Elizabeth.......I THINK THE CHICKENS COMING HOME TO ROOST. She can always get a job at FOX anyway .....If she doesn`t leave soon i think Whoopi just might lose it one day....Shades of Rosie all over again........
Did u see the latest McCain interview on the View McCain didn`t get a free ride on Friday could it have been because Ms. Babs was mad with Elizabeth ?
Then how about SNL last night did PALIN and CLINTON take the bling away from Phelps or what ?
And is Tina Fey a dead ringer for Palin ? Funny stuff .....
Please mark your calendar for the 24th sept that's when our Usain Bolt is going to be on David Letterman...HOPE HE WILL CHECK HIS YANKEE ACCENT AT THE DOOR........

Friday, September 12, 2008


Guess what? If I had a weak heart,i`d be quite dead right now-WHY?
I came to New Jersey to visit my eldest son who turned 31 years old on Monday the 8th,well all i know is NOW I REALLY HAVE TO HOLD BARACK OBAMA IN CONCIOUSNESS........ And repeat my PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA MANTRA EVEN MORE !
Everybody is asking how can he be behind ? Well i saw first hand why.
Most white women are now voting for Sarah Palin, not John McCain ,they are voting for Sarah Palin.....they LOVE her. They think she is feisty and spunky and just great..........And u do know how many white women there are so Obama is in trouble...They have forgotten all about Hilary, it's like she ceased to exist......I struck up a conversation with one of Obama`s campaigners on the street as i was telling her she needs to go where they are weak and why would they be on the streets of New Jersey ? She awakened my darkness by informing me that since Mrs. Palin has been on the ticket Obama is weak everywhere except California and New York. She said New Jersey was dropping minutely and judging by the interviews i see them doing on the TV news in New Jersey.......ITS ALL TRUE!
All i have to say IS if they thought Bush was bad , wait until they get these two......They don`t even agree on the same things,e.g. she is against embryonic stem cell research and he is for it.... They finally succumbed and she sat down for an interview with Charlie Gibson ( the counter I told you about in my last blog has therefore been removed ) Did u see the interview ? She would go to war if Russia invades Georgia? GET REAL WITH WHAT ARMY AND AGAINST WHO...PUTIN??????? This woman is like me running for president NOT A CLUE may the young people save us ...........It's like watching Gore and Bush all over again.........The idiots take over and the sensible people are left behind.
America u will get what u deserve, and more. U can take back leadership of the free world or u can join me in welcoming the new kid on the block - CHINA ......U ANNOUNCED YOUR ARRIVAL, WELCOME!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


This woman was born deaf and blind and that's a quote from her so to all u whiners out there WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR ?
It's so difficult to live in a world of whiners and naysayers,especially in these times when it's all gas prices and depressed housing markets, Jamaica's housing market is not depressed, why get caught up in the USA and their DEPRESSION ?
Why do they not see it as this is not the time to sell. Or maybe u put yourself in over your head, or maybe we should drive less or carpool.....We just whine and depress ourselves, but then u look outside and see that while we are depressing ourselves nature is giving us more oxygen to breathe as here in Jamaica, Gustav just cleaned every leaf on every tree....The annual bushing has taken place , we have fabulous views again, yes people lost lives and houses, but were they houses that could stand up to any kind of strong wind and rain ? And to those concrete houses that washed away, what were they built on? Sand by the river bank! I hear they were built 100 feet in, but time and erosion brought the houses closer and closer to the edge, other houses went and now here comes yours, what did u expect?
As we write this Haiti and Turks and Caicos are being washed off the map by Ike..... Will Florida or Louisiana survive this crazy weather? In fact how will Jamaica do ? We didn`t get a direct hit the last time and did so badly !
Both McCain and Palin don`t believe there is anything called global warming, so if they win a lot more islands will be wiped off the map.
Palin is enjoying her great adventure .....look at the bottom of this page to see counting down how long she is going to take to talk to the media. Enjoy the absurdity of this .........A hockey mom that might have a chance to pull the lever on a nuclear weapon ? Who would have thunk it? People scared of the black man might just make that a real possibility. A friend just sent me this article saying that RACE MAY BE A MAJOR FACTOR IF OBAMA LOSES IN NOVEMBER .
Well i`m begging u all to have faith........ we know that RACE is the elephant in the room but MIRACLES happen every day and i`m depending on the young people this year as i know they want the great adventure or nothing at all, and the greater adventure is with the sensible team, black man and all, than the old man who showed that by making Palin his running mate he is not much different than Bush, they act first, then think after........I know the young people are going to make this MIRACLE a REALITY!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Well guess what the hypocrites are really coming home to roost.........The RNC certainly forgot that just a few weeks ago the same things they found NEGATIVE about Obama are what they are saying is so WONDERFUL about Sarah Palin right now.....if it wasn`t serious i would laugh, but then Jon Stewart did make me laugh about it...
Did the DNC have all these demonstrators and i missed them? There were over 300 demonstrators outside the RNC and a few of them got in .....where was the security ? Then did u see when they put up as the background picture during the speech the Walter Reed High School in California, instead of the WALTER REED HOSPITAL..... If they can`t get that right how are they going to run the country ?
Three people e-mailed me last night saying how bored they were during the speech . No one e-mailed me during Palin`s speech and no one during Obama's...says a lot!
Jeff Toobin said in no uncertain terms how totally boring and themeless it was and Anderson Cooper wondered aloud if all the speech writers went to Sarah Palin`s hotel and had no time for McCain.....It was truly sad.
Where were Colin Powell, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Condoleezza Rice and Dick Cheney ? How come no big names not even Bush - who used the hurricane as an excuse - came to the convention?
What happened to the musicians.....couldn`t they pull a big name or two?
The place wasn`t full, everything seemed lack-lustre aside from Mrs. McCain's jewelry and wardrobe (her hair last night spoilt the look though.) Palin is back to her dowdy self . I`m glad people love her glasses, i think it just adds to her total nondescript look.
This election means a lot to us non-Americans as stem cell research and global warming are 2 that affect us in the Caribbean right off the bat....Is anyone noticing these crazy hurricanes?
I`m going to get back on track, back to my usual themes for my next blog but i just want u to know - something doesn`t ring true to me. How can these two men be running neck and neck ? I feel it's going to be an overwhelming landslide for Obama....I know it's more of them than us but we weren`t even at the RNC convention.....A friend told me she saw three black people, i saw one......So the voters are all in hiding and going to come out of the woodwork in November to give them the victory?
I know they (the Republicans) know how to campaign i saw that with Kerry, but i can`t believe people are buying into this fiasco!
Eight weeks are left they say Mrs. Palin is more popular than Obama and McCain....I think just like how all of us watched her speech, everyone is caught up trying to find out the latest thing on her.........LET'S SEE IF IT LASTS.
All i have to say is Americans got it very wrong with George Bush, they must have learnt their lesson, if not they will get what they deserve, we always get what we put out to the universe.............
I may be wrong but i think the universe is giving America the black man, his fabulous wife and two bright little girls, they are the ones that will be standing in the cold in Washington come January!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I have to talk about Sarah Palin again...... Did the next President of the United States - Barack Obama - not show her how to be gracious ? Did she not learn anything from his gesture, when he said family was off limits when everyone else was tearing her and her family apart?
I`m sorry I think she was so snarly and aggressive last night, did she really try to sell her state`s jet on ebay ? was that a plus? no wonder it didn`t sell..... I understand her name was 'Sarah Barracuda' when she was at school, well she is still living up to that name........Although which of the 5 colleges that she attended in 6 years did she acquire that name ? All of them?
I think this journalist has summed her up well as small minded, mean and shallow as that is certainly what came to me as i watched......Plus i didn`t learn where she stood on anything, her speech writer didn`t give her any substance,e.g. what about the economy? A lot of people say she`s a tough cookie , i like toughness i don`t like meanness and she just came across as mean to me and i don`t think i`m the only one...... McCain has never come across as mean, but the gloves are now off.......LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
P.S VANITY FAIR says Cindy McCain`s 3 carat diamond studs alone cost US$280,000 on the convention`s opening night? Can u imagine how much the OSCAR DE LA RENTA DRESS AND PEARLS COST? Well she is a heiress after all! Madame Palin`s glasses is $375 and is now the latest rage......the hairdo still needs some help though !

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

McCain's choice - Real or Imagined?

Wake me up I must be dreaming !!!! Did Senator McCain really pick a governor of a large igloo for his running mate ?????? And tell me is it true that after the Conservatives got excited it turns out her 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant??
What are these born again church people going to say ?
Now i know someone is not only thinking outside the box they are thinking outside their brain !!!!!!!
And this old man is campaigning with a woman that is breast feeding ????? Tell me that this is a joke..... I am a woman, I know we are capable of all kinds of things but i would think running for the vice president of the MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY in the free world needs a little focus and I would think that a 5 month old Downs syndrome child needs focus too so , come on - I think she should have said no.
Maybe because she has gone back to work running her little village shop (which is how the state house looks in Alaska ) she assumes she can be vice president of the United States of America.
What she is proving is that they really believe its a real nothing job.
Is it really true that McCain believes she can represent America abroad with no experience? She even said she hasn`t paid much attention to the war in Iraq .......Is she for real ?
Then what's all this about an investigation re: a brother-in-law and someone being fired?? Did anyone vet this woman?
Is this what McCain is going to do as president? Make decisions off the cuff....There is a difference between doing things differently as in change, and making decisions without doing the necessary homework ......PLEASE continue making Obama look good folks....... I love it!