Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Why is the press going on as if this administration caused this recession?
Why don`t they put blame where it should be put and stop trying to put down the people who are trying their best to dig the world out?
They have time for every little trivia relating to this new administration but bet you didn't hear about the hundreds of demonstrators
who hurled insults and shoes at Bush's image when he visited Canada last week. Yes !! CANADA not some Middle Eastern country - check out this picture of protesters outside the venue in Calgary where Bush was speaking. Here is this man living his millionaire lifestyle while all around there are people living in tents...something is wrong with that! What makes him different from Madoff?
I agree with President Obama. Take your message to the people sir, have your media blitz as only you are telling us what's really happening. Everything he talks about I understand more than what I hear on CNN. If he smiles, he`s in problems...Sir you die if you do, you die if you don`t - so push on, there are people willing to give you longer than 100 days to turn this catastrophe around !
According to NBC, your appearance last week on Jay Leno gave the Tonight Show its biggest overnight ratings since Leno paid tribute to the late Johnny Carson in 2005 and also boosted Late Night and Last Call to those shows' best numbers since 2005 - now that's Economic Stimulus !!!!
And tons will be watching you tonight as there is no AMERICAN IDOL:)

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