I must have overdosed on the stuff when I thought I was entering menopause. My husband had to inform me that the milk was fattening and I shouldn`t be drinking it like water. As long as the label said soy I bought it.
I believed the FDA and the media when they said soy was helpful in strengthening bones and calming menopausal symptoms in women. Why wouldn't I? Its only a simple bean from nature's bounty of wholesome, nutritious foods, right? One we've been led to believe provides healthy food products for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike.
They say it's harmless, tasty, and packed with health-promoting goodness. And the FDA wouldn't lie about that, would they?
Well, that's what I thought until I heard the rumours and read up on it and cut all forms of it out my life.....going out for sushi once in a while and mixing my wasabi in it is enough. So when I read this article from 'Newsmax' medical editor Dr.David Brownstein head lined: 'The Frightening Truth About Soy' I thought I should pass it on as maybe a lot of you haven`t heard about this and although 'Newsmax 'is a little sensationalistic, you can form your own opinions after you have read what he has to say. According to Dr. Brownstein , what the FDA, the media, and especially the soy industry would rather you not know is this:
"Consuming large quantities of soy and soy-based foods actually puts you at risk for severe hormonal imbalances — as well as many other serious health issues.As I always say moderation in all things.
And unfortunately, just trying to avoid soy milk or soy foods isn't enough.
There is a highly processed, devitalized, and potentially toxic soy protein isolate present in nearly 60% of all the food you buy at your local grocery store.
Unbeknownst to you, these health-damaging soy isolates are added to many food products you consume every day (including meat) — to enhance flavor, improve texture, and increase the protein content.
I can see you now, scratching your head and asking . . ..
If Soy Is So Toxic, Then Why
Are Asian People So Healthy?
That's an honest inquiry.
After all, Asian people eat a lot of tofu and other soy foods — don't they?
Well, that's what the soy industry would like you to believe. But the reality is — they don't eat very much at all . . . maybe a couple of tablespoons a day, if that.
Soy isn't a staple in their diet, it's merely a condiment.
Could it be the Asian culture knows something we don't about soy and its potentially harmful qualities?"
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