Rich food and cigarettes are killing more and more Chinese every year as patterns of ill health there start to match those of affluent countries , according to this report in Newsweek mag.that warns of a health time bomb.
Then the New York Times reports that good old SUGAR is now replacing high fructose corn syrup in all kinds of things from Pepsi to pasta sauce.
I have always felt good old time brown sugar is what we should have if we need to sweeten something and I am so glad the world is now agreeing with me..
Remember when we were children and we used to eat butter then we heard it was bad for us and our mothers put us on margarine ? Skip to the 90`s and we learn that it is "plastic" and can`t come out once it gets in so we revert to butter. Then there is the announcement in Jamaica from the Ministry of Health that 'Melamin' is in the NEESIN brand of cup noodle soups from China.....I have never thought those things were edible anyway so I stay far from them.
The more modern we get the more it seems that we must stay with the 'old time things'.
They seem to be safer.
Dr Oz is on the TV saying that we can live to at least 150 if we lower the amount of calories we take in.....I told you that at least a year ago that I heard an announcer on the radio in New Jersey saying that if we tuned up our body like how we tune up our car and give our houses a makeover we would live to about 500......Well Dr.Oz is saying that the Regeneration Lab in Wakeforest is growing lungs, hearts, kidneys etc.and it will be available for us to access in single digit years so in other words it soon come. Can you imagine I can grow a colon from my cells ? Please watch Oprah tomorrow......the question that came to me while I was listening to this news is does that mean I can eat whatever I want and just buy a new colon when this one is destroyed....I won`t get too excited as I probably wont be able to afford it!
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