NEWS FLASH!!!!!!! Latest Cancer Report says that CANCER will replace HEART DISEASE as the #1 KILLER by 2010!
Aren't these the same people that told us the other day that due to lifestyle changes and new diagnostic tools WE are winning the war against cancer ? Well the WE that is winning the war is not the same WE that is going to have cancer as their # 1 problem come 2010.
It seems to be that WE in the developing countries are the ones in problems, WE HAVE INHERITED THE DEVELOPED WORLDS' UNHEALTHY LIFESTYLE we smoke, have high-fat diets and are following in their footsteps while they have left us the ugly shoes.
So they are winning the war and we don`t even realize that a war is staring us in our faces as we treat the family to fast food meals every Friday.
Now enter all the pressures facing the developing world, man-made foods plus financial meltdowns, what is going to happen to us ? Wait....... Stress is going to kill us as people define themselves by their material wealth.
Please people, material wealth has nothing to do with who u are, strip it away, it will be less stressful. For example if u only have one home u won`t have to worry that 3 places are being damaged when a hurricane comes, u will only have one roof to replace, and u won`t have to worry where to park your boat or your plane from the wind and rain.
Try and simplify your life, more importantly try and simplify your food this Christmas.
Another recent study has found that sugar may be addictive. Duh!! Did they think that all these people saying they have a sweet tooth WANT to have a sweet tooth? I know some whose bellies are about to reach their chin and they can do nothing about it as pastry calls, they answer.
Every Christmas I would drink bushels of sorrel that meant I was drinking bags of sugar.
Sorrel is good for cancer patients. Put it through your juicer, especially a Champion,then add ginger, no sugar.If I can drink it without sugar, anybody can. I now understand on reading this article why it was my favourite drink not only at Christmas but all year.
Ham is NOT GOOD FOR U no matter how delicious it is. PLUS u do not have to eat 12 different pieces of cake on Christmas day. I don`t know where that rubbish came from. Christmas is not about food and liquor . It is about GIVING........NOT TO OURSELVES, IT IS FOR US TO RECOGNIZE PEOPLE IN NEED AND HELP THEM .
Instead of gourmandizing ourselves lets think of that father who has lost his wife, mother-in-law and 2 children, in the blink of an eye. Think of his Christmas. As he said "PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO?". Can u imagine u r at work thinking your family is safe and sound, trying to eat right and live right and a jet drops from the skies and wipes out your family in your home where you left them ?
We need to get the lesson LIVE EVERY DAY AS IF IT WERE YOUR LAST.....It just may be.
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