Saturday, December 27, 2008

Things we did in 2008 we won`t do in 2009

NEWS: Young people not watching MTV....didn`t I tell u that tv is going to mosey on down the road.....Young people watching their computers....By the way all u need is an Apple and u don`t need a TV , everything u desire comes through your computer.
(another thing I`m noticing is if u need to contact a young person text them, don`t call them.)
Then did u notice that the fool Bush still just as fool leaving as he was coming in?
One of his pardons had to be revoked the next day as he didn`t know that the man's father had given money to the Republicans ! Hello! U mean u r still not doing your homework ? U didn`t do any before 9/11. U went to war BECAUSE u didn`t do your homework, then leaving u still showing that u not doing any ? SHOCKING!
Then here is research findings from Wharton Business School concluding that malls will have to be more creative or they are going to look like abandoned warehouses......This Christmas is certainly going to put those stores that were barely holding on - under.
20% drop in sales this Christmas, even yesterday nobody returned anything as they had bought nothing.....The sales have now reached 60% off and still few takers......So, MACY`S has written who? Barack Obama of course......They want a bailout too....I wish them luck, the news that Israel is bombing Gaza must be the news report that's giving him chills this morning.
The thing that got to me this Christmas is the fact that people in JAMAICA were still running up their cards totally unaware that not only are the interest rates going up (I got my notice in the mail already) but credit is being cut back, so for a lot of us who borrowed, we will be asked to pay back sooner than later and lending will be scaled back. Now to have to pay back for wigs and nails come January is going to hit hard.....also travelling to catch the Miami sales for things we don`t's not going to be pretty when the chickens come home to roost, mark u I`m not one of the doom and gloom people as I believe we needed this, as America has been on a blitz for too long, and Jamaica is so Americanized that when they sneeze we catch cold..........But we really need to curtail the wasting now !
2009 is going to let us eat better as we won`t be able to afford all these processed foods and we are going to stop giving our children things they do not need, this Christmas a lot of children got one gift and not twenty. Santa got sensible.
In fact my husband and I didn`t give gifts this year as we needed nothing, and for my birthday just gone I got shoes, just what I needed.
First time in my life I`m wearing out shoes.....Normally I have so many shoes I get tired of looking on them and give them away, now I wear them down until they have to be thrown away, not given away. Things and times do change.
If u start 'tun u hand mek fashion' u will be in a much better place for 2009.

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