What's wrong with this picture ? The Prime Minister of Trinidad with all their oil wealth goes to Cuba to have surgery for a tumour on his kidney and it seems as if Cuban doctors have been treating him for a long time....Cuba who has no money has a better health service than Trinidad with all its millions.....So what's more important for a country?
Health or wealth..should we have proper health care or fancy high-rise buildings and roads and bridges?
I can tell u from experience that without your health u have NOTHING.
So if a country doesn`t spend on health services they will lose out big time. I think Barack Obama is facing that right now , reaping the "rewards" of years of neglect by the people before him. Let's not talk about my country and health service together or in the same sentence...Just doesn`t go.
Trouble is that it doesn`t seem as if the Trinidadian Prime Minister is learning the lesson, he seems to be just carrying on making sure he is healthy with another country`s health care while in his country people do what?
You mean in Trinidad the doctors can`t take out a kidney tumour?
I look around me and see the fancy roads being laid down in Jamaica and don`t get me wrong I enjoy driving on them but I wonder where does it take me if I need medical attention ?
My time in Jamaica`s # 1 hospital was fraught with frustration.
Missing specimens due to incompetence....Nurses and porters pushing me with a fresh cut over potholes in A WHEELCHAIR to reach another part of the hospital to get xrayed.
Paying for private nurses doesn`t guarantee getting a competent nurse. Only having them work on you over time and being able to pick one gets you the cream of the crop by then it can be too late.
It's not even funny and money doesn`t mean service, incompetence is there rich or poor, public or private....
So people fly out, but where are they going Miami? Really, to what?
In my first bout with cancer a doctor over there told me I had gas and prescribed tablets that I ended up taking 11 per day, it made me feel so good....a friend who is a pharmacist saw me with it and asked me why was I taking it, so I told her the doctor prescribed it for me and she said "funny we only give these to terminally ill people to keep them happy and pain-free "......SOME GAS !
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