Ham done with black molasses glaze......Is that Robin Roberts I see eating that on TV? Didn`t she have cancer last year ?
I was talking to one of my friends who happens to be a holistic practitioner and he said no tests have been done to prove that cancer is helped by food so even that thing I showed you in my blog 'diabetes sent packing in 30 days' where you can watch the video 'simply raw,'none of these things, these developments, are tested by the medical world that's why the doctors merrily tell you to eat pork and have sugar when you are riddled with disease.
Is it that the pharmaceutical industry treats them so well they don`t need to try anything else?
It is obvious that people who eat a certain way......drink good water, exercise and don`t worry up themselves in other words think good thoughts and have clean spirits live longer and have a better quality of life than those that eat badly (when they belch it stinks) their skin is always oily and bumpy, they are always tired....... as to those that drink and smoke, not to talk about those men with those "beer" bellies that is really something ELSE in those bellies not beer........They all need a wake up call but are not getting it.
I had a wonderful discussion on facebook on Sunday morning on the topic of herbalife with a yogi(against) and a herbalife distributor who was saying it's great because it is in 70countries and is taken by 60 million people........hello so is coca cola. How does that make it great?
I`m not saying it's not better than bacon and jerk pork , but it has ephedrine in it , makes me shake, can`t be that good. Let's hope this is one of the things that will change and change soon in this new world we are going to experience.
Trying to eat right, drink right ,exercise, do right, live right, think right thoughts when everything around is showing you a different outcome, trying to do all that is hard enough I don`t need to shake too......surrounding ourselves with right-minded people helps, people of like mind makes life easier.
In 2009 lets KNOW that what doesn`t kill us only makes us stronger, and those of us who survived Jamaica in the 70`s and didn`t run away have the necessary skills to make it through again and we will come out on the other side better off . We learnt to focus on what's important and not on material things.
As I give thanks on seeing another Christmas and spending it with my husband and 2 sons .....I would like to thank you for staying and reading even when I got sidetracked from health issues.... for a while there it turned into an Obama blog but he is a lesson that we all need to learn that you never say die.....THE SUN WILL COME UP TOMORROW.
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