Friday, January 9, 2009


'Discipline is the bridge between your goals and accomplishments'
This cleanse and the comments I have been getting has shown me why we don`t get anything done........WE HAVE NO DISCIPLINE.
Make the doctor tell u that u have 3 mths to live, u buckle down and drink all the taste bad green juice in the world,but if I tell u to drink the juice now and prevent the doctor telling u that. U NOT DOING IT!
I have listened to some crap over this past year 2008......."I can`t eat this, i don`t like it " still this person weighs 262 pounds and I have gotten her down to that she was 325......It's tiresome I must tell u. "I can`t go to the bathroom" is the next constant cry.......if u would stop eating cheese trix and white flour crackers all day along with a cup of 'tea' with condensed milk and sugar maybe u would go......
Eat your vegetables, eat your fiber, eat fruit in the morning...U NOT DOING IT!
U make all kinds of stupid excuses like fruit has too much sugar,'and doctor say mi have sugar in mi blood.'I passed a crowd of people the other day and what were they doing? Buying cases of soda off a truck....I guess it was their Christmas drink of choice.
We really need to "tek talk" as Jamaicans would say as one thing is certain, IF u get sick traditional medicine is basically clueless when it comes to establishing a cause for an illness. A symptom is always blamed on another symptom.....But they can never tell u what caused the problem.
Well healing is only going to occur by removing the cause or causes of the problem, and supplying the true nutritional needs of the body.
It's the body that has the ability to heal! Not any external agent, and not even any food. But because the cause of an illness is often found in our diet, and a natural, optimal raw food diet is one of the conditions of healthful living, it makes the raw food diet very powerful. Doesn`t mean it's the only way, but getting the enzymes from the food to hit the body without us altering it in anyway especially cooking, will help u. Several of us can vouch for this in no uncertain terms.
We also are eating too much engineered food. Food that is genetically engineered is not for humans I`m convinced.
MY raw food chef son was telling me he couldn`t figure out where canola oil came from .....the canola? He looked it up as he figured it came from Canada and found that canola oil is a made up name taken from Canada and cute...Canola is a genetically engineered plant from the rapeseed plant part of the mustard plant family. I`ll give u the thrill of looking up rapeseed oil.....MAKE SURE U DO.
We all hear about the marvels of canola oil, but look further and find out just what u r putting in your body and then do what u MUST always do...READ LABELS and look how many things has canola oil in it.....anything engineered is POISON to our systems.

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