Thursday, January 15, 2009


France has banned selling cell phones to children.
We don`t know if it causes brain tumours or not, the verdict is still out and why are children carrying cell phones anyway?

MacMansions not popular anymore. Thanks be to God. Can u imagine they finally are going to stop pulling down those gorgeous old houses to build these monstrosities ?

WALMART and VERIZON ARE HIRING! I told u , DON`T GET CAUGHT UP IN THE DRAMA OF LIFE especially MEDIA HYPE ! Life is still what u make it and these two companies are moving full speed ahead...maybe they didn`t have any of those corporate thieves at the top.

My friend calls him Barry but he doesn`t look like a Barry....Barack and his team , I see , are coming under much pressure in the hearings for some of his cabinet nominees for one reason or the other. The person nominated to lead the attack re: the economy is facing the most trouble $34,000 tax payment not made some years ago, which was paid the minute he realized it wasn`t paid..... what a good thing it wasn`t $134,000 !!!
Can u imagine they are testing Barack the week before his inauguration ? Can`t they wait till he`s President ? People if u voted him in, u have to give him the goods to do the job and then give him time. I don`t see how congress is saying their people back home are not pleased with the financial rescue plan and so they have to vote against releasing the remaining $350 billion to Barack when the people back home are the same people who voted him in......
I see Hilary came with suitcases under her eyes (those are not bags)I`m sure due to her preparing for the attack.
Well I just feel it in my gut that they are going to do well and make a difference, no matter how they try to thwart them. They are going to bring us back to the real world while cousin bushy goes out saying what a great position he has left his country in.....Bye bye sir, I realize that if u didn`t come in we wouldn`t have realized JUST how lopsided the world is and how much we need to change. Thank you for everything...especially for giving billions to bail out banks like Citigroup who got $65 billion and are back at the door hat in hand begging because no one checked what they were going to do with the money they were the auto industry all over again........U guys need to fall.

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