Saturday, January 31, 2009


President Obama must have read how upset I was about his choice of food(smile). I couldn`t understand how he has sent his children to a school that only serves healthy food and his favourite food is chilli and burger medium-rare.......give me a break....Mr. President we need you around for a long time to come.
I love how the reporters are calling him Barack and catching themselves and saying President Obama. They still can`t believe it. The man is making seriously brave moves!
Then the tragedy of America at this time. A man shoots himself his wife and 5 children BECAUSE HE LOST HIS JOB AND HE WAS ABOUT TO LOSE HIS HOUSE AND COULDN`T MAKE ENDS MEET, on the other hand (and another tragedy in my eyes) is the news of the woman having 8 babies at one time...this is getting "dog-like" now. These people need to stop taking those fertility drugs. Worse she had 6 already, count them 6 other children and took fertility drugs????? COME ON....what kind of doctor does that? Then it turns out she is single (divorcee) and living with her parents in a 2 bedroom bungalow and now has 14 children?
Even the couple that has 18 children had them one or 2 at a time, and they certainly have lots of space and the means to look after them .... I hope that's the case here but my gut tells me not and you can be sure some of the 8 not right, as once they having 6 and over, all kinds of things go wrong, tons of disabilities.........Makes me sick just thinking about it. So you mean to tell me that she and her parents will be living with 14 children? Sounds more like a children's home, but then I heard the news that she plans on breast-feeding all 8 babies so it may be more like a mental ward.
Anyway let's talk about positive stuff, as I surf the web and watch and listen to comments of peoples' experiences on inauguration day, I came across this lady who drove to Washington with her friend and slept in her car as she had no money to stay in a 2 in the morning they were parked in a gas station sleeping and a policeman came and told them they had started blocking off the roads and so the women would have to move. She and her friend then found themselves 2 blocks from the actual inauguration, what a blessing she said as she didn`t even think she would be in the vicinity, she never thought she would be able to see anything,she only wanted to be there. She said she now feels like a millionaire although she only had $20 in her pocket....what a story ! Makes you know miracles do happen.
But seriously now when have you seen such a brave soul like President OBAMA ?
Please transfer his bravery to your health.....I know half of you don`t look after yourself because you are scared...but you will be more scared when the diagnosis comes........If you inherited good genes,don`t waste them,TAKE CARE OF THEM.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I just finished having a burger for my dinner, it was made out of carrot pulp, flaxseed, sunflower seeds etc and dehydrated for 4-8 hours...placed on a bed of lettuce and pakchoy with an Asian sauce (as I can`t eat tomato, so no 'faux ketchup' for me ) I can`t tell you just how good it tastes and how good for me it is.
When you eat, you need enzymes to help digest the food, so some form of raw food needs to be eaten with all your meals. Eating predominantly cooked food puts a tremendous strain on your body, so although its good to eat 80% COOKED AND 20% RAW, our goal should be to eat 20% COOKED AND 80% RAW.
We need to understand the role that enzymes play. Enzymes are in the cells of every plant and animal. All biological movements from thinking to blinking to raising your hand comes from enzyme activity.
To receive the benefits of eating raw food and achieve optimal health you have to make sure that you eat a high enzyme diet consisting of raw fruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds, nuts, grains and some seaweed.
If you eat raw food like carrot or a banana the enzymes are right there ready to work for you immediately.
If your food is cooked beyond 118F /48C, your body has to manufacture its own digestive enzymes to do the job. The enzymes that occur naturally are killed by the heat, so that's why you feel so tired after eating a big plate of food as your body has to work extra hard to digest the meal.
The major problem though is that while your body is busy working to digest this food it is unable to to make the type of metabolic enzymes that are necessary to do other tasks like building, cleaning and healing. Therefore all kinds of health issues creep in......sinusitis,indigestion, constipation, bad skin, cysts and tumours, lethargy, allergies and on and on, because the body is too tired it has no energy to build.
Then you say you are getting old and tired.......THAT'S NOT THE are just not manufacturing enough enzymes, as when you are in your 20`s and 30`s you have far more enzymes than when you are in your 60`s,and as your body is using them up digesting instead of healing you won`t have enough enzymes to take care of your basic needs of life. If this happens you are going to die.
The solution along with eating all the fruit and vegetables you can is to take digestive enzymes in tablet form. We didn`t hear about this before. We just thought we had digestive problems, or the food is 'hard to digest' or we musn`t eat this or that late in the name it we have an excuse for it.
Digestive enzymes would make us stop having those ugly stink belches and repeating our food. When you eat a certain way you don`t stink as your food has been digested properly, unless you have eaten too much garlic.
Talk to raw food scientists, the things they will tell you will blow your mind. Then let a raw food chef prepare a meal for you and you will realize the difference after you finish eating,U WILL FEEL LIGHT. You also won`t crave more food which is what most people do - they crave it's not hunger.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


You know since I`ve been doing all this research into cancer it gets more and more fascinating. As my friend who led me to glyco nutrients said, "cancer is not a myth anymore" so everything we learn helps...Here I am finding out why some people live with 'pancreatic cancer'......they have islet-cell, not pancreatic cancer, so Steve Jobs and Patrick Swayze have 2 different things. Swayze and Randy Pausch has/had adenocarcinoma.......entirely different beast. Matthew Dallek certainly did his research - according to him, "Islet-cell tumors can certainly kill people, but they're drastically different from adenocarcinoma, what we normally think of as pancreatic cancer, which is much more aggressive and common "- check out his article Steve Jobs and Me. It makes an interesting read.
Survivor personalities some of us have it, some don`t......This I`ve come to believe as I`m now bucking up on people that I thought would walk through cancer but they are allowing cancer to come into their house, into their lives, and take hold of their brain while it's visiting other parts of their body.
ABC 20/20 just did a 3 part programme on what is called
The Survivors Club . When you see how people react to certain situations it will amaze you and you will realize why some people survive and some don`t. I came to realize that I HAVE A SURVIVOR PERSONALITY.
I`m not sitting at the back of any plane, I always have no problem with sitting by the exit door whereas people ask not to sit there.....and I`m not hearing a gun shot and going towards the sound I`m gone in the other direction...I`m not driving behind a truck with gravel or steel as I have to have enough space till I can overtake then I go quickly. I tell friends when we are driving past coastal areas that there are certain areas I`m not living in because of tsunamis. They all laugh at me and say what tsunami? That's what the people in Thailand said too....The key is staying calm.....Have a plan, and act immediately don`t wait. That's why cancer and I will continue to have a lick-down, drag-out fight!
I see people get their diagnosis and relax as if this thing is going somewhere's not going anywhere PEOPLE, by the time it starts to show symptoms it has already taken hold . YOU HAVE TO ACT QUICKLY, THE FIGHT STARTS NOW.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Fake food..............I knew that some of the fish we ate in restaurants were not the real thing but who knew it stretched as far as olive oil?
I eat fish that I buy from the fishermen that spear the fish in the deep seas off Ocho Rios, they all have heads and taste different...when I buy fish fillet I don`t know what i`m buying. If I`m buying fish without a head and a tail who says it's fish?
Now I`m hearing its not.It certainly doesn`t taste like fish, it tastes stale and frozen, some have a high smell.
Our parents ate the same things we eat, but maybe they ate the real deal whereas ours is make-believe, all man-made.
Just like those man-made dogs, we have man-made food, no wonder we are manifesting all these diseases.
Now how do I know the real olive oil from the fake one ? How do I know real honey from fake honey, real salmon apart from fake salmon? I understand that fake salmon when cooked turns light pink, whereas the real salmon holds it's colour.
I have to concentrate so much on what I`m eating...... how do I enjoy the food ? When I`m eating fruit I have to fret as to whether it has pesticides and insecticides!!
I have to worry about the same re: vegetables. I love when I see caterpillars and worms as I know that means the lettuce is free of poison as they are alive so I have a chance to live too. Most of us hate to see the bugs and make a big thing about throwing the vegetables away when they should be relieved and glad, we should just wash them off and enjoy the food.
Do u remember when we all stopped eating butter and went to margarine ? Then one day I read that margarine cannot come out of our intestines as it's plastic, does that mean what I call plastic-cheese that everybody eats at Easter, that red one ... Is it also lining the walls of our intestines? Not going anywhere soon ?
Make no mistake about it.....our intestines are not like our feet.... we can wear "pleather" instead of leather( although we will end up with corns ) but we cannot eat plastic instead of the real deal ..... WE WILL DIE.

Friday, January 23, 2009


The new President and his wife having only 1/2 hour between the parade and the first ball, left nary a dry eye in the house when Beyonce sang for them to have their first dance as President and First Lady.
Mary J.Blige streaked her makeup and just as the day started with goose bumps we all realized having a leader in love with his wife and showing it meant life would only get better.
We knew George and Laura were in love, trust me Laura had to be as she never stopped taking up for him, but we didn`t see them touching and whispering sweet nothings every chance they got. These two do. U don`t need to ask if they are going to be making some serious whoopee and raising all the ghosts in that there White House. He is no great dancer but he certainly showed that he had a little rhythm, the white in him made the fast dances not go so well but the black part made the slow dances look good....Vice President Biden wasn`t so lucky.
Everyone wanted to know what she would be wearing and she didn`t disappoint. Love it or hate it they certainly made great eye-candy. The entire family is worth watching.......great style.
The family from his Indonesian-American half sister with her Chinese-Canadian husband, and her black brother who has a white wife is certainly colourful we won`t even bring in his Kenyan stepgrandmother. The White House will never be the same.
Then was it because Obama didn`t vote for him why John Roberts messed up the oath? We all know that Obama would have been prepared so I was not surprised to see the picture of himself and Michelle practicing taking the oath with the Abe Lincoln bible, so that flub was all Mr. Chief Justice's......Well see now it has to be done over. That's why President Obama didn`t vote for u sir. Nuff said!
Now if Pelosi will realize her place all will be well.
Watching Oprah the day after, I learnt that Starbucks was giving a free cup of coffee to whoever signed up to donate 5 hours of community service, and my thought is why can`t we do that in Jamaica? Every one I spoke to had an excuse....I guess we need our own Obama, a leader to make us believe in ourselves, anybody see a young Michael Manley out there?
It only takes commitment - the money will come just like it did for Obama.
Brings me right back to my favourite topic...Health !
It only takes commitment to your health for u to feel and see the difference in your life. Just like how we commit to our loved one, why can`t we commit to ourselves ?
I would like someone to tell Obama that cigarettes and eating smoked chilli etc. will not make him last through the stress he is going to be experiencing. We want him healthy and having a long life to not only make the changes but experience them.
Exercise alone will not do it Mr.President!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT IS HAPPENING......I am watching TV and there is this vision of connectedness and between black & white, all 2 million of them huddled together in the cold, warm from love for this man who is leading them through a change they can believe in ......Then I turn to CNN world and see Israel turning Gaza into a parking lot. I look into the eyes of children and see no hope, no connectedness, just a promise of awful things to come. But Saudi Arabia is offering $1 billion to help build back maybe all is not lost, Gaza was a dump before it turned into a parking lot so again out of every evil cometh good as just maybe there is hope for those people going through the rubble of what used to be their homes.
The interesting thing is that BARACK OBAMA is not just the hope of the United States of America. He is the hope of the world, and when I remarked to a friend about what I was seeing on the TV she said "don`t worry Barack is here now, he will straighten it out."
The hopes of the world is on this man. It's a good thing he is a spiritual plant so he will be able to weather the storms on behalf of everyone's hopes and dreams.
U know there were no arrests yesterday, 2 million (majority black) people and no arrests! Can u imagine ? An ABC announcer said he overheard a woman asking her daughter if she was cold and the young woman answered " history is keeping me warm."
How unbelievable an experience when u heard how cold it was.......
How pretty the first family looked on the podium, their clothes a riot of color.
Then came the scare with Teddy and we saw our leader sad, then we heard he was fine and onward to the parade .
Everybody was scared when the President and his wife got out the car and started to walk - in fact everyone held their collective breaths, one announcer said how brave this young couple was, but I believe no one there wanted to harm him. The amount of love that was there, no evil could stand against it.
There are a lot of sad people this morning who had tickets but didn`t get in to the swearing in. I knew when I turned on my TV at 4:00 a.m. yesterday morning and saw people on the go getting settled choosing their spots, I knew those people who had tickets and would arrive at 9:00am were in trouble....and sure enough by the time they arrived,the line was too long, the wait was 3 hours and the gates locked on schedule and Barack took his oath without them. They were lucky they were at the gate, lots of people were still on trains, some still at the station, James Carver said he walked when he saw that nothing was moving...............
The lesson from this was, although hearts were breaking, no anger was expressed, everybody took their disappointment home with them and wished their new leader well.

Monday, January 19, 2009


If we ever need proof of what is killing us off look around u and look at the people who succumb first.......
I`m not saying babies and children are not succumbing but who put what in their makeup?
It's not only the food, we are bombarded with toxins from all angles. Think of what is flying around in the air. These cell phones, do we yet KNOW what they do to us? They say the bees are dying out..... why?
It's everywhere like when I hear that Obama's daughters are getting a hypo-allergenic dog.....what's that? What's a labradoodle?.... a man-made dog? A LABRADOR AND A POODLE MIX I UNDERSTAND BUT WHAT MAKES THEM HYPOALLERGENIC ?
Why is everyone now so allergic to everything ? Here in Jamaica we grew up with all kinds of dogs,I grew up with 3. I didn`t have any friends throughout my school life who were allergic to dogs, but then dogs weren`t sleeping in our beds or eating from our plates or licking us in our faces and on our mouths.
Most of us don`t even know what we are allergic to !
We consume all this mucus. Milk, cheese, white bread, white rice,white flour, then we say we have sinusitis...Have u ever heard yourself in the mornings ? I`m glad i don`t have to live with u.
U know if we listen to our bodies we would never go wrong. It tells us what is happening. Instead of listening to our bodies when we get an upset stomach, we get Tums, or Mylanta and when that doesn`t work we go to the doctor and get a prescription for something stronger......People, when those things happen, check out where is talking to u and take action, don`t wait until it's too late. When I fell off the wagon, I couldn`t drive, my shoulders ached so badly...and I simply didn`t know that my intestines were talking to me,(who knew my intestines were connected to my shouders) and it had nothing to do with stress at work or my car seat. We all get some kind of warning, BUT MOST OF US DON`T KNOW,DON`T ASK,AND IGNORE IT.....
Let me tell u if we don`t follow up on it the doctors not doing it for us.
It's our body, our life....... After the doctors learn from us what's up and the fabulously expensive diagnostic machines detect and confirm what's up and if it's early enough to be removed and u don`t hear the dreaded word inoperable(u normally hear that after months of hearing they can find nothing) what do u do then? Haul out all your savings and give to the Oncologist while still stocking up with junk food at the supermarket. RIGHT?

Sunday, January 18, 2009


It looks like Patrick Swayze is definitely in trouble.....his lungs are gone, and with all the love his wife is giving him and all the money in the world, is it just a matter of time before we hear the news ? Have they sent him home to die or has some miracle happened ? IS HE GOING TO BE LIKE STEVE JOBS AND BEAT THE ODDS OF PANCREATIC CANCER ?
Patrick didn`t stop smoking, but would it have made a difference anyway ?
As I sit here, I wonder is it inevitable ? Should I bother to stop eating all my favourite foods that are not good for me ? Should I change my quality of life and just take the great-tasting food way-out, as one way or another one day soon cancer will be back.
They say Steve Jobs' liver is now gone and he is looking for a liver transplant........he has had some great years since cancer of the pancreas and made some amazing things.THE IPOD,THE IPHONE - suppose he hadn`t fought, would we have had those things now ?
I would love to have interviewed Randy Pausch and now Patrick Swazye to ask them what changes did they make while killing themselves with all these mega-toxins they were using to kill their cancer cells that kill all cells and then inevitably, them in the process.
Did they stop eating meat ?
Did they drink a green smoothie each day ?
I know Steve Jobs has smoothies and doesn`t eat meat, in fact I understand he also used to be a rawfoodist, I don`t know if that continued. Maybe that's why he is the person who has lived the longest having had pancreatic cancer. I need to interview him too:)
I am a lover of peanuts, but peanuts have mold and not so good for cancer of the colon patients. I have been craving them as I told u, consulted with my "health" gurus , did as they said , found the craving had gone as a result of following their advice, but the TEMPTATION was still there and as I remember the flavour of the roasted peanuts from the peanut man , there I was back driving him down after work each evening listening for the whistle to know where he was located . Well as a result of succumbing to the temptation, my face broke out and of course my legs have started to hurt me, and my mood has changed (u won`t believe how food affects your moods). I wasn`t satisfied with the little amount I had had. NO, I had to saturate my body with these things till they started to affect me...I, WHO KNOW BETTER. Well I eat good 9 out of 10 days in fact that's why my face has now broken out as I`m relatively clean so things affect me quickly, but I think that's how we all matter how we know it's not good for us we test the waters till we can test it no more then we say we are sorry and hang our heads, but for most of us the 'heng dawg' routine comes too late. I want to tell u all that I`ve come to understand that when u are toxic and eat the whole heap of jerk pork or drink the whole heap of alcohol nothing appears to happen, when u r clean u get the message that u have done badly immediately.
All kinds of strange things are happening so we need to be strong to fight, that means our immune system has to be spot on, able to withstand everything.
And in the midst of my struggles with food "demons", came news of a friend with a newly-discovered health challenge but, as usual, a peep of light shone out of the dark clouds and I received the following in an email from another friend that I have to share with u as it's the truest thing I have heard in a long while and can be applied to all our struggles, be it health or financial ......
" The plane floated and EVERYONE was rescued - if it was bad news and even 1 person had died can u imagine how this would have cast a pall over Obama's inauguration ? And how miraculous it was that people were able to walk off on to the rescue boats ? For me it's a metaphor of what Obama will bring to America and the world where economies are crashing and falling .... like the plane that fell out of the sky, the landing may be rough but if people pull together and there are more us who are brave like the pilot we WILL survive and live to tell the tale."
Moral of the story - if we are brave IN DARK TIMES we might just survive to tell the tale!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


France has banned selling cell phones to children.
We don`t know if it causes brain tumours or not, the verdict is still out and why are children carrying cell phones anyway?

MacMansions not popular anymore. Thanks be to God. Can u imagine they finally are going to stop pulling down those gorgeous old houses to build these monstrosities ?

WALMART and VERIZON ARE HIRING! I told u , DON`T GET CAUGHT UP IN THE DRAMA OF LIFE especially MEDIA HYPE ! Life is still what u make it and these two companies are moving full speed ahead...maybe they didn`t have any of those corporate thieves at the top.

My friend calls him Barry but he doesn`t look like a Barry....Barack and his team , I see , are coming under much pressure in the hearings for some of his cabinet nominees for one reason or the other. The person nominated to lead the attack re: the economy is facing the most trouble $34,000 tax payment not made some years ago, which was paid the minute he realized it wasn`t paid..... what a good thing it wasn`t $134,000 !!!
Can u imagine they are testing Barack the week before his inauguration ? Can`t they wait till he`s President ? People if u voted him in, u have to give him the goods to do the job and then give him time. I don`t see how congress is saying their people back home are not pleased with the financial rescue plan and so they have to vote against releasing the remaining $350 billion to Barack when the people back home are the same people who voted him in......
I see Hilary came with suitcases under her eyes (those are not bags)I`m sure due to her preparing for the attack.
Well I just feel it in my gut that they are going to do well and make a difference, no matter how they try to thwart them. They are going to bring us back to the real world while cousin bushy goes out saying what a great position he has left his country in.....Bye bye sir, I realize that if u didn`t come in we wouldn`t have realized JUST how lopsided the world is and how much we need to change. Thank you for everything...especially for giving billions to bail out banks like Citigroup who got $65 billion and are back at the door hat in hand begging because no one checked what they were going to do with the money they were the auto industry all over again........U guys need to fall.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


This is an excerpt from an article by Taniesha Lewis in the January 12th issue of the JAMAICA OBSERVER .It's about this couple, aged 92 & 96 "still in love after 72 years" - I found 2 things very interesting......

2:She doesn`t EAT everything................

'Still in love after a 72-year marriage'

IT was love at first sight when Cassanda (Miss Cassie) met Joseph Thomas many moons ago.

Ten children, 59 grandchildren and countless great grandchildren later, the couple - who has been married for 72 years - say they are still very much in love.

Cassandra and Joseph Thomas got married in 1936.
On a cool afternoon one day last week, Miss Cassie recalled how they met as she sat on the verandah of their home in Johnnies Hill, Clarendon.

She was 17 years old and he was five years her senior when they had a chance encounter.

"I went out to the market at Kellits and on returning home - at the time we used to walk because transportation was not available in those time - we walked and talked from this to that," a very animated 92-year-old Thomas told the Observer, as she sat beside her husband.

In all, Miss Cassie gave birth to seven boys and three girls whose ages range from 47 to 75. Four children are deceased.

When asked how her husband proposed to her, she burst out laughing then later confessed that she couldn't remember. She quickly added, however, that her lapse in memory was insignificant since all that really mattered was that they were in love.

They say their secret to a successful marriage is abundant love. The fact that they share the same birthday, March 28, may also have something to do with it.

"Let me spell it for you, l-o-v-e," Miss Cassie emphasised.
"It's just love, because if you don't love, yu not going to stay. If you don't love, don't bother with it [getting married]. That's how we do it. We just love one another. Soft, hard, rough; we just cling to each other," she explained.

"Not all day is sunshine, but we just take it easy," she continued. "For sometimes you have rain and sometimes you have sun, but you still going. When the rain comes, you just shelter."

The couple were also business partners, making their livelihood from farming.

"Whatsoever he cultivated, I sell at the market. Me had a hard time because me travel from here to Claremont Market. At that time it was mango time, so you work the donkey to Claremont and then sell mango as usual until the trucks come in, and you don't bother use the donkey again you go on the truck."

And when it comes to the reason why the couple has enjoyed longevity, they think it is their good eating habits that has kept them around this long.

"Just natural. No fertiliser," Miss Cassie explained. "I take it easy. Me nuh eat everything. Me nuh eat them beef and them chicken

I would like to inform u that mas Joe just retired from farming because of his knee.....AT 97.
We need to be like this couple.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My Vision

Patrick Swayze hospitalized and there is the comment beside the headlines....CHEMO CAN TAKE IT'S TOLL.........
Why won`t we burn and run? Why do we keep going back for more chemo with no change in diet ?
We take round after round .....whatever doctor says monkey does. Don`t we know that chemo kills ALL CELLS GOOD AND BAD ?
So how can we take round after round and think one year later it's not going to affect us.
Take 2 rounds and run, run to building back healthy cells. And that's if your particular cancer responds to chemo....Some don`t. If yours does, know that the toxins chemotherapy deposit in your body take around 2 years to come out.
This brings me to think about my dream/vision whatever it is......
I see myself setting up a retreat/wellness centre where anyone with cancer or anything for that matter can come and do just that....Retreat.
U will bring your sick self to this place in the mountains and eat raw food from the raw food chef, have the holistic practitioners open your chakras so that your energy can flow through your body, walk the trails, be at one with the one, a little yoga or tai chi, music to soothe your soul, proper supplementation with glyconutrients. Your body will be allowed to do what it does best....Heal.
In other words even if u just need to get away from the stress of THE WORLD and are not ill, I will welcome u.....Maybe it should just be a Holistic Prevention center .
People need to be informed. Following my recent blogs on doing a cleanse for 2009 , I found out so many of u are uninformed and it's not that u don`t WANT to know, just that u DON`T know.
I thought most people would know that fruits must be eaten before their meals not after. How many of u use fruit as dessert? It's not to be done..... If you are eating fruit eat it before your meal.
So my vision is to inform u of simple things like that.....I want u to know I`ve been there, done that......I understand u do not want to give up certain things but u may have to.....the basic premise of health is to KEEP YOUR BODY ALKALINE. When your body becomes too acidic all kinds of illnesses come a calling.
We need to know that grapefruit is not acidic when it enters your body, it's alkaline, but oranges are acidic in and out of your body, I will help u make informed decisions of what to eat. I love peanuts.... LOVE, LOVE PEANUTS, so when I started craving them the other day I knew something was wrong as before, when I used to indulge in peanuts I couldn`t move in the mornings, my feet would get stiff and painful, so I asked my holistic practitioner and my food scientist (although I knew, I just wanted to make sure) what was up ? Of course it was that I needed protein.......2 fish later, I don`t care for peanuts anymore.
My food scientist feels no one should eat fish as they are the nastiest things but I believe it's the water that they swim in that's nasty not the fish, and not all water is nasty. TOO MANY SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT OUT THERE AND MOST OF THEM SAY I CAN EAT FISH.
One thing for sure though no fish will be served at my retreat only raw food!
Sorry, 'LIVE' food.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


'Being gay is a gift from GOD'........
As Oprah said she has never heard any minister say that before....Amen sister.....that's why it is spirituality not religion. Her show on 'Finding your spiritual path' with Rev.Ed Bacon, Elizabeth Lesser and Michael Beckwith was certainly interesting.......THAT was a HUGE statement!
It came from Michael Beckwith and was seconded by Rev.Ed Bacon and must have shook TV`s all over the world.The gay young man asking the question certainly got an answer he may have prayed he would hear one day but certainly NEVER expected he would ever hear it from a minister........
Can u imagine being a gay child and hearing that? What a difference it would have made in your life.
Just like how a gay person has all of their gifts and is no less because they are gay, same thing with what's happening in the world .... we have all that we need we just need to realize it.
As I look around me I wonder what is the difference between someone or a business making money in these times and those that succumb to the drama....a friend of mine told me yesterday that it's difficult getting internet access from Barbados as all the lines are busy because all the hotels etc. are so busy for the season.........
It's because America is not the only country in the world, we behave that way but it's not.....Cuba`s Tourism is doing very well this year, they have Canadians, who last time I looked were managing their money quite fine it seems.
Barbados never gave up Europe as their #1 market ........they behave like a mini England actually.....
Point is the Americans are in deep doodo. They deserve to be right where they are and when u listen to where they have the $700 billion dollar bailout going cause no one is watching, u have to wonder if they will ever come out of the hole they are in. Can u imagine they voted in a bailout and no one knows what the people they are bailing out is doing with the money.......They can`t be serious!
We do not need to fold up and play dead because America is in trouble, yes we live in a global village but there are other large countries in this village that are not dying. We also need to put life into the universe and not helplessness.
Even where our food is concerned we have taken on the American diet and are using it to kill ourselves..........
Lots of billionaires are going to be made this year - even in America,....We could choose to be one.
Lots of people choosing to eat 'live' this year, especially in America ......

Friday, January 9, 2009


'Discipline is the bridge between your goals and accomplishments'
This cleanse and the comments I have been getting has shown me why we don`t get anything done........WE HAVE NO DISCIPLINE.
Make the doctor tell u that u have 3 mths to live, u buckle down and drink all the taste bad green juice in the world,but if I tell u to drink the juice now and prevent the doctor telling u that. U NOT DOING IT!
I have listened to some crap over this past year 2008......."I can`t eat this, i don`t like it " still this person weighs 262 pounds and I have gotten her down to that she was 325......It's tiresome I must tell u. "I can`t go to the bathroom" is the next constant cry.......if u would stop eating cheese trix and white flour crackers all day along with a cup of 'tea' with condensed milk and sugar maybe u would go......
Eat your vegetables, eat your fiber, eat fruit in the morning...U NOT DOING IT!
U make all kinds of stupid excuses like fruit has too much sugar,'and doctor say mi have sugar in mi blood.'I passed a crowd of people the other day and what were they doing? Buying cases of soda off a truck....I guess it was their Christmas drink of choice.
We really need to "tek talk" as Jamaicans would say as one thing is certain, IF u get sick traditional medicine is basically clueless when it comes to establishing a cause for an illness. A symptom is always blamed on another symptom.....But they can never tell u what caused the problem.
Well healing is only going to occur by removing the cause or causes of the problem, and supplying the true nutritional needs of the body.
It's the body that has the ability to heal! Not any external agent, and not even any food. But because the cause of an illness is often found in our diet, and a natural, optimal raw food diet is one of the conditions of healthful living, it makes the raw food diet very powerful. Doesn`t mean it's the only way, but getting the enzymes from the food to hit the body without us altering it in anyway especially cooking, will help u. Several of us can vouch for this in no uncertain terms.
We also are eating too much engineered food. Food that is genetically engineered is not for humans I`m convinced.
MY raw food chef son was telling me he couldn`t figure out where canola oil came from .....the canola? He looked it up as he figured it came from Canada and found that canola oil is a made up name taken from Canada and cute...Canola is a genetically engineered plant from the rapeseed plant part of the mustard plant family. I`ll give u the thrill of looking up rapeseed oil.....MAKE SURE U DO.
We all hear about the marvels of canola oil, but look further and find out just what u r putting in your body and then do what u MUST always do...READ LABELS and look how many things has canola oil in it.....anything engineered is POISON to our systems.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Buy good, buy one time

Bill Cunningham of the NY Times does the greatest e-column and his latest on Fashion 2009 is spot on.
I love to recycle my clothes and those clothes where I spent a bit of money because of cut and quality are timeless ,they simply NEVER go out of style.
I closed Wright Style three years ago and the few pieces I retain-ed , every time I wear them some body asks when am I going to start it up again.......linen and cotton always stays fresh. Just like the leather coat in Bill's piece, NATURAL THINGS, u can`t beat them......
My eldest son always used to say (at 9 years old ) buy good, buy one time.....I wonder where he got that from ?

If u have slipped and have fallen off the cleanse u can still get back on......just start your fruit and vegetable eating like u never slipped. Raw food always gets those enzymes into u quickly...... I`m getting a lot of cussing saying that I should have told u to start the fast on Saturday evening so your day of fasting is on a Sunday. Come on... start your fast anytime u want, I suggested u stay busy so u don`t focus on food, but it's up to u and not because I told u that u might feel spacey means U R GOING to feel spacey....just get on with it and stop making excuses. Your reaction to the cleanse will be dependent on how toxic u are.
It's as simple as this, eat raw fruit and vegetables for 10 days, drink water and exercise and life will be much better for u. The longer u last the more weight u will lose, and u will have better results....U will have more energy, your complexion will be improved, you will sleep better, sinus problems will clear up, and u will overcome cravings and addictions to food. I have watched people lose 7-10 lbs over the 10 days......I lost 5lbs in 5 days, as I don`t have any colon to cleanse so I can`t do 10 days and my new found way of eating means life is a cleanse anyway. So get to it and stop complaining. U are going to be so glad u did.
I`ve been watching Oprah`s 'LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE' series and Dr. Oz says that baby formula is loaded with Omega 3, therefore making all these wiz kids we have around - Omega 3 means high IQ`S.....breastfed babies suck away all the Omega 3 from their mothers leaving those mothers prone to depression....
Message - don`t fret about not being able to breast feed. I know u all suffer from guilt if u r unable to breast feed, but don`t worry the baby will be fine......I breastfed for 1 week - 8 in the morning and 8 at night and I would say Sajato has all his brain cells in the right order.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Salad dressing AS A REWARD


French Dressing

The high percentage of polyunsaturates (Omega-3 fatty acids) in flaxseed oil enables it to bind well with liquids and emulsify for a thick, smooth dressing. This dressing will thin out if not served immediately, but it will taste just as good.

4 tablespoons high lignan flaxseed oil(I recommend Barlean's brand)

2 tablespoons lemon juice

(optional) 1 teaspoon maple syrup

(optional) 1 teaspoon Bragg's Liquid Aminos or a pinch of sea salt

In a bowl, combine the oil, lemon juice, maple syrup and Bragg's. Whisk with a fork or a wire whisk until the dressing becomes as thick as heavy syrup.
Serves 1

Obama will need something healthy and delicious like this to put on his food as he has to stay healthy for this onslaught. This GAZA thing with no comment from the Bush White House is a real set up if ever I've seen one as by now Mr. Bush should have commented one way or the other and then following hard on this fiasco , the news that Bill Richardson had to withdraw his nomination as Commerce Secretary........I thought that Mr.'too much hair' Governor was enough bad news.
Obama needs some STAG-A-BACK ( a Jamaican drink......that has a reputation to make u wheel and come again) though not in the political arena.
I`m confident he said he had to grow up in a tough world without a father and he`s a little bit bossy so lets see where it takes money is on him succeeding.
After all with the tanking economy and now "WARS" , if he succeeds he will look like the greatest thing since sliced bread.
By the way u do know no white sliced or otherwise bread for u even if u have broken the fast.....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I hope u keep going but if u want to stop, this is how u break the cleanse.....U don`t just go from this to fried chicken with french fries.
Outlined below is Frederic's quick "transition" from the cleanse back to eating a healthy but not as strict diet.

What you want to do is make sure you're not "hungry" when you break the cleanse. As a quick transition, I would recommend the following:

Dinner: add half-avocado or one ounce of nuts to your otherwise raw dinner salad.

Day 2 of transition: Keep the normal cleanse diet during the day, but at night if you want you can add some steamed vegetables to your dinner. If you made the decision to continue with raw food, then again you can have a bit of fat with your dinner, such as 1-2 ounces of nuts, half an avocado or 1 Tbs. of olive oil.

Day 3 of transition: You can add some of the foods you avoided during the cleanse, but in small quantities only. Or make the wise decision of continuing with a low-fat raw vegan program!

But really if u even cheated, try and eat super healthy and raw for 10 days u will be surprised how much weight U WILL LOSE and just how much junk u will get out your system. Its worth it!
Remember from now on only sea salt or rock salt should be used sparingly in your diet.....Read all labels, u will be amazed what u have been eating and how things u thought were healthy have MSG in them........

THIS WEEK THE NY TIMES takes a look at how the downturn in the real estate market has made divorce more complicated . "We used to fight about who gets to keep the house," one lawyer said. "Now we fight about who gets stuck with the dead cow." Some couples can't decide and end up staying together even after divorce because they can't sell their home. "We're finding the husband on one floor, the wife on the other," a certified divorce financial analyst said. "Now one is coming home with a new boyfriend or girlfriend, and it's creating a layer to relationships that we haven't seen before. Unfortunately, we're seeing The War of the Roses for real, not just in a Hollywood movie."

Or 2009 might have no war of the roses, couples might turn it into a win/win situation..........Divorce is something that once u make the decision to pull apart everything crashes, and it takes at least 2 years to find your footing again no matter how rich or poor you may be....Our parents and grandparents might have known something in sticking it out. Normally they ended up in old age together and happy as a lark. ARE THINGS COMING FULL CIRCLE?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 4 The 'worst' is over

DAY 4 YOU SHOULD BE releasing toxins as the' worst' is over. You should be eating pretty simply and even making new discoveries on how to make tasty, fat-free salads .

Below are additional comments and answers on the cleanse from Frederic Patenaude:
If you've been experiencing very strong cravings, it's probably because you have drastically cut the amount of calories you eat on a daily basis. So my advice would be to start eating a lot more than you've had so far, and try to eat more sweet fruits like mangoes and bananas and smoothies made with them.

If you've found it fairly easy to go through this cleanse, then you're doing fine so keep going the same way.

For today and tomorrow, keep focusing on eating mono meals.

Also I want to make it clear that what I say should not be viewed or interpreted as medical advice. What I do is share my health philosophy but it's up to you to evaluate what applies to your own particular situation.

Q: For some reason I have more gas then usual. . . please tell me if this is par for the course?

A: It would be normal for some people at this point to experience some gas. Avoid too many combinations and also avoid snacking all day.

So u should all have settled down on this cleanse by now. There are all kinds of things like lymph flushes etc. u can do without doctors orders to keep yourself clean. U don`t need to buy all those expensive cleanses that u see people peddling on the TV infomercials OR spend money on colonics. PLUS most of us that have colonics go back to eating badly immediately so it makes no sense, a proper waste of money.

Here are more recipes from FREDERIC PATENAUDE to get u through the next few days.

3 bananas
1/2 pint blueberries (or equal amount frozen)
1 ripe pear
1/2 head of red leaf lettuce
1/3 cup water (more if too thick)
Blend bananas, pears, blueberries, and water.
Add lettuce and blend.

3 medium-sized tomatoes
6 celery stalks
Lime juice to taste (optional)
Blend slowly. Texture can be slightly chunky.

1/2 - 1 Cup water
2 Bananas
1-2 Cups Fresh spinach, according to taste
1/2 cup of frozen mango
Put the water, bananas (cut into 1/3 pieces), spinach,
frozen mango in the blender and blend until smooth.
Serve immediately.
If you prefer a colder smoothie, you may substitute a frozen chopped banana in place of a fresh one,or substitute a few ice cubes for some of the water.

1 Papaya, halved and seeds removed
1 cup of sliced strawberries
1/8 cup of orange juice
Pour the orange juice over the strawberries and mix. Place sliced strawberries in the hollowed out papaya halves.
Eat immediately.

1 cup chopped pineapple
1 rib celery
Blend the ingredients and pour over salad and serve

3 mangoes, peeled, seeded, and chopped (about 3-4 cups of fruit)
2 tomatoes, diced
1 handful of cilantro, chopped
1/2 small sweet red onion, chopped (when mixed with the other ingredients, the "spiciness" goes away.)
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and enjoy this unusual combo

For day 5 I`m going to explain how to break the cleanse in case some of u don`t last the 10 days.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


OK before I share more information about the cleanse I need to find out if I am the only one that has noticed that this Christmas and New Year's celebrations had no vibe. There were tons of people at the hotels where i work,Montego Bay didn`t even get the count right on TV, the New Year was in before they started to count...........Nobody was even moving much less dancing. The one in Ochi had 1500 people and a little more vibe.......The waterfront party in Kingston was a 12 million dollar slumber party till Elephant Man came on in his white 'panty' and gave us a fab performance.
Christmas this year although cool and wintry was so vibeless.I only heard one Christmas carol and that was on MY Ipod....
What was it? People, not because we getting sensible about life we need to be vibeless.......we don`t need to be dull and boring because we're saving money.
Staying with your family and drinking a glass of wine at midnight should be fun....If u have spent big money to go out then have a big money whale of a time. U all enjoyed stuffing your guts, so now enjoy yourself while recovering.
One thing I learnt for sure these past 2 years if I had doubted it before, is that u are nothing without your health.
People are getting more aware, but the fatter and most unhealthy among us are the ones saying they can`t do it they prefer to eat a fried chicken leg instead of drinking some 'pau de arco' tea.
They would never do a cleanse and they are the ones that need it.
Anyway back to your cleanse info.....
What I like about this cleanse is that it helps me to become more productive by not having to think about food. Since "food" is just a smoothie or fruit,there's no time involved in preparing it,thinking about it, ordering it, etc. You're liberated to focus on something else!

As promised, an easy 'green' smoothie for u.

Here are Frederic`s answers to some questions that some of u may be curious about.
***Questions & Answers & Comments***

Q: What is the cause of this white coating that has appeared on my tongue today ? Is it a good or bad thing and how longdoes it usually last?

A: It's just a sign of elimination. It will eventually clear by itself by the end of the 10 days, but it might take a little longer. You're on the right track!
Q: I use about 3 cups of water daily in my smoothies and raw soups. Would this water
count towards my 1-2 liters per day ?

A: Yes.
Q: I was just wondering what time to eat the last meal or piece of fruit?
A: I don't have a set rule. Some people say you shouldn't eat several hours before going to bed. I personally only try not to eat anything in the last hour or so, but usually I won't eat for 2-3 hours. It's not a big deal if you have something light before going to bed, and pretty much everything on the cleanse is light.
Q: What kind of water do you drink and recommend?

A: I don't recommend any particular water other than clean water. There are several good methods. That's not where I would suggest to invest a lot of efforts and funds. I personally use a simple water filter made by Brita

Day 3 of the cleanse soon finish ....all of u that are still on the program - u doing good !

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Raw food cleanse day 2

I can hear the moaning and groaning...All of u who stuffed your face this Christmas should make taking out the toxins just as enjoyable .

Day 2 has started! Have you noticed how the fast really helped to get the cleanse going? After u complete the fast u should start with the fruits and greens and the fun and games will begin.

Below is additional guidelines for the cleanse from Frederic.
1- Drink 1-2 liters of water per day. It was okay to not
drink water on the first day. But starting today your body
is going to eliminate toxins so you want to make it easy for
you and drink some water. Do whatever works for you to
make sure you drink this amount of water. I personally like
to fill a water jug and drink it throughout the day.

2-Add at least 30 minutes of walking and/or cardio.
Depending on your fitness level, you want to start to progressively improve your fitness throughout this cleanse. If you're getting started, I suggest walking as much as possible , starting with a morning 30-minute walk. If you feel you can do it, adding more cardio exercise such as jogging or biking for at least 30 minutes a day will be even better. As always, listen to your body and start from where you are.

3- Track Some Metrics. Here's what I recommend. To see the results from this cleanse, try to track some metrics. If you can, jump on the scale today. But don't check your weight every day! Only today and then at the very end of the cleanse. Because there will many variations and changes in water in your body during this cleanse, it doesn't make sense to check the scale every day.

Also if you can, measure your blood pressure and your resting heart beat. Write it down somewhere. You might see some interesting changes at the end of this cleanse.

The reason why I have not yet provided any recipes is because I want you to keep this cleanse very simple. Remember it's a cleanse! I will introduce some recipes later this week, but for now I'd like you to focus on eating mostly mono meals of fruits and greens. Here are some examples:

- Mono meal of just grapes
- Bananas blended with romaine lettuce and water
- Diced apples with mashed bananas on top
- A salad of spinach, tomatoes, celery and oranges

Did I tell u this was a raw food cleanse for 10 days?
If u can`t manage 10 days,don`t worry do what u can..... the first time I did it I did 5 days and got great help so don`t worry 5 days better than none.

Friday, January 2, 2009


WELL I can`t get over the fact that I`ve been asked to put a cleanse on my blog.
People how could u do that to yourselves? The amount of people who can`t talk, sinus/throat issues, sick in bed moaning with stomach problems, I can`t tell u.
What is this telling us though? In days gone by this wouldn`t have happened. Our food is being engineered and it's killing us. The same fruit cake, same chicken, turkey sauce, same etc. etc. etc. that we used to eat with abandon when we were younger we can no longer have and it's not that our body is reacting to it over time, children are just as sick. Something is wrong.....

This cleanse is adapted from Frederic Patenaude`s Fall Cleanse. It's excellent, I did both his Spring and this Fall one with my little piece of colon so I`m here to tell u it works.

"The foods that are NOT allowed on this cleanse are:

1. Nuts, seeds, avocados, and any food containing fat (including oils)
2. Powders, supplements and any food coming from a factory
3. Any type of cooked food (including steamed vegetables)
4. Bread, cereals, and any form of grain product (including sprouted grains)
5. Any type of animal products (including raw milk products)
6. Salt and condiments of any kind (including seaweed)
7. Dehydrated foods

Basically, the food you eat must be:

1. Either a fruit or a vegetable
2. It must be raw
3. It must be fresh
4. It must be fat-free "

Try and stock up on a good supply of fruit and vegetables from the list below in preparation for your cleanse:

Lemons or Limes
Coconuts (for water)- optional
Romaine Lettuce
Cho cho

If u make today the first day of the cleanse, it should be a fasting day starting at 6 pm. You should make your meal before 6 pm a very light meal of fruits and possibly salad. Then tomorrow you should skip breakfast and lunch, and then you will have a dinner of fruit at 6 pm.

So it will be a 24-hour fast, by 2 pm the following day u will beg the Holy Ghost to guide u through u will be so hungry, but stick to it it's worth it (by the way, it's normal to feel a little bit "spacey" or irritable on the first day, these feelings will pass). I find that the trick to going through a fasting day is to keep busy. So don`t bother say u can`t go to work because u fasting....RUBBISH!

For the first day it's not necessary that you obsess about drinking water. But starting from tomorrow I will introduce the idea of drinking a certain quantity of water every day. But for now you don't need to worry about this.

At this point, a lot of people will be trying to make this cleanse more complicated than it's supposed to be. Remember... it's a cleanse! This is not your normal diet.

If you want to experience benefits, you have to make your cleansing diet "cleaner" than your normal diet. You want this cleanse to be very "cleansing", so a little bit like a fast, but still provide enough nutrients and natural energy (from fruit sugar) to keep you going.

The best way to do this is to figure out what your ideal weight would be. Let's say, for example, that your ideal weight is 120 pounds.That's where you'd liketo be for the best health.

Take that number, and multiply it by 10. That will give you 1200. This is the number of calories you want to be able to eat every day during this cleanse. You don't want to go under that, because otherwise you would be too hungry. But you don't want to go significantly over it. For example, you could shoot for eating 1200 to 1500 calories per day.

If you have three or four small meals a day, then that means you would have four meals of 300 calories for each meal (like three bananas), or three meals consisting of 400 calories for each meal(like 4 bananas). You don't have to eat only one type of food but I would recommend eating one food at a time, or making a smoothie. There are many possibilities but basically I recommend a simple fruit meal.

Now you don't need to calculate all this. But it will help to give you an overview. Here's an example of this detox program for one day:

Breakfast: 2 oranges (150 calories)
Lunch: Smoothie made with 4 bananas and romaine lettuce (450
Snack: 3 bananas (300 calories)
Dinner: 2 mangoes (300 calories) followed by fat-free salad
of spinach and tomatoes (100 calories)

So your total is 1300 calories.

If you're new to raw food it might seem like a lot of food but it's not really. These are basically appetizers to some raw-foodists.

But if your goal is to change your body and really "detox" this week, then this will be an effective program.

So remember - start your fast today at 6 pm , have just fruit and possibly some lettuce or cucumbers or a smoothie (remember use only allowed foods for your smoothie) or something of that nature before 6 pm. Your next meal will be at 6pm the next day.


"If you drink coffee and you give it up during the cleanse, you will experience more detox symptoms than people who don’t drink coffee and do the cleanse. In fact, most of your detox symptoms will come from caffeine withdrawal.

If you currently drink more than 2 cups of coffee per day, I will not recommend that you drastically cut on your caffeine intake during the cleanse.

If you cannot get the product “Teeccino”, you can use decaf coffee to make the transition.

So if you drink more than 2 cups of coffee per day you should start “getting off the bean” right now using a 14 to 21 day transition.

If you drink more than 3-4 cups a day, then your goal will be to cut by at least 50% on your caffeine intake by the end of this cleanse.

And if you’re someone who drinks only 1 cup a day, you can go cold turkey starting today, or go on a quick 5 day transition. But please be aware that this is not entirely pleasant!"

As Frederic himself says when he gave up caffeine, it took him about one month to be back to his normal self! ..... he goes on further to say " don’t think that the cleanse is not working for you. If you’re dealing with caffeine addiction, the cleanse will really help you handle that. But you have to be aware of the related issues ."


In my next blog I will give you meal suggestions for the second day of your cleanse following your fast.