Saturday, January 12, 2008


I don`t know how many of u have read Nora Ephron`s "I feel bad about my neck" - its the funniest book about aging i`ve ever read........Brought me to MY aging and my decision to go grey. My husband thought it was a great idea , now it`s happening he`s not so sure. My staff thinks i`ve gone totally mad but my young male admirers are all for it as they say they think grey hair is sexy , we will see.....Aging is another road that u have a choice, u can either hug it up or fight it...and when u fighting it u can either do it with class or overdo it..........
I look around me and know that the matron act is not for me and wonder if i had exercised what a fabulous specimen i would now be. But since i didn`t, i have to live with Spanx and proper posture, i also have to buy every ingredient for my face that says "firm" in the title as the nipping and tucking not for me......The face u have in your 20`s is the one u were born with - the one u have in your 50`s is the one u earned.......Who said that? Great quote from whomever........A friend tells me my jaws are drooping because i have no colon.....i want to believe him because it's since last year that my jaws are on the floor but i wonder? I think its lack of elasticity in my face , whatever the cause, age is here in a big way!
A lot of us maintain what we have but a lot of us can do better. There is no reason that somebody who graduated from St. Hugh`s High School in 1980 and I should be looking like playmates. I left school in 1969.
There is no reason for these frumpy clothes and frumpy hairstyles either. A lot of people who claimed they have found the Lord (didn`t know he was lost) have this look. Why? GOD doesn`t like ugly!
Even granny panties have been overhauled to look sexy, just watched an ad on them done by Victoria's Secret.....the days of those huge bingo baggies are gone - although they do have their value on certain occasions for instance if you ever need to fight a fire Granny Panties Save The Day .
We need to have a look, we don`t need to look like 23 at 55 but we don`t need to look like 70 at 55 either.....Remember everything ages, not only our muscles and skin, but our hair and teeth age too, we need to look after everything. Some of us think we should just exercise, and everything else will take care of itself, no new teeth..... same old eyeglass in the same style from 1970..........same little baby gold watch (they haven`t come back in style yet.
We need to spruce up and tune up everything.
U know i was listening to a man on public radio in New Jersey talking about the fact that we can all live way past a hundred if we just maintained. He said we are just like cars if we tune up and overhaul the product every now and then, we can have a good healthy long life......Therefore 121 wouldn`t be a rarity.It would be the norm,as some of us would reach 200 with ease. We do it with our houses and our cars, we need to just apply that thinking to our bodies. I guess i need to go find all my parts that the doctors have taken out over the years.......
Along with the body maintenance we need to work on our spirituality..........By the time we reach 50 we shouldn`t be so angry. We should have realized by this that we need to let go and let GOD.
Anything that is making us unhappy and angry needs to go!
You know John Lennon said "life is what happens to u while you are busy making plans" by the time we are in our fifties we should have realized that.........planning days are over its time to live the life u have always dreamed of.............remember LIFE IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL.This is it!
The SPOUSE, THE CHILDREN,they are all perfectly capable of fending for themselves no matter how we have spoilt them.Then there is the job ...Is it fulfilling?
Life doesn`t have to be perfect,but its time u feel happy and fulfilled .Its time to take a hard look at YOU.....ASSESS THE SITUATION ,AND THEN MAKE CHANGES............
It might be as simple as throwing out the granny panties !


carrot jarrett said...

you should be writing best sellers

PAT WRIGHT said...

Thats the plan carrot ,thats the plan!