Tuesday, January 8, 2008


"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight without vision" - HELEN KELLER. What a powerful quote...focus on this today, this week, this month, this year and try and have some vision for your life this year.
Recently some one sent me an" inspirational" letter to read, it came from one of these "inspirational" websites......When i was finished reading it I felt depressed and I read it again wondering why? After a few days it came to me it made death so final.....Two men talking about why they have cancer, how their death is going to affect their loved ones and how u must put on a brave face when u r dying as people r watching u..........It made CANCER A DEATH SENTENCE.........
I don`t know ,but I don`t think I should be brave when i`m dying because my children r watching ,i`m not being lead to the gallows.I think we die badly or well depending on our level of consciousness directly attributed to the life we have lived and our beliefs........I believe that Cancer is NOT a death sentence and that DEATH is not final.
U know the first time I got cancer of the colon, my insurance company cancelled my insurance. Remember i was only 24 at the time (they now even have cancer policies, my how times have changed) well i went in to present my case as to why they shouldn`t do that......They said since i was now a cancer patient they would be setting themselves up for huge payments down the line.I remember looking at the woman and saying "do u know u can die before me? do u know u can walk out of here and be hit by a bus?" She wouldn`t hear of it so i had to live without insurance till years later Mark Neita (I have to mention his name) took me through a whole heap of tests and signed me up again......... Well the story ends like this Pat Wright is still alive in 00love and ms. lady died about 8 years ago. Saw it in the death column ... I don`t know what killed her.....she is someone I think had sight but no vision!
Most people turn to the Lord when they get their death sentence..my view is turn to the Lord when u r hale and hearty so when u get the death sentence all u have to say is "give me the strength to deal with whatever ur plan is for me" cause trust me its his plan not yours.

From "THE RAW SECRETS" by Frederic Patenaude
Get rid of Cheese and Diary
"Improving your diet isn`t about the things you ADD IN .Its mostly about the things we LEAVE OUT."
I know this reality is hard to take but even if you eat all these fruit and vegetables, drink all those fresh juices and make those huge smoothies, you won`t feel great until you remove those offensive foods from your diet that are hurting you."
There`s one thing you need to say goodbye to forever ...ITS MILK AND CHEESE..... in a previous article I talked about the top 5 worst foods and cheese was one of them."
People have this thing for cheese they still eat it occasionally and are addicted to it. Actually cheese contains some compounds that make it addictive for real, not just in your imagination.

Addictive it must be for real......I can`t stop the craving for cheese..I miss it...when i went away for christmas, I guess I thought since I was away from all these raw food people here in ocho rios i could eat some cheese... Well did i get away with the guryere and the comte. Had a ball. Came back with more mucus that the lord allows . I thought i was having a bad cold,took a week to feel good again......It still tempts me and i sneak a piece every now and again......milk i can do without, NEVER LIKED IT, and almond milk is far more delicious, but cheese.....FATHER MAKE ME STRONG!


Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear more about the so-called "evils" of milk and cheese - does this also include milk and cheese derived from soy and other vegetable products and if so what do you feed babies after they are weaned from breast milk ? Does a diet of only raw food provide us with all of our body's mineral requirements including calcium - My view is that in life, we need balance in all things including how and what we eat.

nickiemou said...

Amen sister.. continue to celebrate your life and not be limited by any medical challenges that may be placed in front of you. Often times it is the creator grounding us and bringing us back to basics. Cheese is my addiction too and yes i agree with you marked difference when i eat alot of cheese as opposed to when i am able to hold off for any extended period... as for milk i learnt that lesson ages ago when after being off it for 6 months i tried to have some with my cereal well my entire body revolted, i felt repulsion even in my fingers.. clear indication for me that since i am not a calf i should not be drinking cows milk.... the creator continues to demonstrate through all that is around us that the balance that we so eagerly want to find is naturally around us.. we do not need to culture it in a lab. Thanks for sharing and keep di faith....

Anonymous said...

Consider this, how could animal produce be the backbone for a human beings health. We are natures-child, henceforth we should eat nature's food, drink nature's juices, water and milk!!.

The way how things are going, the statue of the "Golden Calf", is not too far from being seen in hospitals, supermarkets, etc. What is up with this cow products obsession......... are we calves or are we human beings???.

From newborn to age two(2) a child does not have an active digestive system and so is unable to digest certain foods, mainly those of animal origin. Not until you begin to smell the "rawness" of the child's saliva,are they truly able to digest complex foods, which should still be void of animal origin.

Nuts provides nature's milk, be it coconut, almond, cashew, pecans, etc.. Once soaked 12hours, rinsed, blended and strained.......tadaa!!!, all-natural, lactose free milk.

On a scale of nuts being good for you , with one(1) being the best, peanuts & soya would be a ten(10), with all the others ranging from six(6) to one(1). It is best if a child be weaned on almond & pumpkinseed milk, being that both were raw and not roasted & toasted and were soaked prior for no less than 12 hours.

Calcium is found in green uncooked vegetables and nut milks but it's purest form is "raw" Sesame Tahini butter .

Eating the rainbow colour spectrum, will help to not be deficient in our intake minerals and vitamins, so gobble up those reds and greens, yellows, purples, etc..

In life there is need to strike a balance...true, but in the case of eating, to have a "truly" balanced diet it means to eat from the land and to "eat" from "sea", as there are minerals that are in the sea vegetation (kelp, nori, arame, wakame,kombu, dulse) that isn't found in land vegetation and vice versa.

Raw/Live is quite essential to the body, for too many time when we eat our stomachs are filled but our organs remain hungry........starving actually!!..

Ever since man has placed fire between his food and his mouth, there has been a disconnection between himself and nature. So please let's once more tune in to nature and be in tuned with nature. KEEP IT LIVE.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the explanation "Stoveless". So we are not really "saying goodbye to milk and cheese" the culprit seems to be milk and cheese originating from animals particularly cows - but is there some scientifc study that shows a high incidence of digestive diseases in those countries where milk from animals forms a major part of their diet ?

Anonymous said...

The best milk and cheese that I love, know and acknowledge is almond milk & cashew cheese.

A cow in a pasture, is eating grass( solar-powered foods), which basically is, "Live-Food", from eating this, he derives a healthy protein filled body. Now, a person wanting a protein body, eats the cow's protein flesh but all he receives is carcinogens, allergies, cancers, chronic diseases, heart attacks,etc.

What one should really do is eat solar-powered food( all foods that grow... fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc.), just like the cow does and in turn you too will have rich protein filled body.

The amount of protein found in these cow products, by far, exceed the digestive capabilities of the human body!!, that amount of protein and calcium, is actually meant for a 300 lb.-400 lb. animal.

Anti-bodies are passed from mother to calf in the milk, human consumption of this milk leads to health problems such as , autism, prostate cancer, parkinson disease, oesteoperosis and arthritis. The largest milk processor in the world,"Dean Foods" have agreed to these problems occuring after a constant consumption of cow's milk.

Proteins found in cow's milk, have a high amount of nitrogen. When nitrogen is broken down in the liver it creates ammonia. Ammonia is poisonous. The increased level of ammonia in the body is harmful to cells and may decrease atheletic performance.

Stress on kidneys occurs when too much cow's milk is consumed.

Calcium loss, which leads to osteoporosis, occurs with high levels of animal protein intake.

India, United States & China, are the largest consumers of cow milk in the world........... do you see the autismic problems in children, now on the rise in America, the oesteoperosis problems faced by the women of India, China faces all these problems and even more.

So, have some lactose, cholesterol, autismic, oesteoperosis, arthritic FREE!!!!! , nut milk and seed & nut cheeses today .............welcome to "Live-Food", I hope you stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

PAT WRIGHT said...

stoveless anyone would know its u . why are u commenting as anonymous?
thanks anyway,interesting stuff!