Sunday, January 20, 2008


Or should it be called manopause......because we r usually so sweaty and miserable that NO MAN wants to be with us.
Can u imagine having sex with a woman experiencing night sweats? Or him trying his luck in between hot flashes????
I decided years ago that if there was a woman on the planet who was not experiencing these things well i wasn`t going to experience them either. I found out that Japanese women didn`t have hot flashes, so then and there i decided i woudn`t have hot flashes either.........first thing i learnt was I had to CHANGE MY DIET>>>It always boils down to that doesn`t it?
I went into instant menopause when i had my hysterectomy, but because of my beliefs i made sure that hotflashes, night sweats, miserableness,dryness etc.etc. was not my reality......u can feel it coming on so why not prevent it from happening?
I read somewhere that in winter u will feel warm if u take nothing for menopause symptoms. Well this last christmas i tried it, didn`t take my supplement for 2 weeks, starting before i went away, sorry folks....I was still cold...... I had no hot flashes but one night i had a night sweat which i contributed to the heat being left on too high............nothing else happened and 2 days before coming home i started on my "PLUS" which is part of my glyco nutrient therapy ,i take 6 a day........its for my endocrine system and it works so I am here to tell u that hot flashes and night sweats can go away...........I don`t have them!
Why are we martyrs? All we have to do is take something .....and i don`t mean the chemical way like HRT or the "too mild" natural remedy "Evening Primrose" either........several companies make wonderful natural remedies which really helps. Flaxseed has been proven in all the studies coming out to really help all menopause symptoms. Sprinkling it all over your food works wonders and it can be had at your nearest healthfood store.......
Can u imagine trying to hide a crepey neck with a turtle neck when u r always hot?
Better yet, why bother put on makeup when u r going to be wiping it off when the sweating starts.
This period of our life should be the best if we have health. We can have endless sex as we no longer have to worry about getting we should have already made our careers so we have more time and the children should have already flown the coob....We should be financially secure so unless our bad financial/ health habits are catching up with us, we are set to be having the time of our lives, travelling and doing all the things we wanted to but never got around to doing.
Grand children are the greatest as they come and GO.......They are for us to spoil not for us to raise...........
Husbands should be able to spend quality time with us, if they have not changed us for a younger model. If so, we need to let him see us and weep. WE must NOT spend time weeping for what should have been...
Its time for u to have a makeover. Hair, new wardrobe, tightening up the body by exercise,(its never too late) if u had allowed it to slip and find some new interests .The world is your oyster.
There are several fabulous young men willing and able to step in and as a friend of mine likes to say "why would u want an old man in your bed?" So consider it a blessing that his leaving u will give u a few years before u have to worry about the dreaded "prostate problem" .........let his new young wife worry about dealing with that.

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