Sunday, January 13, 2008


I just read an e-mail written by an 83 year old lady where she says that the words "SOMEDAY" and "ONE OF THESE DAYS" are losing their grip in her vocabulary. How cute never thought of that, the longer we live we should say that less, well i`m thinking why say it at all....Shouldn`t we be living in the now?
Why do we want to put off?
Put off until when?
U have something to do,do it. U have something to say ,say it!
All we do is sit and procrastinate.......When i get the money, when i get someone to share it with, when i SEE them i`ll TELL them, TOMORROW I`ll call.......WHAT HAPPENS IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES?
Yesterday`s blog would have been too long if i said all that was on my mind so i need to talk about the men today.
Not that we women are not guilty of walking around with the chin hairs showing, eyebrows needing to be done and don`t get me started on the fingernail paint half stripped off on fingers and toes.......But men why are u killing us with these long nose hairs? Hairs growing like a forest out of your ears? Don`t u know there are tools made to remove unwanted hairs from EVERYWHERE ?
Or don`t u know they are unwanted and get worse as u age..........
Then ladies why do we have these men with their nails unkempt, cuticles and hangnails almost longer than their nails.Couldn`t we put a little lotion on their hands? We go to bed with them and their long jaggedy toenails and then we dress to the nines to go out,and have them looking like poor relations beside us.......Aren`t we our brother's keeper? Do we not know that no matter how good we look if the man with us is unkempt it devalues us.
Thank GOD for those men who fill the salons without being told, they just love to look good. I`m not saying u have to go to the spa or the salon but u could cut your nails...... U will not be considered gay if u wear a pink shirt and u do not have to have the cologne hit us before we see u.
Then as men age why is black the colour of the hair dye? Their beards and moustaches get the dye job too don`t think they are left out.........
I guess the same things that hold for women holds for men.....Black is not a natural colour for hair - it adds age instead of subtracting it.
And i have to comment on the grey hair men who suddenly have found themselves and decided to lock..........Since u r not a rastafarian.Groom it nuh?
The young ones with their pants under their bottoms i have news for u........ that style is passe....
Look around u......
The look is clean and uncluttered, crisp white t-shirts and a pair of jeans with a belt that costs some money....... cheap means it strips after two days......... and a pair of white airforce sneakers......look at Jay-z to see how its done, whether dressed in his suits or dressed-down to catch the basketball game.......he is always clean.......
We don`t have to have jay-z`s money to do it properly.
We just need to take the time and make a little effort.
As Johnnie Coleman says:IT WORKS IF YOU WORK IT

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