Saturday, December 20, 2008


I am completely come the Jamaican government has money to give to the Clinton Foundation (a President who did nothing for us ) keeping company with Kuwait, Italy, Qatar, Saudi Arabia who gave between US$10-25 million. Don`t we have enough problems ?...... Pregnant mothers sleeping 2 to a bed in our main maternity hospital FOR EXAMPLE, shouldn`t we try to rectify our own problems first before giving to people who are not needy. Or is it that we have to give for America to give us aid ? Well guess what America has no aid giving anybody since they started that war that Mr.Bush could ill afford, they NOW NEED aid.In fact they need more than aid,they need prayers........ So we not getting diddly squat from them therefore we need to keep our little two cents.
Our health care and education systems are so sub-par after we used to be at the top in those sectors in the 50`s and 60`s, even the 70`s we were holding on. Now our University is rated at the bottom of the barrel and is our medical system rated ? I don`t even know.
I notice the people who love to shout about HUMAN RIGHTS not saying anything about the 2 to a bed pregnant mother situation. Isn`t that a human right to have your baby with a little dignity ?
Jamaica has Mr. Lethargy leading us and everywhere you go the people tell you "these people don`t have a clue" the only one that seems to be on top of things is our agricultural minister Christopher Tufton....How can they be deep into corrupt activities already ? Did they come in with 'getting theirs' as their number one priority ?
I wish to remind them that PNP people voted them in so it's very easy for them to lose their position as it wasn`t too strong in the first place, in fact it can fall at any moment as we are waiting on a court decision.
WE NEED PARTIES THAT YOUNG BRIGHT PEOPLE LIKE AN OBAMA CAN COME IN AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE. The 2 parties we have now continue to play the same game of coming into politics for one reason and one reason alone - feathering their nests. They hug up the dons and then shout about crime.....crime will never stop once the politicians are granting favours to criminals.
Look at what is happening now where people who worked hard and had success at the different government agencies are being turned out to pasture because they are not in the JLP. That has to stop...If PNP comes in now the JLP ones will be sent packing..... What happened to keeping people on based on merit and performance ?
Truth be told if someone sees an Obama-like Jamaican willing and able to serve in the near future please tell me because look as I might in the 2 parties only Lisa Hanna is playing a half decent game, looks good and talks good, lets see if she does good, she is new we have to wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I always find your blog enlightening and certainly thought provoking. Your blog always talks about the most current issues and you are spot on with your comments even though at at times some of us may not want to admit to our unhealthy eating habits. Thank you for always reminding us about how important it is to take good care of ourselves, oh and thanks for always being so humourous when conveying your message...LOL!