Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Today was a very stressful day for me.
I had a meeting with two of my star therapists about their behaviour on Sunday. I was not there and the two of them went at each other.......I heard it was not pretty.
Listening to the whole scenario my heart wanted to break as I am aware that if I had been there it wouldn`t have happened out of respect for me, but what happened to SELF RESPECT?
The hurtful things said, cannot be taken back, half of them not meant..........Do we realize that we shouldn`t put things we don`t mean to say out into the universe?
I tell my staff all the while that it matters not if they leave my employ as they take themselves with them wherever they go.
So if they are decent, honest people they will carry that wherever, and if they are jaggabats ( bitches) they will be jaggabats, it doesn`t matter where they are.
Just like my issues are all mine. Their issues are all theirs, not mine, not the hotel's.
Why can`t we respect each other? We don`t need to love each other but we certainly need to respect each other although if we added a little love, life would be so much easier........
We spend more time at work than anywhere else , especially in my business that is not 9-5 ( by the way, what do we do with 24 hours? We work 8, complain if we have to work 12, then we sleep 8 so what happens to the other 8? why don`t we have time to do the things we want to do like keep fit ? Spend time with our loved ones etc? And trust me most of us don`t sleep 8.....just a thought) as i was saying.....We spend at least 8 hours at work why can`t we try to get along with our coworkers...most people who give problems I find, need love and are looking for it in all the wrong ways............U may ask why not give them the love and attention they are so desperately searching for? Why ? Because they make it so hard for u to do so. Sometimes u have to have the faith of JOB to connect with them........
Another problem is someone like me who has been managing people from I`m 17 years old......38 years later it becomes tiring, Can this continue indefinitely? The answer is NO.
I just don`t have that kind of energy anymore.
Over the years certain members of staff have literally brought me to my knees ........All of them turned the corner when given love , and I mean EVERY ONE OF THEM...........People love to feel needed, they want to feel important.
They love to know that we value their contribution.
Sometimes all it takes is to give them time.........a listening ear, a kind word. But sometimes it takes FAR MORE than that. Especially in these days when offers of stabbing and threats like"I will catch you outside"are the order of the day.
Ignore them at your peril........
But as with all things of a stressful nature.........It catches up with u, and today it caught up with ME.
Instead of being my usual firm self, I looked at these two young women with all the potential in the world but going nowhere,and cried.......not only for them, but for my country.........

Monday, January 28, 2008


I sometimes sit and wonder what kind of Jamaica we would have today if Michael Manley had followed through on his vision during the 70`s.
I remember wearing tie-dye clothes with sandals made by the rasta man on the street and teaching at Jose Marti High school. Everything during that era was about giving............How come we , children of the 50`s, who went through our "hippie" and "black power" days, have raised these materialistic young people?
I cannot fathom it...........
Money is the only God it seems nowadays.
No one wants to learn and pay their dues, everyone wants to "arrive"!
We (the baby boomers) seem to be just realizing that our generation had a front seat to some of the greatest leaders of all time , men and women who were spawned in front of our eyes....I see where Tom Brokaw has written a book on the subject. That got me thinking, did we realize how great these people were ?
Did we know they were going to change the world ?
Did they seem any different from us at the time ?
Did we know that this man Nelson Mandela was going to come out of prison showing only forgiveness and give us the lesson of our lives?
Did we know Martin Luther King would be the reason why Barack Obama can now run for President and win a primary in a 95% "white" state ?
Who in Jamaica knew as we listened and watched Bob Marley jumping and prancing on the stage in his "little jeans jacket" at REGGAE SUNSPLASH that we were watching a musical genius , whose music 30 years later would be as fresh and relevant as the day it was written.
Did we realize that Herb McKenley would be the reason why in the 21st century a small island like Jamaica is now known as the 'SPRINT FACTORY' of the world?
And then what about that short, fat, black man MARCUS MOSIAH GARVEY,.....WE STILL HAVEN`T SCRATCHED THE SURFACE OF ALL HE HAS BEEN TO US..... We are now finding out how much of what we now call "new thought" was an influence on his teachings.
Reading his writings we realized he was a practicing "truth student" ......not just giving it lip service.
If we had known that these people would actually have a profound effect on how we live our lives now, would more of us have lived our lives differently ?
Would we have brought up our children the way we were brought up instead of spoiling them thinking they needed more ?
Would we have had our names now called among the greats ?
Why were we too scared to take a chance ?
Would we have stopped listening to the naysayers and followed our hearts ?
Do we give thanks for those who did ?
This prayer was sent to me yesterday and I think it says it all....


Thursday, January 24, 2008


So today my thoughts are all about messengers. I always tell my minister, Rev. Sheila McKeithen of UCT that I`m going to miss the message if the messenger is not looking good and look like they have something to say. In other words Obama would give me the message , I`m going to miss it if it comes from McCain or Fred Thompson. See, HE is definitely not going to give me the message as he can`t even go by one name.
NOW HOW SICK IS THAT? But how many people u think are like me ?
Why do u think Joel Osteen has 38,000 people in his church? He took it over in 1999 when his father died with 8000 people in the congregation .....TD Jakes has been around for a much longer time 25 years to be exact, he`s still at 30,000. Why do u think that is?
Joel is not saying anything new.....its the package, he is gorgeous, his wife is gorgeous and he has two nice children..........the little girl even sings like an angel......The message is simple and well done..it works every time.
I have never seen TD Jakes wear a proper fitting suit no matter what they cost.
His pants are humongous his shoes are a little too colourful............Plus why would he keep walking from side to side showing us the worst profile i`ve ever seen. Can`t one of his peeps tell him not to do that? Well guess what ? I`m going to miss his message. When i don`t look and just listen he`s on point............but i`m just not feeling it.... maybe if his family looked like the Obamas he would stand a chance. I just don`t want to be in front of the TV with my eyes closed.
Why do stylists have the presidential candidates wear certain clothes, their hair has to be a certain colour........ their ties must match, their suits must be well cut........Hilary looks as if she has just had under and above her eyes nipped and tucked, her jawline not sagging anymore........ Its because PACKAGING SELLS......
I think image is everything. I feel the saying "if u don`t look good u don`t feel good" comes right back to "if u don`t feel good u can`t portray a positive image"...........
Portraying a positive image (different from a "dress up" image ) is everything! Thats what makes people gravitate to u to hear what u are saying......The tone of your voice, is there a smile in your voice?
I don`t like to see my messenger sweating , sorry,its natural but i just don`t.....
I also need somebody technologically aware. ( Have u noticed that young people feel that if your are not technologically aware you are a fool...........listen to them and their tone if u ask them to show u something on a computer or an ipod that they feel u should know.....And then heaven forbid if u have a face book account, what are u doing with that? we shouldn`t know everything is accessible through Youtube either,.......I remember one of them borrowing my car and flipping out because i had Busy Signal and Bounty Killa playing in there, "Auntie Pat where u get that music from?" I guess i should only be listening to Nat King Cole) sorry all that was beside the point.
Well my attitude about the message goes right across everything...Send me the message though Killa because although he`s CROSS, ANGRY AND MISERABLE.......he and I obviously bond over our favourite color BLACK and keeping it simple.......PLUS he certainly has a lot to say and is FEARLESS in saying it.
Now give BETWEENIE the message and because of the " joseph coat of many colors " jackets and the fake locks, I`m going to miss it.
Sorry , but right now I`ll stay getting my messages from the well groomed angels that come my way, while looking out for false prophets who may be dressed to the nines.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Or should it be called manopause......because we r usually so sweaty and miserable that NO MAN wants to be with us.
Can u imagine having sex with a woman experiencing night sweats? Or him trying his luck in between hot flashes????
I decided years ago that if there was a woman on the planet who was not experiencing these things well i wasn`t going to experience them either. I found out that Japanese women didn`t have hot flashes, so then and there i decided i woudn`t have hot flashes either.........first thing i learnt was I had to CHANGE MY DIET>>>It always boils down to that doesn`t it?
I went into instant menopause when i had my hysterectomy, but because of my beliefs i made sure that hotflashes, night sweats, miserableness,dryness etc.etc. was not my reality......u can feel it coming on so why not prevent it from happening?
I read somewhere that in winter u will feel warm if u take nothing for menopause symptoms. Well this last christmas i tried it, didn`t take my supplement for 2 weeks, starting before i went away, sorry folks....I was still cold...... I had no hot flashes but one night i had a night sweat which i contributed to the heat being left on too high............nothing else happened and 2 days before coming home i started on my "PLUS" which is part of my glyco nutrient therapy ,i take 6 a day........its for my endocrine system and it works so I am here to tell u that hot flashes and night sweats can go away...........I don`t have them!
Why are we martyrs? All we have to do is take something .....and i don`t mean the chemical way like HRT or the "too mild" natural remedy "Evening Primrose" either........several companies make wonderful natural remedies which really helps. Flaxseed has been proven in all the studies coming out to really help all menopause symptoms. Sprinkling it all over your food works wonders and it can be had at your nearest healthfood store.......
Can u imagine trying to hide a crepey neck with a turtle neck when u r always hot?
Better yet, why bother put on makeup when u r going to be wiping it off when the sweating starts.
This period of our life should be the best if we have health. We can have endless sex as we no longer have to worry about getting pregnant.........plus we should have already made our careers so we have more time and the children should have already flown the coob....We should be financially secure so unless our bad financial/ health habits are catching up with us, we are set to be having the time of our lives, travelling and doing all the things we wanted to but never got around to doing.
Grand children are the greatest as they come and GO.......They are for us to spoil not for us to raise...........
Husbands should be able to spend quality time with us, if they have not changed us for a younger model. If so, we need to let him see us and weep. WE must NOT spend time weeping for what should have been...
Its time for u to have a makeover. Hair, new wardrobe, tightening up the body by exercise,(its never too late) if u had allowed it to slip and find some new interests .The world is your oyster.
There are several fabulous young men willing and able to step in and as a friend of mine likes to say "why would u want an old man in your bed?" So consider it a blessing that his leaving u will give u a few years before u have to worry about the dreaded "prostate problem" .........let his new young wife worry about dealing with that.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


A friend of mine was asking me today why don`t people take their supplements when they know if they don`t take them they will die...........The answer is simple i told him, none of us believe we are really going to die.....
In 2006 november when my friends were crying when they came to see me for my birthday, i thought i was doing very well and looking kinda foxy as i was rather slim though just feeling a little weak.
Then when i had pseudomembrane disease due to the chemo and was surely on the way past the in-transit lounge, I had a friend bringing me coconut water every day and she told me she thought i wouldn`t last out the week..But truth is although i knew i was very ill, i felt nowhere close to death. But then,what does death feel like?
It wasn`t until one day as i was entering one of my doctors offices......2 women were coming through the door, i saw that they recognized me and instantly their eyes filled with tears, they couldn`t look at me to say hi, they mumbled and looked away......It was then i realized i could be in trouble........I guess my heart was TOO calm.
How many of us realize if we don`t stop we are going to be stopped.
I watch people with diabetes continue drinking alcohol, eat all kinds of things they are told not to eat and then when they lose one of their feet and realize losing the other foot is not far behind, they get depressed and give up. THEY PANIC.....They caused the storm yet in the midst of their self-inflicted trouble their hearts cannot stay calm.
Most people believe to be at peace is to lie down quietly in their hospital beds. Lying quietly while your head and heart is in turmoil is not being at peace.
As an unknown author says.........Feeling calm in your heart when everyone around you is panicked, that's the peace right there............... although the storm is raging can we KNOW that everything is going to be alright? Can we be truly calm?

Monday, January 14, 2008


U know this evil mother-in-law myth that permeates our society is not a reality in my world.
I look around me and i can`t see any of my friends that have this problem be it they have daughters or sons-in-law..........in fact sometimes the in-laws are closer to the dreaded mothers-in-law than their own children.......
My daughter-in-law is not from my culture but i can safely say she is a honorary Jamaican because although born and grown in New York no one has a better Jamaican accent than her, or wants to live in Jamaica more than her. The story goes that she came to Jamaica with her father when she was a young girl. On returning home she would only listen to BOB MARLEY and tried her best to lock her hair. Where she got that from staying at the Half Moon Hotel, GOD only knows....... The locks didn`t work out but spirit gave her a Jamaican husband.........meanwhile my son wanted a woman like his mother but without her hips.........I guess he also wanted a New Yorker as when my husband and i were returning home from living in New York, my son who was only 5 years old at the time, informed us he didn`t want to come as Jamaica is for a vacation...... Well he got his New Yorker and she came without hips........... They prove that Spirit really comes to your aid when u KNOW what u want.......
As a result of this link up, I got myself a daughter. I already have 3 "daughters" all around the same age of my daughter-in-law, although not mine by birth they are Auntie Pat's children....well here came number 4. The first thing she did was call me PATRICIA,all my daughters call me" PATRICIA " because Auntie Pat has been taken by all and sundry (even the 50 year old chef at one of the hotels calls me Auntie Pat)......How did she know that?
She fit in perfectly and we bonded over our love for shoes .....handbags played a close second so we were joined at the hip with our shopping habits.
Having similar tastes in most things helped and loving my son made it even easier for me to bond with her as she certainly makes sure he is not one of the unkempt men i just spoke about in my last blog and she always wants what's best for him....How can a mother not love that?
I also love women who do not allow their men to walk over them with "yes dear" being the first thing out of their mouths......That said we settled down to forge a solid relationship with our love being real and genuine.
This last trip i realized that our relationship has really grown over the years, it is really between both of us and not the 3 of us. Things i want him to know and assumed he had been told, i found out that i will have to tell him as our relationship is just that, OUR relationship.
When I had my last health challenge, she knew just as I did that he couldn`t deal with it so she was the one that came. She being a nurse (now an entrepreneur with her June Plum collection of kids clothes) keeps abreast with all what's happening and tells him what he wants to know which is nothing, he just wants to see me jumping up and down hale and hearty....and admonishes me that "nuh bodder wid it u know,nuh bodder wid it at all " ... that's Jamaicanese for I musn`t bother to get sick and die.......
I find most of us mothers have a little jealousy, so letting go is a little difficult....But the secret is that their relationship is not our business ..........we have our own lives, we need to live it and not live through our children....... we should not offer relationship advice unless we are asked and even then we need to be careful........
I keep far from their relationship. It has nothing to do with me and i don`t take sides. I listen when she needs an ear as that's what she really wants, someone to vent to ,not someone to take sides..................She is his partner not mine. That's who he chose and i thank him for making a choice that i find so easy to live with.
Whatever the future holds, she will always be my child as guess what? She is the mother of my heart. NAIYAH!
And what a job she is doing there...........THANK U KATE!

Photo taken by Linda Ferrer, Naiyah`s other grandmother.......she is Mima, i`m Nehneh, both of us named by Naiyah......see i didn`t only get a daughter, i got a whole family too.......................

Sunday, January 13, 2008


I just read an e-mail written by an 83 year old lady where she says that the words "SOMEDAY" and "ONE OF THESE DAYS" are losing their grip in her vocabulary. How cute never thought of that, the longer we live we should say that less, well i`m thinking why say it at all....Shouldn`t we be living in the now?
Why do we want to put off?
Put off until when?
U have something to do,do it. U have something to say ,say it!
All we do is sit and procrastinate.......When i get the money, when i get someone to share it with, when i SEE them i`ll TELL them, TOMORROW I`ll call.......WHAT HAPPENS IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES?
Yesterday`s blog would have been too long if i said all that was on my mind so i need to talk about the men today.
Not that we women are not guilty of walking around with the chin hairs showing, eyebrows needing to be done and don`t get me started on the fingernail paint half stripped off on fingers and toes.......But men why are u killing us with these long nose hairs? Hairs growing like a forest out of your ears? Don`t u know there are tools made to remove unwanted hairs from EVERYWHERE ?
Or don`t u know they are unwanted and get worse as u age..........
Then ladies why do we have these men with their nails unkempt, cuticles and hangnails almost longer than their nails.Couldn`t we put a little lotion on their hands? We go to bed with them and their long jaggedy toenails and then we dress to the nines to go out,and have them looking like poor relations beside us.......Aren`t we our brother's keeper? Do we not know that no matter how good we look if the man with us is unkempt it devalues us.
Thank GOD for those men who fill the salons without being told, they just love to look good. I`m not saying u have to go to the spa or the salon but u could cut your nails...... U will not be considered gay if u wear a pink shirt and u do not have to have the cologne hit us before we see u.
Then as men age why is black the colour of the hair dye? Their beards and moustaches get the dye job too don`t think they are left out.........
I guess the same things that hold for women holds for men.....Black is not a natural colour for hair - it adds age instead of subtracting it.
And i have to comment on the grey hair men who suddenly have found themselves and decided to lock..........Since u r not a rastafarian.Groom it nuh?
The young ones with their pants under their bottoms i have news for u........ that style is passe....
Look around u......
The look is clean and uncluttered, crisp white t-shirts and a pair of jeans with a belt that costs some money....... cheap means it strips after two days......... and a pair of white airforce sneakers......look at Jay-z to see how its done, whether dressed in his suits or dressed-down to catch the basketball game.......he is always clean.......
We don`t have to have jay-z`s money to do it properly.
We just need to take the time and make a little effort.
As Johnnie Coleman says:IT WORKS IF YOU WORK IT

Saturday, January 12, 2008


I don`t know how many of u have read Nora Ephron`s "I feel bad about my neck" - its the funniest book about aging i`ve ever read........Brought me to MY aging and my decision to go grey. My husband thought it was a great idea , now it`s happening he`s not so sure. My staff thinks i`ve gone totally mad but my young male admirers are all for it as they say they think grey hair is sexy , we will see.....Aging is another road that u have a choice, u can either hug it up or fight it...and when u fighting it u can either do it with class or overdo it..........
I look around me and know that the matron act is not for me and wonder if i had exercised what a fabulous specimen i would now be. But since i didn`t, i have to live with Spanx and proper posture, i also have to buy every ingredient for my face that says "firm" in the title as the nipping and tucking not for me......The face u have in your 20`s is the one u were born with - the one u have in your 50`s is the one u earned.......Who said that? Great quote from whomever........A friend tells me my jaws are drooping because i have no colon.....i want to believe him because it's since last year that my jaws are on the floor but i wonder? I think its lack of elasticity in my face , whatever the cause, age is here in a big way!
A lot of us maintain what we have but a lot of us can do better. There is no reason that somebody who graduated from St. Hugh`s High School in 1980 and I should be looking like playmates. I left school in 1969.
There is no reason for these frumpy clothes and frumpy hairstyles either. A lot of people who claimed they have found the Lord (didn`t know he was lost) have this look. Why? GOD doesn`t like ugly!
Even granny panties have been overhauled to look sexy, just watched an ad on them done by Victoria's Secret.....the days of those huge bingo baggies are gone - although they do have their value on certain occasions for instance if you ever need to fight a fire Granny Panties Save The Day .
We need to have a look, we don`t need to look like 23 at 55 but we don`t need to look like 70 at 55 either.....Remember everything ages, not only our muscles and skin, but our hair and teeth age too, we need to look after everything. Some of us think we should just exercise, and everything else will take care of itself, no new teeth..... same old eyeglass frames.......hair in the same style from 1970..........same little baby gold watch (they haven`t come back in style yet.
We need to spruce up and tune up everything.
U know i was listening to a man on public radio in New Jersey talking about the fact that we can all live way past a hundred if we just maintained. He said we are just like cars if we tune up and overhaul the product every now and then, we can have a good healthy long life......Therefore 121 wouldn`t be a rarity.It would be the norm,as some of us would reach 200 with ease. We do it with our houses and our cars, we need to just apply that thinking to our bodies. I guess i need to go find all my parts that the doctors have taken out over the years.......
Along with the body maintenance we need to work on our spirituality..........By the time we reach 50 we shouldn`t be so angry. We should have realized by this that we need to let go and let GOD.
Anything that is making us unhappy and angry needs to go!
You know John Lennon said "life is what happens to u while you are busy making plans" by the time we are in our fifties we should have realized that.........planning days are over its time to live the life u have always dreamed of.............remember LIFE IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL.This is it!
The SPOUSE, THE CHILDREN,they are all perfectly capable of fending for themselves no matter how we have spoilt them.Then there is the job ...Is it fulfilling?
Life doesn`t have to be perfect,but its time u feel happy and fulfilled .Its time to take a hard look at YOU.....ASSESS THE SITUATION ,AND THEN MAKE CHANGES............
It might be as simple as throwing out the granny panties !

Friday, January 11, 2008


My before-cancer diet consisted of juicy medium-rare steaks, jerk pork sausage, stewpeas with PIGS TAIL, crab by the dozens, pomegranates, ALL KINDS OF CHEESES and on and on......The blood type people say i musn`t eat soft cheese, the live food people say no cheese, can`t seem to find a healthy diet advocating eat all the cheese u want......Which is what i really want to hear. I can keep on wishing AS eating when u have cancer is interesting to say the least and u need to go back to school to work out what's best for u.
U see pomegranates in there and say but thats good for her, lots of good things to fight cancer, well,if you are B blood type pomegranates are poison to your system along with coconut (so there goes coconut water) avocado and tomato.
I agree with moderation being the key to everyone's diet but some of us don`t know the meaning of the word...for instance i used to eat red and yellow coat plums all day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, isn`t something a little wrong with that? Were guineps made to be had all day, everyday while in season? I didn`t get the memo so that was standard fare for me........Is it as bad as eating junk food 3 times a day? Maybe, as it must have kept my body acidic.
Some of us are serious about our health, the Live Food people will tell u fruit juice in the morning, nut milk at noon and veggie juice at night and your greens etc. in between. I try, but the real world is geared for bacon and eggs in the morning, chicken salad with dressing for lunch and fish or chicken, lamb or pork chops with potato , rice or a tossed salad for dinner, don`t forget the dressing, the potato would have butter or sour cream depending on how its done - something i can`t eat. The chicken or fish may be cooked with an oil i can`t have or done in a sauce, like tomatoes, can`t have that either.........does that mean i have to stay home?
Trust me if I eat wrong I feel it sooner or later. NEVER GOOD I CAN TELL U!
Then every day the news comes out coffee is good for u then next month coffee is bad for u. Fish is good for u then we hear certain types of fish have too much mercury, they are not to be eaten. Then i eat papaya in the morning as they say that's good for me right? .... Well i`m so glad to hear that, i sometimes eat 2, then i hear NO, u cannot do that, too much sugar you are to squeeze lime on it to make it alkaline....... and eat a half of a papaya, NOT 2!!!PURE CONFUSION!
We know sugar is bad for u as cancer follows sugar, so we use the substitutes and learn THEY cause cancer, solution - wean yourself off sweet. Anything bleached out white cannot be good for u...... but don`t bother with the brown one either and if u must, try moderation, one teaspoon, not 3 tablespoons of sugar.

From "THE RAW SECRETS" by Frederic Patenaude

The morning meal is the easiest to switch to raw. Most people find that once they start listening to their bodies ,they are actually not truly hungry in the morning .
I`ve watched how many children generally don`t eat in the mornings if they are left to themselves and not being force-fed.
My suggestion is that u can skip the morning meal altogether or replace it with a smoothie or some fruit.I know that this goes against all the advice you`ve heard about " never skipping meals" or that breakfast is the most important meal of the day" what i`m telling u is that this advice isn`t based on any solid facts.
The breakfast is when u break the fast of the night and this doesn`t have to be till noon. In fact the French word for breakfast means lunch because for thousands of years the French didn`t eat in the morning. When they started doing so, they had to come up with a new word for that meal so they called it "small breakfast"(petit dejeuner)
Skipping the morning meal or eating some fruit will help u get in touch with your true sense of hunger, which will make it easier to eat raw. Plus,it will be good for a while to help u detox and lose some weight ( if that's an issue for u)
As you start excercising more, you will eventually get hungry in the morning, believe me!

Interesting, eat your fruit in the morning, and remember when eating melon, eat ONLY melon....its a fruit that shouldn`t be mixed!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


U know i`m living with cancer and trying to do the best i can to stay alive.....I had a friend's father who chose guinea grass over glyco nutrients, i`m not that way inclined, I chose glyco, he is dead, wrong choice. Did i make the right choice? Well we`ve done a year and a half so it couldn`t have been that bad a choice. I`m the type of person that if i research and find out that cow`s milk is for calves not humans, i`m cutting out cow`s milk especially since that is easy as i have never liked cow's milk.
Things like cheese is harder to do as i love cheese but it boils down to living or dying ....... quality of life over quantity.
Couldn`t manage it though, don`t know if it was mind over matter or spirit talking, which I believe it was , but it nearly killed me after 2 rounds.
So many things are involved in this fight for life but i really believe it starts with our genes.......I'm sure soon they will know what diseases u will be predisposed to, like my granddaughter will know how to prevent instead of being like me and repent...everything i have ever eaten and loved is bad for me.
This just adds to the frustration of somebody fighting for life. Its not easy!
U want to do the right thing, as trust me when u do the tests u do not want negative results, especially me who has chosen something other than chemo, I have to make sure i follow my alternate method to the T.
I can`t afford to fail.
My oncologist says i`m doing so well, 6 mths testing is fine, i say no 3 months is what i want. If i cough i wonder, is there a spot on my lung? If my stool is a little funny looking , heaven forbid, as i have no more colon to lose.............
Then i will eat steak and u will eat steak nothing happens to u but i have cancer, what causes that? I tell u it must be the genes, and when u r prone to it u don`t tempt fate.
Does our environment contribute too? I`m sure it does. Do we know what "free radicals" are ? All these fancy terms.....do we know what antitoxidants do?
We had better make these words our friends and eat according to how we feel. We feel better when we eat right, we know what's right for us.......when something is wrong, we might not want to admit it, but we know.
Don`t feel the lump and pretend it's not there.

Our body always talks to us.......listen!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight without vision" - HELEN KELLER. What a powerful quote...focus on this today, this week, this month, this year and try and have some vision for your life this year.
Recently some one sent me an" inspirational" letter to read, it came from one of these "inspirational" websites......When i was finished reading it I felt depressed and I read it again wondering why? After a few days it came to me it made death so final.....Two men talking about why they have cancer, how their death is going to affect their loved ones and how u must put on a brave face when u r dying as people r watching u..........It made CANCER A DEATH SENTENCE.........
I don`t know ,but I don`t think I should be brave when i`m dying because my children r watching ,i`m not being lead to the gallows.I think we die badly or well depending on our level of consciousness directly attributed to the life we have lived and our beliefs........I believe that Cancer is NOT a death sentence and that DEATH is not final.
U know the first time I got cancer of the colon, my insurance company cancelled my insurance. Remember i was only 24 at the time (they now even have cancer policies, my how times have changed) well i went in to present my case as to why they shouldn`t do that......They said since i was now a cancer patient they would be setting themselves up for huge payments down the line.I remember looking at the woman and saying "do u know u can die before me? do u know u can walk out of here and be hit by a bus?" She wouldn`t hear of it so i had to live without insurance till years later Mark Neita (I have to mention his name) took me through a whole heap of tests and signed me up again......... Well the story ends like this Pat Wright is still alive in 00love and ms. lady died about 8 years ago. Saw it in the death column ... I don`t know what killed her.....she is someone I think had sight but no vision!
Most people turn to the Lord when they get their death sentence..my view is turn to the Lord when u r hale and hearty so when u get the death sentence all u have to say is "give me the strength to deal with whatever ur plan is for me" cause trust me its his plan not yours.

From "THE RAW SECRETS" by Frederic Patenaude
Get rid of Cheese and Diary
"Improving your diet isn`t about the things you ADD IN .Its mostly about the things we LEAVE OUT."
I know this reality is hard to take but even if you eat all these fruit and vegetables, drink all those fresh juices and make those huge smoothies, you won`t feel great until you remove those offensive foods from your diet that are hurting you."
There`s one thing you need to say goodbye to forever ...ITS MILK AND CHEESE..... in a previous article I talked about the top 5 worst foods and cheese was one of them."
People have this thing for cheese they still eat it occasionally and are addicted to it. Actually cheese contains some compounds that make it addictive for real, not just in your imagination.

Addictive it must be for real......I can`t stop the craving for cheese..I miss it...when i went away for christmas, I guess I thought since I was away from all these raw food people here in ocho rios i could eat some cheese... Well did i get away with the guryere and the comte. Had a ball. Came back with more mucus that the lord allows . I thought i was having a bad cold,took a week to feel good again......It still tempts me and i sneak a piece every now and again......milk i can do without, NEVER LIKED IT, and almond milk is far more delicious, but cheese.....FATHER MAKE ME STRONG!

Monday, January 7, 2008


A friend of mine said when she read my blog yesterday about Joel she wondered why we had allowed all the unnecessary noises of the world to come in and complicate our lives. She says we used to follow simple rules like "do unto others" when we were children and we could understand the parables of Jesus. Why? Because they were simple .........so she says NUFF PROPS TO JOEL FOR KEEPING IT SIMPLE.......
Then how many of u have watched HOOK? The movie about Peter Pan turning an adult, forgetting he is Peter Pan so he lost his magic and ability to fly .
Why? Because he had forgotten how to think a happy thought........
How many of us tune into negative thoughts and forget our happiness and how to access miracles.....We think YES,OBAMA COULD MAKE IT ALL THE WAY .......then all the negatives creep in, "they r going to kill him", "they r going to sabotage him in Washington", AND ON AND ON............
I am just as guilty as u in this so I am talking to myself....... U CAN LOOK BACK IN MY BLOGS AND SEE......Why can`t we believe that MIRACLES DO HAPPEN...........In HOOK the "lost boys" kept saying to PETER PAN over and over, just "think a happy thought" it's as simple as that...... All of us need to think positively, "JUST THINK A HAPPY THOUGHT".
Peter Pan regained his powers.
Can`t we KNOW that for once we could have some one who believes in GOODNESS in the White House?
If u can, watch HOOK.......look at it in a new light ......... lots of lessons to be learnt.
A FRIEND OF MINE ASKED HOW COME SHE COULDN`T FIND ANYTHING ON CNN ABOUT "THE MAN AND HIS CANCER MACHINE", THAT I BLOGGED ABOUT DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY. I think she was trying to say nicely that i made it up, anyway I told her I saw it on Dr. Sanjay Gupta`s show on Sat. morning. Both of us are amazed that a story like this is so hard to find no matter how u google it, but still Britney Spears is on every newscast local or otherwise...SIGN OF THE TIMES!!!!!!!!
So I have added a link to the story in the blog for u so that u can read something other than Dr. Phil going to visit Britney Spears in hospital.

STEP #3 from THE RAW SECRETS by Frederic Patenaude
It's been found that most people know about 7-10 good recipes very well and just rotate them throughout the months.........adding in other stuff occasionally for variety.
Look at when u buy a recipe book . U might try many recipes but eventually you`ll only retain a few that u will continue making for years to come........
So find 7 simple raw food recipes that u really like,that are easy to make and that are properly combined " INSTANT RAW SENSATIONS" is just about that..........
I have 7 ...... 5 that i LOVE and 2 to make up number........those that I love I eat every day ,they r that good!
Dressings r everything in raw food, i find that's why being vegetarian didn`t do it for me whereas raw food does.
U have tons of juices and smoothies to pick from, which I have found to be just as filling. Try fresh sorrell with cane juice instead of white or brown sugar .........GREAT!

Sunday, January 6, 2008


This morning Joel Osteen was on form, message on track. I notice he never gets off message, always focused and what he is criticized about is what i love about him...not too much Jesus and religion....He just deals with GOD, The supreme being and U.....today its .............u have a CHOICE whether to have a good day or not....allow no one to take your joy away.......... He is always on that topic, I have blogged on that already.
While he was talking my mind went back to yesterday driving with my 18 year old son ........everybody who bad drives him on the road he has a reaction, always saying "u see that mommy?" so finally yesterday mommy said , "yes Peter i saw that and why do u let everybody on the road disturb u? Do u notice when i`m driving nobody bothers me have u ever heard me behave like u?" he said "that's true mommy" and my mind went back to driving with friends who r always cursing choice words and upsetting themselves in their cars......I use my car time, as i literally live in mine,very carefully.Its time to meditate or if i have company time to catch up.Its not time to curse the outside world....I am very careful around white cars as they normally come with their licences bought and paid for in the glove compartment......so that means it could be someone illiterate at the wheel.....I am not taking them on, i stay out of their way......then there are the trucks that the fenders and bumpers are so big they can`t see anyone not their size, I stay far from them too.
Hopefully by the time my son is 20 he would have gotten the lesson, took me much longer, as I had no one to give me the message.
So the message is give no one the power to upset u. Make a conscious choice every day whether to let your spouse ,your children, your boss, people bad driving on the road, upset u..........LET NO ONE TAKE AWAY YOUR J0Y
Thank u Joel!
U know I don`t believe in these so called televangelists, i see where Creflo Dollar is in trouble......and i hope this one doesn`t let me down as his message is so simple and motivational.........

STEP #2 from THE RAW SECRETS by Fredric Patenaude
one of the easiest ways to transition to a raw-food diet is to start eating fruit before every meal,breakfast,lunch and dinner".
The idea is to eat fruit when u r most hungry, which is at the beginning of the meal.
If the Standard American Diet didn`t work for u ,u need to go back to your natural instincts and satisfy your natural sweet tooth by eating as much fruit as u want before every single meal.......

I notice everyone tend to eat their fruit after meals as dessert.Please remember fruit digests much faster than your proteins and carbs etc. so it has to wait on those big boys to digest.......they will ferment!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


In Jamaica we say 2000LOVE, reason is that eight sounds too close to hate..I hope we really hug that up this year and it won`t be a statement just at the begining of the year.
Lots of good things have started the year. The newspapers r full of how to eat right. Everybody jumping on the bandwagon....Then this morning i woke up to hear on CNN that a simple little man who has leukemia built a cancer machine out of his wife`s pots and pans, which according to all reports, seems to work Fighting Cancer With Radio Waves . All his doctors have jumped on the bandwagon .........so now there is a proper cancer machine being built and they r hopeful OF ITS SUCCESS as it will be far less invasive than chemotherapy. Now isn`t that a great way to start the day.........
U notice that my worrying didn`t help or hinder OBAMA.......must say no matter how it ends up in november, for a black man to win a primary in a state that is 95% white says ........we need to keep him alive...........

For the next 5 blogs i`m going to give u one of 5 ESSENTIAL STEPS TO A NATURAL DIET in each blog.....
FROM Frederic Patenaude.......He wrote the best selling e-book "THE RAW SECRETS"
"Its not possible to be healthy without being fit".
Your physical condition has a major impact on your digestion, assimilation,and overall nutrition e.g. your ability to uptake sugar called "insulin sensitivity "is greatly influenced by your level of fitness. If u r sedentary,insulin sensitivity is greatly reduced. Therefore sugar is not carried as rapidly as it should to the cells. This can lead to or worsen blood sugar problems of all kinds.
Hunger is very important to health.One problem being that most of us do not eat when we r truly hungry, we mistake "appetite" for hunger. Once we learn how to make the distinction, we soon realize that we r rarely if ever truly hungry!
By excercising on a daily basis and eventually engaging in cardio-repiratory activities(jogging,cardiomachines,cycling etc.)every day, we will awaken that forgotten sense of hunger.
So excercise is very important,and the lack of a fitness program may be one of the reasons why we have difficulty eating a healthy diet.

Amen.........this is definitely for me as although i`m not sedentary ,I HATE EXCERCISE..........I have found Pilates since my last challenge and I know better but give me the smallest excuse and i use it............. My title at work is SPA AND FITNESS DIRECTOR........3 FABULOUS gyms ......can u imagine if I used them instead of looked at them?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Coming back home, I decide to read my January ESSENCE magazine on the plane, turns out its my favourite copy . The one that has all the women 40 and up looking like a million $$$$ 2008 Ageless Beauties , well this one doesn`t have any hot 80 and 90 year olds but among the hot chicks in their 50`s 60`s and 70`s there is a ms. lady in her 30`s (don`t know how she got there ) talking about herself and her mother drinking veggie juice, when their skin isn`t looking its best........ and looking after numero uno .....u.
All of them talk about eating properly and excercising and LOVING LIFE.....one lady says she "celebrates life".
Another says she tends to not buy frozen ,boxed or prepared foods "i spend a lot on my groceries ,its my health you know" give this 63 year old in her short skirt her props.......Then there is the seventy two year old telling us " i get up every day and pursue my happiness"..........A double page spread of 4 grey hair ladies in their 50`s made me decide that 2008....I`M GOING GREY!
I will let u know by a picture if i look like these ladies who have decided to " not be a slave to the colour bottle" as my friends mother who is 90 says "everyone looks younger without grey hair" I tend to agree with her but we will see.............
Now that i need it to grow out i bet u this color is the one that doesn`t move.
An important thing the mother and daughter talked about is the fact that her mother wasn`t her friend growing up,she was her mother, and that is what enabled them to be friends now........too many of us want to be friends with our children instead of being parents...........this mother also doesn`t eat scavengers........my life long friends till last year when i started eating according to my blood type and heard that we (THE SCAVENGERS AND MYSELF) didn`t agree......me who a dozen crabs was the order of the day every day during crab season.............
I think its because they r scavengers why they r so sweet.........
Anyway most if not all mentioned God in their lives. One even said anything she can`t control she gives it to God just like she saw her mother do.........
The saying goes IF U CAN CHANGE A THING U DON`T NEED TO WORRY, AND IF U CANNOT CHANGE IT U WORSE DON`T NEED TO WORRY...............Don`t know who said it but makes sense to me...........
-So why am I worrying about Obama tomorrow and I can`t change a thing............

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Haven`t we had enough sugar and ham to last a lifetime?.....my father said very clearly if he had to stop drinking or smoking to live he would rather die...SO HE DID.......68 years old......that is a young man in todays world.
But is the reason WHY because when we give up what we call our pleasures,life is not worth living....
My good friend (who shall remain nameless) did one month with a holistic practitioner for her diabetes and by the 30th of the month although experiencing changes in her personality and general health,she couldn`t wait to go back to her wrong eating.......and she clearly told me that food is her enjoyment and if she had to eat like how she was eating she would rather die.....now she didn`t have to eat that strictly for life,she just needed to get her diabetes under control and eat less of what doesn`t agree with her.........she wasn`t taking that on.........why?
Hepatitis,Diabetes,Lupus, are 3 of the ones that we KNOW our food intake affects,why r we on blood pressure pills when we can come off salt immediately........
Cancer responds to Glyconutrients as many of us has found out,we say its too expensive,yet we do more expensive treatments, or we buy it but don`t have the discipline to take it........... It causes bloating while your immune system is compromised.......I looked like a tub,but i asked why? heard the reason and ploughed on.
Knowing there was a light at the end of the tunnel helped.
I heard it will take minimum 2 years for the chemo toxins to come out of my system so why am i going to give up 6 mths down the line....it amazes me that we r prepared to take blood pressure tablets for the rest of our lives and inject ourselves with insulin but not prepared to give food a chance.........
Is it because we lack discipline? is it will power? or is it convenience?
Is it easier to go to the jerk pork stand or get some fry chicken, instead of going home and making some green juice or some nut milk ........
It must be the things in the food that makes us addicts ......I have been trying to get off cheese,not easy,well today i read it has things in it that are addictive,makes perfect sense to me........Solution.......if i don`t buy it i can`t eat it right........don`t set yourself up for failure.......
This morning an article in the New York Times said we need to eat less.....I could have told them that,this 3 meals a day thing is highly over rated.
Look around u at all the people my age, barely waddling around.........can`t walk......look in their faces,bloat!
Look on their skin,look in their eyes.........U want to look like that so u can eat fry chicken and potato chips?
Since i`ve moved to ocho rios i`ve scarcely entered the supermarket and its usually only for seasonings and cranberries.The market is a much better place to be.
Being around raw food people i have noticed they have no body fat,no body odours,little mucus,.little wax,great skin,no acne,their urine is clear,u don`t have to run if they use the bathroom,plus they have tons of energy.........they don`t have truck tyres around their waists,not even bicycle tyres.
There must be something good in this way of life? maybe i`ll never fully get there but i`m certainly going to try.