You know since I`ve been doing all this research into cancer it gets more and more fascinating. As my friend who led me to glyco nutrients said, "cancer is not a myth anymore" so everything we learn helps...Here I am finding out why some people live with 'pancreatic cancer'......they have islet-cell, not pancreatic cancer, so Steve Jobs and Patrick Swayze have 2 different things. Swayze and Randy Pausch has/had adenocarcinoma.......entirely different beast. Matthew Dallek certainly did his research - according to him, "Islet-cell tumors can certainly kill people, but they're drastically different from adenocarcinoma, what we normally think of as pancreatic cancer, which is much more aggressive and common "- check out his article Steve Jobs and Me. It makes an interesting read.
Survivor personalities some of us have it, some don`t......This I`ve come to believe as I`m now bucking up on people that I thought would walk through cancer but they are allowing cancer to come into their house, into their lives, and take hold of their brain while it's visiting other parts of their body.
ABC 20/20 just did a 3 part programme on what is called
The Survivors Club . When you see how people react to certain situations it will amaze you and you will realize why some people survive and some don`t. I came to realize that I HAVE A SURVIVOR PERSONALITY.
I`m not sitting at the back of any plane, I always have no problem with sitting by the exit door whereas people ask not to sit there.....and I`m not hearing a gun shot and going towards the sound I`m gone in the other direction...I`m not driving behind a truck with gravel or steel as I have to have enough space till I can overtake then I go quickly. I tell friends when we are driving past coastal areas that there are certain areas I`m not living in because of tsunamis. They all laugh at me and say what tsunami? That's what the people in Thailand said too....The key is staying calm.....Have a plan, and act immediately don`t wait. That's why cancer and I will continue to have a lick-down, drag-out fight!
I see people get their diagnosis and relax as if this thing is going somewhere's not going anywhere PEOPLE, by the time it starts to show symptoms it has already taken hold . YOU HAVE TO ACT QUICKLY, THE FIGHT STARTS NOW.
1 comment:
Pancreatic cancer life expectancy can be improved. A drug called EndoTAG-1, is now being used to extended patients’ survival time, and it shows result in comparison with standard therapy. Read here to know more about the new drug
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